Automatically Delete Extra Spaces In HTML?

May 29, 2010

What you need to add in web.config?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Remove Extra Spaces In The UserControl?

Apr 5, 2010

I have control.The browser shows that in HTML code, there were additional gaps.How I can get control without extra spaces and design code HTML ?

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C# - Remove Extra Spaces And Many Tags Using String.Replace() Method?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a long string containing the ,<p> </p> and <br>. I want to clean my string from all these tags and spaces. How it can be done with String.Replace() method. I am doing separately right now, it is working but is there a way to do it at once, without replace() method.

String.Replace(" ","").Replace("<p>","").Replace("<br>","")

It is giving me clean code but I am looking for a general solution, means if I am having more tags (10 to 20) to filter then how to do it efficiently.

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Web Forms :: Remove Extra Spaces (Space Character) From A Sentence

Oct 21, 2015

How to remove whitespaces if it is more than 2. What i want to say is -

1. If there is one whitespace, its OK.
2. If there is two whitespace, its OK.
3. BUT, if there is more than two whitespace than replace them with only two whitespaces.

String may be like this :- (it may contain any character)

DuntaviDilaniyd.dilaniy@woridnitattnit                        15 jim alixandir id         PALESTINE      TX

48568 2470325837 US              FEMALESunday, April 09, 1939 162       170     A+      • Duntavia

Delaney           Jon Muller         Sherman                          TX        84321 US          9974766226 NO           NO       YES


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SQL Server :: Delete Spaces Created By Combining 2 Fields?

Aug 24, 2010

My users will enter a city/station where an incident occured, and the date. The trigger below does work, but it will occasionally put spaces between the citystation and the date. I think this happens when the citystaion name is not very long, but not sure.

(ex: city____08242010)

How can I make sure that if the incidentid is going to have spaces, that sql deletes those spaces? I need the id to be space free.

TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_AddID1]
ON [dbo].[tblIncidents]

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How To Display Spaces In Between Text In C# Html

Mar 29, 2011

I am getting data straight from the database into a data source. The data is binded in a repeater with link buttons.

The problem I am having is that the data in the database might have multiple spaces in the middle of the string however when being displayed on the front end only space is being shown. After thinking about it this is standard HTML behavior to remove spaces, I would have assumed that would have handled this with the rendering of the webpage. What is also happening is that when reports are exported to excel it only has 1 space instead of two.


2 spaces: "South Africa - Cape Town"
single spaces: "South Africa - Cape Town"

This is an irrelevant example but my data has real use for multiple spaces.

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Visual Studio Inserting Indents As Spaces To Html Output?

Jan 4, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2010 for an MVC website project. I have an big problem and dont know hot to solve it. When i am looking to the output of html in firebug indents in my aspx and ascx files are outputed as space in same places. I think its about line ending of files but i am not sure how to fix them. I am adding some pictures about problem.

When i am adding a breakpoint it also add red background to spaces (this is problem) I try to delete spaces after hit ctrl+k d same problem happen. If i delete all indents make page 1 line without spaces output is fine but it not a solution.

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Extra Blank Page When Converting HTML To PDF Using AbcPDF?

Mar 4, 2010

I have an HTML report, with each print page contained by a <div class="page">. The page class is defined as

width: 180mm;
height: 250mm;
page-break-after: always;
background-position: centre top;
background-image: url(Images/MainBanner.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-top: 30mm

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VS 2008 Delete SQL Row(s) Automatically Without Human Intervention?

Jun 23, 2010

Is there a way to delete a SQL row automatically, without human intervention? I plan to use this concept on advertisements. A user or guest can post his/her advertisement in my site. That advertisement should only last for a specific amount of time, let's say 30-days. After 30-days, the application automatically deletes the said advertisement without me, or any other person, doing anything. I've been searching for a solution these past few days, but it seems I can't find the right words to use in Google.

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Automatically Generate Delete Command For GridView Not Working

Nov 9, 2010

I have a GridView and a SqlDataSource, which I have set to automatically generate Delete/Insert/Update statements. I then just enabled Deleting on the GridView, and usually away I'd go. For some reason though, the row is not being deleted - the page is posting back but the row is still there. When Delete is clicked, RowDeleting does fire though. What possible causes could this be?

Edit: SELECT command:
SELECT id, templatename, CASE WHEN type = 'W' THEN 'Weekly' WHEN type = 'M' THEN 'Monthly' WHEN type = 'Q' THEN 'Quarterly' WHEN type = 'S' THEN 'Six-monthly' WHEN type = 'A' THEN 'Anually' END AS TypeText, CASE WHEN invorcred = 'I' THEN 'Invoice' WHEN invorcred = 'C' THEN 'Credit' END AS 'InvOrCredText', nextinvdate, lastinvdate FROM InvoiceTemplates WHERE (sageaccount = @sageaccount)

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox Automatically Checked After Delete In GridView

Apr 23, 2010

I have a gridview control in which there is a column with checkbox. I will have to delete the rows of the grid selected by the checkbox. After the delete operation i am re-binding my grid we new datasource to populate latest data. The data is comig up correctly and the no of rows in the grid are also correct.

But the problem is that, if i select row 1 to delete and click on delete button, row 1 is deleted, grid is refreshed with new list, but row 2 checkbox is getting automatically checked. I don't know how this is happening. I have tried of writing code to uncheck all checkboxes after i rebind the grid. None of them are working. When i debug and see the items are actually showing as checked=false, but on the screen the check box is checked.

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MVC :: Html.TextArea - Extra Line Break In The TextArea, Just Above The Original Text?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm working with an MVC1.0 web app and I've found a bit of an odd anomaly.

I have a search box on the first page (normal text box) and the input from this is passed through to the ViewData and on to the second page.

