Forms Data Controls :: Show Only Part Of An Article And Then Click To Show Full Text?

Aug 25, 2010

I currently have a label in an ItemTemplate that looks like this:

<asp:Label ID="bodyLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("body") %>' />

How do I only show the first paragraph of the article and then allow the visitor to click to view more?

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Mar 16, 2010

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Shall i call a method inside the listing ?

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Where on my listview shall i call this function ? SHould i return an int ?

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Mar 30, 2010

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-1 = Bad
0 = OK
1 = Groovy
2 = Superduper

So, I would like the data taken from the table to be changed to the word and that populate the datagrid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown List Cannot Show Data When Click Edit?

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I need to show the 'Name' of the corresponding item in the middle [horizontally and vertically] of those type of images["NoDataFound.gif"].


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Forms Data Controls :: Show GridView After Text Box Parameters Entered?

Oct 6, 2010

I have done this with a DropDownList but not 2 text boxes that require date info.

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I want to have the same type of response when the user enters date data in two text boxes. It would be nice that when they exit the 2nd parameter box to show the grid.

Not sure how to do that in SelectParameters and convert the text data to a date.

I am going to use RequiredFieldValidtors but I am not sure what to do to make sure a valid date is entered.

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Feb 18, 2011

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And here's my FormView control:


The problem is, when I click on the GridView item, the formView control does not show the detail.

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How To Make The Gridview Columns NOT To Expand And If The Data Needs To Show In Full

Feb 25, 2011

So i'm currently designing a site ( ) and i've made my skeleton master page.What i've noticed is that the gridview must be cut down a little to fit my 1024x768 design.

Now i have taken a note in the past to look at this but i couldn't find the time so i guess the time is now.
What i have problem with is shrinking the columns.If i have a name, say "jack R" and i make a gridview column,say width 15 then the name is included and all is ok.However if i have another name,say "jack the 3rd" then the column will expand to fill the name.So all the grid will expand to the right.I have tried in the past some stuff but it seems that if a value is longer than the column then i expands whatever i do.Also i was surprised to see that only the dates will not expand and go "down" instead of right.At least in the gridview i have.

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Dec 9, 2010

I am developing a form where I have a gridview control which I shows data from sql database. Sql query:

I also have a label control. What I want to do is to show label control when gridview cell value is > 3.

Could you tell me if it is possible to make label control visible based on gridview value?

Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Text Programmatically In ItemTemplate Of Gridview Does Not Show

Mar 7, 2010

The problem is this: I am writing a system to show helptexts on certain labels. So in the PageLoad I recursively iterate all controls and save those with a certain tag. So far so good.

On the PreRenderComplete I iterate the controls and set their text property. The strange this is that the labels in ItemTemplate don't get the new text. The PreRenderComplete fires after the DataBound event of the gridview, the label gets found perfectly, in the end it has the new text, but in the page it's still the old text.

I hope I don't need the Row_Databinding event of the gridview, since I want to put all the functionality in an extender class with as little custom work as possible.



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Nov 24, 2010

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Aug 17, 2010

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Data Controls :: Show Only Top N Rows In DataList And All Records On More Button Click

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As we use datalist it will shown all the data which is on my data base. But I want to show only 5 row and rest of my data will be show on the button click so how can i do it...

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Data Controls :: Show Specific View In MultiView Control On Button Click

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