Architecture :: Database Backed Entity Classes And Matching The Underlying Types For The ID Field
Jul 16, 2010Database backed entity classes and matching the underlying types for the ID field. removed.
View 1 RepliesDatabase backed entity classes and matching the underlying types for the ID field. removed.
View 1 RepliesI am using the ADO.NET Entity Framework for loading data from the database. The classes are directly mapped to database tables in the database. The problem is that these classes are not optimal for binding to the UI elements. As a result of this I have some custom entities which are populated at the service layer and returned. It is these custom entities (classes) to which I bind the UI elements. My questions on this are1. Is populating these entities at the service layer the most appropriate way to do this. I personally do not think so because if we introduce some additional UI elements which need different entities then I have to modify the service layer again.2. What is the best approach/pattern to get this done.
View 2 Replies I have an application that allows admins to add types such as document types and training types that are in seperate tables with a foreign key in a transaction table.
When structuring my class I decided to go with an abstract-like pattern (without the factory methods though). So I have a Type abstract class that defines my Save, Delete, and GetList methods. I have a training type class that inherits this class. The thing is all types have 3 main properties - defined in the abstract base - but have different source tables and thus different store procedures in my DbCommand object. So basically I repeat setting up the same parameters on all the derived classes. I would like to implement the common stuff in the base but I am getting thrown off by the difference in data sources.
I was recently asked to speed up a C#/ASP.NET/SQL Server business app website. Since I just started, I don't know too much about the internals. So where do I start? Sight unseen, what is the single most important thing affecting performance on a system like this? Database tuning? Hardware? Individual page optimization? What is the first thing you'd look at? EDIT: After I actually do the work, I'll come back and post the answer. ;)
EDIT again: "Profile" is currently the most-voted answer, and I agree that that is clearly what one should do. But I was looking for guesses/experience as to what the profiling results would show, so I don't think that answer counts...
So, have a search form where users can enter one or more keywords, these keywords are then held in a List<string> called keywords. Now using Entity Framework have an Organisation entity with a Name field. What I want to do is select those organisations whose name contains all the keywords. I don't care if they are in the right order or not but it just contain all the keywords. Also organsiations is a big table in the database so I don't want to materialise all the organsiation objects on the server and then loop through them. So what I'm looking for (excuse my LINQ naivety here) is equivalent to the non-existent LINQ statement:
I'm sure this must have already been answered but just can't find it.
recently i've studied on ADO.NET's Entity Model Framework and say 'wow' as ORM is one of the fevourite pattern i practice..but suddenly i've come to an ambiguous situation when i'm going to start. i usually follow the following 3-tier architecture..
1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
b. Gateway (contains the sql query/stored procedure and connection with DB)
now when i'm going to use the Entity Model Design,where the DBML/ .edmx File should be placed? Because many a times i'm using the DBML file as DTO because of the mapped objects.. in the same time, sometimes DBML ( .edmx file in .NET 4.0) contains CRUD methods and stored procedured method as well as methods with different selection operations,- which should be in Gateway. so where the .edmx file should be placed !?!! IN DTO namespace !? or in Gateway namespace!
moreover sometimes there is no need for the BLL which breaks the rules of inter-layer-communication (UI > BLL > DAL.Gateway)! what makes me confuse is, what should be the ideal n-tier architecture when i'll use the ADO.NET Entity Model Design Framework
I have a table for which I'd like to filter rows based on whether or not they contain a hidden field matching a value.
I understand that the technique tends to be "show all rows", "filter the set", "show/hide that filtered set"
I have the following jquery but I'm aweful with filter and my filtered set seems to always contain no elements.
my table is the usual
<tr><td>header></td><td> </tr>
<td>a visible cell</td><td><input type='hidden' id='' value='what-im-filtering-on' />
My goal is to be able to match on tr who's descendent contains a hidden input containing either true or false.
this is how I've tried the selector (variations of this) and I'm not even testing for the value yet.
function OnFilterChanged(e){
var checkedVal = $("#filters input[type='radio']:checked").val();
var allRows = $("#match-grid-container .tabular-data tr");
When I try to insert a record, I get this error : The underlying provider failed on Open.
