Create Separate Variable Instant For Multiple Users?
Mar 4, 2010
I am using 2005 with vb and developing MCQ program.
I am reading question information from a database and array . the array is "public shared" one. the problem is when two users are login to the system both are getting the same array.
my reqrement is give seperate instances for the diffrent users.
as an example the first user can open paper with 25 questions and second user can open paper with 10 questions. First it display no of questions as 25 and when then second user open the site, then the first site also display the total no of question as 10.
I tried to use variable declareing with DIM statement then they are unable to access from other events.
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Code below:
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Nov 15, 2010
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Book Title: A Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Dan Johnson - Smith Publishing - kjdkjfd99898989
Susan Day - Smith Publishing - aa777fd99ff
Greg Greger - Corp XYZ - amkj897hgrt554
Book Title: Another Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Frank Franky - Corp XYZ - kj3kjfd9d9980
Jason Cambel - Smith Publishing - 7g7fddddttt
Jill Breker - Smith Publishing - d9ddt523321
Or, view books by publisher (here the publisher would be the outer repeater and the list, with different fields compared to first view, is the nested repeater.
Publisher: Smith Publishing
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Dan Johnson - kjdkjfd99898989
A Good Story - Susan Day - aa777fd99ff
Another Good Story - Jason Cambel - 7g7fddddttt
Another Good Story - Jill Breker - d9ddt523321
Publisher: Corp XYZ
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Greg Greger - amkj897hgrt554
Another Good Story - Frank Franky - kj3kjfd9d9980
so what do I do here? Just making separate pages is simple and would work, but is there something else I should be considering? There will be 3 different views, so 3 pages total if I went that route. Something is making me think I should be doing this all within one aspx page? maybe just toggling the visible property of the repeater controls? but then I was thinking each of these repeater controls is databound, and I assume even if they are not visible they still incurred database hits to get the data, right? and that could be bad?
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Dec 6, 2010
It has been reported to me that a user logs into our web application and after supplying the correct credentials for themselves, are taken to the next page where they see a different customer's name at the top of the screen.
All the data at the top of our web pages is stored in session variables. The login page executes a Session.Clear statement in the Page_Load event. The user enters a username and password which is validated against our supplied database via an SQL statement. Once the user is proven to be valid, session variables are set to hold the Customer's name, as well as a few other details about them.
This is a fairly simple application, consisting of only of about 10 different pages. I am only tracking about 5 session variables per user. The session variables are initialized to either 0 or "" in the global.asax file in the Session_start routine. Upon clicking a "log out" link on any page, the login page is displayed again (executing the Session.Clear statement).
We have roughly 400 users logging into this site about once or twice a week each. The site is hosted on a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and IIS 7.
Of all 400 users, this strange session behavior has only been reported to me on a couple of occasions.
I have tried to duplicate this behavior and have not been able to. Has anyone ever heard of this? Where should I be checking for solutions? I have already checked my SQL statement and database for user authentication to make sure it is working correctly.
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May 19, 2010
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Jan 13, 2010
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Dec 6, 2010
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Sep 22, 2010
I have developed a web application in which i manage details of different companies,,,for that i as admin add companies and their details in my database...right now my role is administrator in my web application
The problem is everytime i have to update company details and other information
I want companies to update their own information...
so how i can create a role and create usernames for companies so that they can login to their individual accounts and update the company information by themselves ?
One important thing of my requirement: One company can have multiple usernames accounts..
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Feb 9, 2011
Does anyone know if it is possible to create a gridview from a class on a seperate webpage?
So I have webpage 1, that calls Class 1, in Class one there will be a Select Query that will call some info from a database and then return it to a gridview. The gridview wont work obviously as it is in the class and not on webpage 1.
Is there anyway to reference the fact I would like the gridview created on webpage1?
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Sep 21, 2010
I am using membership for all the users and roles, right now i have a website on which i have created 2 roles "admin" and "member" in this website i create accounts, so all the accounts are separated/distinguished by account name now i was to add one more role "accountholders" and i want to add this role in such a way that an account holder will be able to see his / her account's stuff ...
i as admin will be creating username and password for accountholders and i will provide them their login credentials so that they can login and see what's in their account. My idea of creating account is that, the accounts that i have in my database will be the key, so when i will create username for particular account , in the create user wizard i should have a drop downmenu will all the accounts name. so the user that i am
creating will be linked on that account only ..
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Sep 28, 2010
I am working on a multi-lingual application Assume the following:
Database has 50 tables and application has to support 5 languages
Which is the best way to design the database:
1. Include a langugae column for each table. Repeat the values for each language. Say i have a country table which has 100 countries in it. Then my design will contain 500 rows (100 for each langugae)
2. Create a separate table which will contain the translations for all the 50 tables in with a foreign key to the parent table.
Which is more efficient out of the above two.
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Jan 28, 2011
I'm wondering if it's possible to perhaps set something up in the global.asx file or something that will build a list of all currently active user sessions that I can then use to display to a logged in user, who else is currently logged in.
Currently I store my userId's in a session variable Session["IsLoggedIn"], so basically i want to build an global array of some sort that will store all these active userId's.
Let me know if this is possible, or who i would go about accomplishing this sort of thing. BTW, I'm not using's built in membership thing for login accounts.
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Jun 15, 2010
I need to let my users enter a variable length list of items into something that looks like a grid view (or a series of standard text boxes stacked vertically). Each item could be a few characters or a few hundred characters long, and I just want them to enter a "sentence", and then tab to the next row, and always having another blank one ready to go at the bottom of the list.
I don't want to save any data to my SQL Server DB until they enter the entire list and then click on a "save all" button. When they hit the "save all" button they will be given a preview screen where the data will be presented as standard HTML ordered list. If they confirm/save, then each row of the grid will then be saved as a separate row into my SQL Server database (with an index to remember the order).What ASP.Net (or Jquery/javascript) UI control would be the best to use in this situation? (i.e. just for the data entry part - the rest I got covered).
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Jan 14, 2010
I have access to two seperate databases (mySQL) located on two servers. I need to get the data, link the tables on a key field and display the results in a datagrid. My challenge is that if the search criteria changes for the display it affects rows returned from on table and should thus automatically affect the linked table and resulting data returned.
what the best approach would be to achieving this? So far I have set up a dataset with a dataadapter and table for each connection and then linked the tables in the dataset. The problem that I'm having is getting the linked resultsets to work.
On my form I have the datagrid with two Objectdatasources one for each dataadapter and i believe that's where I'm going wrong...
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