Architecture :: Retrieve Access Point Information?

Sep 15, 2010

I've many wifi access point that are giving me connection inside an intranet, every access point is located in a wanted position of course, and my big problem is to know to which access point i'm connected trough a web page!Let me say access point named "A", and access point named "B", i must retrieve, with a web page, to which access point the client is connected because in that way i'll get the right position of my mobile

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Mar 20, 2010

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What is the best way of doing this?

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Is that correct, are both of those options viable? or will I not be able to access the fields in the second method without creating an instance of the class in the code that responds to the page request(basically if you create an instance of a class at application level can you use that instance from within code anywhere in your website as long as it is public)?

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Link: Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable

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Security :: Earliest Point That Access A UserId?

Dec 12, 2010

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I'm guessing that I'm trying to access the userid before it is available, i.e. before they're logged in, but the event as I understand it is fired immediately AFTER they've logged in.

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Architecture :: Take Dynamic Information On Web Form?

Apr 20, 2010

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Jul 16, 2010

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Suppose you want to create some DLL. It will have many classes and methods. There is some information which will be used by many methods. I would like to hand over the information to the DLL once, and the DLL should store it in some place where any method can access it.

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IIS Log Analysis - How To Retrieve Referer Information

Mar 15, 2010

As per this MSDN article:

W3C Extended Log File Format (IIS 6.0)

It says cs(Referrer) contains the REFERER information that can be read from the IIS log files.

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<asp:Repeater ID="rptlIISLogEntries" runat="server">


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Feb 11, 2010

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Sep 14, 2010

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Web Forms :: Retrieve Information From Tag In Code Behind

Nov 23, 2010

I have a <div> tag in html page in as shown below:
<div id="DestAdd" runat="server"></div>
The above tag store information like "Jurong West".
The following code store the address in its innerHTML:
document.getElementById("DestAdd").innerHTML = DestRoadName;
I would like to retrieve the information "Jurong West" stored in the <div> tag in code-behind:
string retdata = DestAdd.?

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Aug 6, 2010

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Dec 13, 2010

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Apr 7, 2010

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"&" +

but receiving emailid in in some case and in others.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Tree Information

Feb 5, 2010

I'm doing an MLM website and I have a table that holds parent-child relationships as well as the position (L or R) in the binary tree and the Level. Top node is level 0, his two child records are level 1 and so on. I'm lost as to how to find the next available node that doesn't have 2 child records associated to it. This is for tree placement when I register a new distributor in the tree. I need to find out the first record that doesn't have 2 child records to assign the newly created distributor that sponsor id. I also have to assign the new distributor a position (Left or Right) in the tree. If there are no children in the tree then I assign them L if there is a child already then I assign them R. Is this better to do with SQL queries or bring in the data and parse through the tree to get the answers?

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Error: Unable to retrieve folder information from the server. (550).

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AJAX :: Slideshow Extender Retrieve Current Display Picture Information?

Feb 17, 2010

My slideshow extender work perfectly fine, but I want to retrieve the current display picture's information on the server side.

So I added a normal asp button on the same page as the slideshow extender. When button clicked, it fire off a server side function. In the function I grabbed the SlideShow's name label, description label or the Image, but none of them contain any current information of the picture displayed at slideshow extender.

Is there another way to obtain the slideshow extender current state? Or am are those name, description label text value should be updated?

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Access :: Database Architecture - How to Design The Data Access?

Feb 12, 2010

I am starting a new project in ASP.NET (With silverlight) - I would like to get expert opinion about how to design the data access.I can use DataAccess Layer with SQL helper, but the challenge is every new field that I add needs to be added in the sql helper.I am trying to see if there is a way to design the system, so that it appears in the front end when a new field is added. I don't want to have in the ASPX files (binding in controls) I want to have ability to change items in code. Essentially I am trying to see the best option to have a database application.

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DataSource Controls :: Access The Point Data For Both The Merchant And Merchant Category

Apr 26, 2010

the best way of achieving the following using SQL Express 2008.I have a table with the following information in:

merchant id (an integer referencing the merchant i.e 1000)

merchant category id (an integer referencing a unique category for the merchant i.e 1015)

points (a long int)

I want to access the point data for both the merchant and merchant category.
i.e. merchant 1000 total points 100
merchant category 1015 total points 70
merchant category 1016 total point 30

I created a view with rollup which gives me the 2 levels i need, but i'm unsure as to whether this is the most efficient way of achieving my goal.Ideally I'd like a view to show the following:

merchant category 1015 category points 70 merchant points 30 rather than:
merchant category 1015 merchant 1000 points 70
merchant category 0 merchant 1000 points 100

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