This error occurs only with IIS and not with VWD 2008's webserver. In the EventViewer I get this Application Error : Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed. [CLIENT: ]
<add name="ASPNETDBEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.FriendList.csdl|res://*/Models.FriendList.ssdl|res://*/Models.FriendList.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection
string="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
I am using aspnetdb.mdf file, and not any external database.I have searched enough for this, but no use.
It looks like i am e real newbie ;) with entity framework.I have a question, looked a lot on the internet but just woren't the thing's i was lookiing for.Imagine, I have treeh tables, one with persons information (name, adres and so on) , the second is a table with information from which club a person is a member (person id, clubid) and the third is a table with information with the skils of the person (hard worker, good defender).Is it possible to create some kind of class with all the properties of that person and than achieve with one write to the database to fill al three tables with the right data?
How many tier architecture are there for ASP.NET?I know only one that is three tier architecture.Can anyone tell briefly about 4 tier architecture and other tier architecture?
View 6 RepliesUsing ASP .Net 4.0,Entity Framework and EntityDataSource.
I have some currency fields that are defined as Decimal. I would like to allow the user to enter a (leading) dollar sign in these (TextBox form fields). Although, when the EntityDataSource goes to save the changes to the datbase, it throws:
Error while setting property 'QuotedMaterial': 'Cannot convert the value of parameter 'QuotedMaterial' to the type 'System.Decimal'.'.
Does anyone know how I can "tell" the EF to allow dollar signs and convert (drop) them accordingly? I am trying to avoid creating my own Data or Business Logic layer for this particular application. I would like to stick with the EntityDataSource and other
"built in" controls to minimize the C# code behind as much as possible.
I guess my only alternative is to deny $ (Dollar Signs) (and commas too for that mater, it doesn't like them either). The problem is I am porting a legacy application and I would like to keep it as close to the original as possible (and they are currently
allowed to enter dollar signs in this application). You see, they use copy/paste for data entry quote often on this particular form and it just so happens that the source data (they are copy/pasting from) always has a $ in it...
I'm implementing n-tier structure in the current app I'm working on. Because DataBinding a list of my Objects to a Repeater was far too slow I need to databind a DataTable to the Repeater. Should I still DataBind to a Function (that returns a DataTable) in the BLL that calls a Function in the DAL that returns a DataTable?
View 2 Replies1. Desktop based application - Developed in VB2. Web based application - Developed in Asp.Net 2.0 and C#The above two uses same database in SQLI do have proper class library/business logic in desktop based application in VB. Now I need to use the same library in web based application so that I can change at one place and both the versions will work fine with replacement of one dll.hat is the best to make classes in VB, VB.NET OR C# so that I can use at both end easily.1. If I write Activex dll in vb, the internet articles tells about low performance because of Interop services.
View 2 RepliesI want to know Can an assembly contains more then one classes?
View 1 RepliesI am starting to build a website project for personal use to learn ASP.NET more in depth. I am wanting to use MySQL as a database since I have a friend thats a MySQL admin guy at his job. But I only have Web Developer Express 2010 and cant get the MySQL plugin to use the Entity Framework with MySQL. So I was wanting to create my own classes for each table in my database with properties related to each column so that I can use something like the following:
I just dont know how to go about doing this or what to search for in Google to find info on this or if this is even possible.
I have a third party dll and i need to add some more functionalities (methods, constants etc..) so create a wrapper class. I have no idea about wrapper classes. what is the purpose of this and how to create in .NET for this 3rd party dll.
View 6 Replies I am setting up my new project..We are using entity frame work 4.0..
Is there any way to generate all classes and interfaces as we create manually for 3-tier architecture...