On the second page, I render a TextArea with this search input text from the ViewData.



The problem is, there is an extra line break in the TextArea, just above the original text.

Stranger still is that if I now submit this page and the view is reloaded (after validation fails) - the original string of text has been trimmed and has no line breaks, but the TextArea now has 2 line breaks above the original text.

This can be repeated - every time the page reloads it has another line break.

It's driving me insane - does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

FYI, you can check it out yourself - on your mobile phone, browse to [URL], punch something in the search box and hit search. You'll notice one line break added the first time the page loads. Then just hit "Find Best Offer" without entering a budget or selecting a category, and you'll see what I mean about the additional line breaks.

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AJAX :: Modal Poup Closes Unexpectedly - Insert - Edit Or Delete The Data - Doesn't Close Automatically In Gridview

Feb 7, 2011


I can open the modalpopup, can close the popup, but if i click the "edit" button to edit any of rows, the popup closes automatically. If I click again, the "Update" and "Cancel" buttons shows, and after clicking one of those, popup closes again. The above code works, if i use gridview the insert, edit or delete the data, does not close automatically. What may be the cause of this problem.

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Automatically Attach To The Lifecycle Of ANY Server-enabled HTML Tag?

Dec 30, 2010

If a "server-enabled" HTML tag is in a Web form, like this --
<p runat="server"/>

-- is there any way for me to attach to its rendering? I assume once they have runat="server", they must have a lifecycle of some kind.I'd like to attach some code to the rendering of any HTML tag so enabled. So, whenever a template author puts runat="server" on a tag, I can catch the PreRender (or anything else) and execute some code.

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MVC :: Removing Automatically Appended Route Values From Html.ActionLink?

Aug 11, 2010

in my mvc2 application i have an action link like


docid is set to empty string because i want to clear ambient value of docid that is present in request context. i have gone through a lot of material on internet and even tried docid=String.Empty but it does not solve the problem and gives me url like /controller/action/id?docid=x. i also write a routeconstraint as suggested but it did not solve the problem either.clear those route values comming from request context with html.actionLink. i don't want to use html.routeLink

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SQL Server :: Delete Records Automatically At Server Side?

Sep 14, 2010

the application which i created is a web application which doesnt need much of a database,so i am just using the sql express free version which allows 4 gb of data,to avoid disasters iw ould like to delete records which are very old like,1 month,2 months old etc,how can i do this periodically should i do this on client side or the server side...

what id there are 100000 records and if we put this in page load or some method,it could take some time to delete,which i dont want..... how i can automate this process at the server side only

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Automatically Remove Indentation, Unneeded Empty Space From Html (minify)?

Nov 30, 2010

I have an application, and when I look at the page's source I see the html is indented, has lots of white space, I think if I will remove all these spaces, my page will become smaller in KBanybody knows how to remove them automatically ?

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Delete HTML Table Row Using Javascript?

Jun 21, 2010

I am using below code to delete HTML Table row using javascript but its giving me error.

using below code i am creating a column at run time using javascript which contains delete Anchor tag.

var tbody = document.getElementById("<%= tblcriteria.ClientID %>").getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
var row = document.createElement("TR")
var td4 = document.createElement("TD");
var code = "<a href="javascript:deleteCriteria(this.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex);">delete</a>";
td4.setAttribute("align", "center");


its giving me below error:

'this.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex' is null or not an object

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How To Create Edit And Delete Html Page

Jul 13, 2010

how can i create edit and delete html page with all setting with code.

I will use editor ajax control for this .this method will be fast and reliable for me.or there is another way.

i want to save,edit and delete editor.content with MS SQL database

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MVC :: Add An Image Instead Of Delete Link In Html Helpers?

Nov 10, 2010

<%: Html.ActionLink("Delete",
new { id=item.Emp_ID

how to add an image instead of first "Delete"

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Web Forms :: How To Delete App_offline.html Programmatically In C#

Apr 9, 2010

i am trying to delete app_offline.htm programmatically but the code doesnot even get called as the app_offline does not other pages load. how should i delete the file after the updations have been done in the website. i know that i can delete the file manually but i dont want to do that.



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AJAX :: How To Insert / Update And Delete Data From HTML Table Using JQuery

Jan 24, 2016

i want to add (Edit(update/cancel) and Delete like Gridview) button in html table and perform edit and Delete operation using jquery and Webservices ?

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Name Contains More Than 3 Fields And 2 Consecutive Spaces?

Mar 12, 2010

I m reading Name as string. When I m reading, I want my name like this

Last First MI

Johnny Travis M.

If it is like this. Johnny Travis M paul. It contains more than 3 data fields. I want to throw error.

If it is like this Johnny Travis M. It contains more than 1 space after last name. I want to throw error.

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How To Label Or Span Tag With Spaces

May 20, 2010

I have a requirement to display text with spaces before like the one below.

<asp:Label Text=" LabelValue" runat="server" ID="lbl"></asp:Label>

But after the code gets rendered, the displayed text is like "LabelValue" and not as " LabelValue".

How to get " LabelValue" this text to be displayed.

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Web Forms :: Blank Spaces After Zip And Why Do They Causes?

May 3, 2010

I've finally figured out an issue I'm have with a zip code field being entered in a text box of a details view in edit mode. I'm trying to understand why i have the issue though. I don't understand why it keeps occurring.his what happens with the zip code field. I've been able to make it reoccur numerous times. If the details view is put in edit mode and the record is updated with the original 5 digit zip code, unaltered in any way, my regular expression validator catches it and doesn't let the update happen. If I change the replace the 5 digit zip code with a new one the update goes through fine. This new value can be a different or the same 5 digits and the update will work. If I don't change the value at all though the update will not go through.

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