Architecture :: Practices For Web Development - Get Information?

Sep 30, 2010

We are in the midst of developing WEB application using .NET. so, i would like to know the Best practises for ASP.NET development, SQL server db, IIS security and network security as well. Where to get the information? I googled for it, but i cannot get the complete set and the info was updated 7 years ago. [URL]

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Jul 9, 2010

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1. How many tiers do you recommend and what goes on on each tier? Just dev, test, and production or perhaps dev, test, staging, and production?

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Development And Test Environment Practices?

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Aug 29, 2010

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I would like to know are there any good developer tools/ways to simplify work?

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Web Development - Share Information Between Web Applications On The Same IIS

Jul 20, 2010

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Which architecture would you use? ASP.NET MVC or MVVM or RIA Services?

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May 7, 2010

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Apr 20, 2010

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Architecture :: Saving Information Inside A DLL

Jul 16, 2010

With Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework v4, Visual Basic.

Suppose you want to create some DLL. It will have many classes and methods. There is some information which will be used by many methods. I would like to hand over the information to the DLL once, and the DLL should store it in some place where any method can access it.

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Sep 15, 2010

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Mar 20, 2010

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What is the best way of doing this?

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Is It Wise To Mix MVC Development And Web Form Development In The Same Group Of Products?

Oct 20, 2010

We have a largely web form team (With some Oracle developers thrown in).

Question 1:

Is it a good idea to start using MVC which will mean redevelopment of a number of standard controls for not much benefit.

Question 2:

Is it a good idea to hire developers where there most recent skills are with MVC?

I doubt there is any benefit adopting MVC now, given the 100+ applications in this suite of products, and the maintenance/rework this will cause. Given this, is there any particular reason to hire MVC developers, as they won't be hitting the ground running, which is what I need now.

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Custom Development Versus CMS Development

Jul 16, 2010

I am planning to develop a social networking website for student of a particular university with following facilities.

Forum, Blog, Creating profile, creating groups , Adding Friends, managing groups, dating, chatting etc.

Now if I start developing it from scratch, this will take a lot of time..

I couldnt find any CMS which can in developing social networking website.

Additionally, I would like the website to have my own custom design. Also it should have support for AJAX, SEO and integrating third party applications.

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Desktop Development Versus Web Development

Sep 13, 2010

How do you know what is better to use for writing new programs? We are now using Access 2007 frontend with an SQL backend and we are going to VB.Net, what would be our next logical step?

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Best Practices For Input Validation?

Jul 3, 2010

What is the common practice of input validation? In other words do you check for input validation on client-side, on server-side or on both sides?

Also, if performance is crucial to me, would just the client-side input validation be sufficient for my website without presenting any security risks?

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C# - Best Practices To Add Some Data Into Queue?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a web application where users can upload the photo. I do have a windows service running which takes the uploaded photo and crops it to different sizes. This runs in a specified interval. Photo will be visible to the user once after it's cropped. So once user uploads the photo and photo cropper has not yet run, they wont be able to see the photo. Due to this behaviour user thinks that there was some error uploading the photo and they will upload it again and again.

where the photocropper runs immediately when the user uploads the photos which is queued.

I am using & C#.

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Best Practices For Using MVC With A Dictionary-like Model?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm about to begin an ASP.NET MVC project and I'm not sure how to approach an aspect of the design. Basically, there is a user site and an admin site. In the admin sites, administartors design a form and send an e-mail link out to a handful of people. When the users click on the link, they are sent to the form.

Essentially what I'm wondering is what are the best practices when the model resembles looks more like a dictionary than a table?

In other words, instead of:

CREATE TABLE FormResponse (ResponseId, FormId, UserId, FirstName, LastName, BirthDay, Comments)

...containing 1 row per complete response

It's more like:

CREATE TABLE FormResponse (ResponseId, FormId, UserId, QuestionId, Value)

...containing 4 rows. 1 for the FirstName, 1 for the LastName, 1 for the BirthDay, and 1 for Comments.

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MVC :: Best Practices For Outputting HTML?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm very new to MVC (just started 2 days ago), and I would like to know what the best practice is for outputing HTML.

I have a model named Tools.cs which contains the code below. It uses a stored procedure to return a recordset of menu items, and another to return a second level of menus for each first level menu. In another function, I then loop through the recordset and generate the HTML code to display the menu in a string, which is then returned.

I then have a controller MenuController.cs which calls the GetMenu method and puts the returned HTML string in the ViewData["RightMenu"].

I then have a view which displays the result.

My question is: would it be better practice to return my datareader to the controller into ViewData["RightMenu"], and then loop through it and construct my HTML in the View instead?How would I get that to work with that second level of menus?[Code]....

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Reference Project To WCF Best Practices?

Feb 28, 2011

For WPF, there's the Microsoft Patterns & Practices's Prism project.

Prism provides guidance designed to you more easily design and build rich, flexible, and easy-to-maintain
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) desktop applications, Silverlight Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), and Windows Phone 7 applications I was wondering whether a similar project (reference implementation) intended for software developers building WCF applications exists.

In our main internal project (a .Net WinForms rich client app), we don't talk directly with the database but instead fetch and update data with ASP.Net web-services that we also control. Our current setup is giving us some bottlenecks. For a new smallish project, we want to try WCF. Objective question: Where do I find a not-too-basic WCF reference project?

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.net - LINQ To SQL Web Application Best Practices

May 7, 2010

In my experience building web applications, I've always used a n-tier approach. A DAL that gets data from the db and populates the objects, and BLL that gets objects from the DAL and performs any business logic required on them, and the website that gets it's display data from the BLL.I've recently started learning LINQ, and most of the examples show the queries occurring right from the Web Application code-behinds(it's possible that I've only seen overly simplified examples). In the n-tier architectures, this was always seen as a big no-no.I'm a bit unsure of how to architect a new Web Application.

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.net - Best Practices For Web Application Workflow?

Jul 18, 2010

All too often I find myself being required to design pages that flow through a series of steps. 1) Select from a set of options. Submit.2) Populate a page with results. Make changes. Submit.3) Do something based on the previous results. Submit.4) Confirm previous actions. Submit.5) Goto 1.An ecommerce site with shopping cart would be a textbook example of this.Now, there are any number of ways to deal with this. My question is, what is the recommended way to do it in In PHP or ISAPI I would just use standard html controls, get the post data and do stuff with it, each on a different page

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MVC :: Adding Routes - Best Practices?

Jul 4, 2010

We are working on a project which has lots of routes that can be changed on-the-fly or new routes can be added dynamically. What are the best practices about managing lots of routes and adding routes on-the-fly without recompiling? Reading-Writing from-to database or from Xml Document in Application_Start?

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