Or do i need to generate manually...
Public Interface ITest
int testproperty {get;set:}
Public class Test: ITest
public int testproperty {get;set:}
If I'm returning an object, then it's pretty straight-forward. However, if I'm just trying to return whether or not the method was successful or not, what's the best option? Sure ... bool seems obvious - but what if you need to debug or get some additional details out of the method than just "yes/no"? Well that's where a string becomes more obvious, right? You can leave it empty to say that the method was successful or chock it full of details in the case of an error. But this can make it less intuitive to others who may have to run your functions and it also jumbles up everything you wanted to pass back into one large string.
View 3 RepliesI got loads of website, that share one of two baseclasses. I need the two baseclasses to be able to share part of the same code. I dont want to have to duplicate the shared code per baseclass.
so.. I got a page.aspx that inherits the baseclass and that inhertis 'sub' baseclass that inherits the class. So far so good :-)
In my baseclass I got a Public (at the top of the class not in any method- not sure of the proper term) Varable that is constructed from a structure in the BO class.
it Public PageDetails AS CoreDomainSetupBO.GetStartUpDetails = {database method}
I need the pagedetails to be available in the sub baseclass but it cant be defined there as the page details value is defined differently in the different base classes.
I hope that makes sense, I need to sub base class to be able to use a property that is defined at baseclass level.
I am looking for general direction on the best practice here. I have a class that I want to share between two different forms in two projects that are associated. The two forms are in seperate projects but both projects load together as I have added the second project to the first. I also have a class that I want to share between these two projects which will cause me to add another project to this solution with will mean I will have three projects in my solution. My question is how do I best share this class?
I believe the only way to do this is to add the class in the reference in both of the form projects?... Is this correct ? I'd really like to just reference the class and inherit it in the source code without adding it as a reference but I am feeling that I can't do that. I am obviously pressed for time and working on other projects and a I am a experienced coder with only about 1 year of C# experience...
I am searching for what are the standard best practice (for OOP) used to design classes for develop application? I am aware of most of the OOP concepts but confused with how to map object/classes.
Let's take example of Adventure works - 2005 database provided by Microsoft; it has five schemas Sales, Purchase, Person, Production, HR and DBO.
Should we consider Schemas as Namespace in Classes?
Now, Person schema has 5 tables, should we design classes based on tables?
i.e. Person schema has Address, AddressType, Contact, ContactType, CountryRegion & StateProvince tables. What are the classes we can consider?
What are the basic criteria to decide objects? What to do and how to design classes for tables like Purchase order detail, Product cost history, Product inventory, Product Category etc.
I am updating a project I wrote some time ago. At the time my preference was for DataSets and DataSetTableAdapters, but I've now moved on to use Linq to SQL DataClasses. I would like to convert the project to Linq to SQL, but I am tight on time and it's a big job. My question is, is there any reasons I can't develop new modules using Linq to SQL DataClasses along side DataSets and convert the DataSets overtime?
Apart from the obvious confusion it will cause, are there any technical problems I should be aware of i.e. will there be any performance problems using the two methods?
Can we use membership class in 3 tier architecture? Actually i want to use ASP.NEt's login control and membership for authentication. Can it will be possible in 3 tier using membership.
View 5 RepliesI need to do an update a field in database every x minutes. ie: a person login and I need to update a field related to they every X minutes until the value reach a value. Like this, this person start a count event from 1 to 10, they log off the web, but this count must remain countting until reachs 10, 1 by 1 every 7 minutes. I cannot do a SQL Job. Should I User a System.Timer??? Should I record the time and value of the last update, when the person log in I cauculate and update the value??
View 4 RepliesI was wondering if you should write code so that external classes and functions of that external class can access the webform controls in the main class???
Or should you only use the external class to process some data, return that data back to the main class (that instantiated that external class object) and then have an internal function in the main class to deliver the data to the control? (back to the screen)