Basic Server Control / Control Returns The [id] Or The Text That Is Set?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm looking at server controls for the first time, and I've a question about this code:

public string Text
String s = (String)ViewState["Text"];
return ((s == null) ? "[" + this.ID + "]" : s);
ViewState["Text"] = value;

I do not understand why this control returns the [id] or the text that is set. I do not see how this makes any sense. Is this just for demonstration or is there a reason for returning the id?

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C# - User Control That Returns Formated Text?

Feb 23, 2010

I am looking for a way to return some formatted text via a user control in ASP.NET C#. This is basically what I am looking for:

<mycontrol:formatedtitle id="blah" runat="server">Text to format</mycontrol:formatedtitle>

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I have been reading up online on creating user controls but nothing comes close to what I am looking for. I was able to do this in PHP easily by calling a command and having it return the fomatted text such as:

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Custom Server Controls :: Add This Control To The Page,an Alert To Check The Text Value Of The Custom Control?

Dec 20, 2010

created a Custom Textbox Control that is intended to be a "masked date" textbox, so that I can handle different ways a user might enter in a date and make it work no matter what.I did this by creating a custom control with 3 separate Textboxes one for month,one for day one for year,then do some handling for different things that could be entered and it would all work.

The problem I am having is,when I add this control to the page,if I do an alert to check the Text value of the custom control it just gives me "[ServerControl1]" even if I enter in a date.

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Oct 12, 2010

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I would like for hte full logout link to read: "Welcome, username - Logout Here"

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Nov 1, 2010

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ID, Description, Active. I want to build a user control to add,edit, delete records from these tables since they have the same types of fields.

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DataSource Controls :: Full Text Search Returns No Results On Production SQl Server?

Jul 2, 2010

I am actually using 2 type of queries in my website e.g

These Queries are from my stored procedures

SELECT * FROM TblName WHERE FREETEXT(ColumnName, @parameter)


SELECT * FROM TblName WHERE CONTAINS((Column1, Column2), @parameter))

I have enabled Full Text Indexing on my tables both local and on my hosting company MS SQL Server.

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I have identical data on both MS SQL Servers and both servers are 2008.

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Access Text In Server Control Declaration?

Jan 24, 2011

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<my:customControl id="cc1" runat="server">

is it possible to access the text between the tags?

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass A Variable From Listview Control To A Sub In Visual Basic?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm trying to pass a value (address) from a listview control using visual basic to a google map address control on the page load event. Here is the code I have so far in vb:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Pass address from Listview to Googlemap address
GoogleMap1.Address = ???
GoogleMap1.Zoom = "14"
GoogleMap1.ShowScaleControl = True
GoogleMap1.EnableInfoWindow = True


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Aug 20, 2010

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1. composite



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Mar 17, 2011

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private string[] AvailableRoles = { "User", "Administrator", "Security Admin" };

Repeater_Roles.DataSource = AvailableRoles; Repeater_Roles.DataBind();

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Nov 19, 2010

ajaxcontrol toolkit combobox control, a picture is worth than a lot of words so here is the picif you are not able to view then here is the link

the problem is the items text in the combox box is having a square beneath at the second character which is hindering the visibility of the list. but the square is not appearing in the text area.

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Spell Checker Control Is Not Working With Rich Text Box Control?

Mar 26, 2010

i m developing an application with richtextbox control and asp spell checker control in it.the prblm faced is that Spell check is happening but the change of wrong spelling is not taking place

The scenario in which it doesnt work is i Put some text in RichTextBox field then click on "spell check" button. It will prompt for the spelling mistakes, but when we select correct spelling it is not copying it in Rich text box contrl.

Note:the same scenario is working when i use simple text box contrl with asp spell checker contrl.

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Web Forms :: How To Set A Link In Calendar Control And Retain Text In The Control

Oct 14, 2010

I have a Calendar Control that I added text that show scheduled meetings on certain dates and it works okay.
The problem is that when I click on a date I need to http to another web page or sometimes goto a web page in the same web site. The problem is when the code that creates the hyperlink runs it replaces the text displaying "meetings" scheduled for that date instead appending the link to the date and retaining the "meetings" text that was already there.

Below is how I set that up with the code that adds the meetings followed by the url code that replaces the meetings text:


or any other kind of link in my Calendar Control without clobbering whatever was in there? If it is not possible is there another way to link to another page after a date in the Calendar Control is clicked?

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Jun 3, 2010

I have several checkbox controls on my web form that are not server controls (runat="server") How can I access these controls form my C# code? