Architecture :: Text - Upload Images Related To Article

Dec 10, 2010

The user can write articles and upload images related to that article. Let's say that there is a form that collect the article text and, under it, there is a FileUpload control for images. Here, I have a question. What if the user has uploaded some images and then he closed the browser, before submitting, cancelling the operation? the images have been uploaded to the server wasting space!

one solution I've figured out is to store "ImageInfo"s in a list, and store the list in the Session object. And when the user submit the article, the images in the list should be marked as "related" and then inserted. and in the Session_End event I should delete every image does not have the "related" mark.

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C# Article / Review Backend - Add Images In Text

Jul 29, 2010

I'm constructing a new cms with the option to create reviews and articles (blog items). Now if the user wants to write a review he/ she will want to add a lot of images in the text. Now my question to you is , what would be the best option to include those images (with keeping in mind that a CDN can be used later). I was thinking of the following methods:

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Option 1: I have created a table in my database with stores, the comment id, the userid of the user who rated it and the value "like" or "don't like". So each time I have to query my table to find out if this user indeed vote for a given comment. The table unfortunately grows exponentially!!

Option 2: I store the commentid, userid, and "like" or "don't like" value in a cookie on the client's machine. I read the cookie and find out if the user has already voted on a comment. This is proving to be VERY quirky with cookie expiration, growing cookie size and also multiple users on the same machine.

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Nov 15, 2010

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a) create on db an empty order instance when user click on "create new order" , so that the orderitems collection could be directly associated (saved) with that instance in the db.

b) keep all data in memory and finally save order and orderitem.

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View 5 Replies - Upload Mutiple Images With One File Upload?

Dec 28, 2010

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User :

FirstName : TextBox LastName : TexBox User Commitee : [CheckBox Textbox] [CheckBox Textbox] [CheckBox Textbox]

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<asp:Label ID="bodyLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("body") %>' />

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I would like to know which is better? Storing images in BLOB or in the File System ? I've got around 400 to 5000 images.

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Upload Images Using Gif, Jpg, Png Etc?

Dec 5, 2010

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Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Feb 4, 2010

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Architecture :: File Upload To DB Server From Webserver

Dec 2, 2010

I have this scenario. I have an application running in a webserver (in DMZ). End users upload documents to the webserver. right now all the documents get stored in the webserver itself. I would like to store all the docs in the database server.

What is the best way to store the documents, move it from webserver to db server after they uplocaded or directly upload to the db server ?.

And, if I have to upload directly to the db server could someone help me how to mangae the connection to the db server and credentials..?

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How To Upload Multiple Images

Oct 4, 2010

i posted a problem few days ago

i was trying to upload images

after using the upload asp control

i save them into an array to upload them all at once this is working fine on the localhost but if the array contains more than 3 images on a different PC on the domain it gives me an exception

the exception "Cannot access a closed file"

i am saving my images in a folder in the same project and only the path in data base i do not know if that the best solution but i considered the performance that way will be better

i tried the solution mzmishra gave me

< httpRuntime maxRequestLength="10240" requestLengthDiskThreshold="4096"/ >

it did work and there is no more exceptions in different permition levels but in a permition level the images does not saved in the server so when i tried to view them there is no image to view.

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MVC :: Upload Images For Each User?

Dec 26, 2010

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Architecture :: Image Hosting Website - Save Over 1000 Images On Disk?

Jul 28, 2010

Let's say I am creating a image hosting website. My potential users will be somewhere around 1 Million, and every user potential has 10,000 images, and I need to serve over 1000 images per second.

So, I bought a diskarray, with 10T storage, SAS 15K SCSI drives.

The problem is: What is the best way to save those files on disk? How to organize the folder structure to make sure NTFS can find one file from a billion files under a huge tree folder quickly? I mean, serve 1000 images per second is non trivial issue. My current website is serving over 100 images per second, and I already see the performance problem: NTFS can't find the file fast enough! And of course, my folder structure is not good enough either.

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Architecture :: How To Upload Data To Sql Server 2005 From Client PC

Mar 22, 2010

The Dumps data are in the Excel file. Now I want o upload the data to sql server 2005(which are in web server) from client pc (from browser). What will be the best way to do so?

I can know how to upload data from excel to sql server 2005 if both are in the same computer.

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Architecture :: File/document In A Web Farm?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an application running on a web farm that allows users to upload files and download them later via link to that file. Currently, I use Windows DFS to replicate the local IIS directory where the files are stored across the web farm servers. However, as this solution does not scale out, I want to implement a more scalable solution by partitioning the documents. Specifically, say I set up multiple file storage servers (Fs1, Fs2, Fs3, etc.) on the network. Further, let's say I change my upload page to save the uploaded file to one of the file storage servers on the local LAN (based on some logic). I assume so far I am safe with ASP.NET doing this much assuming I have the correct permission for the ASP.NET process ID. The question I have is withregards to download links. When a user gets served a download link to their document (e.g. is there a way for me to "intercept" that HTTP request and underneath the coversserve the doc1.txt from the file storage server (e.g. Fs2) it resides

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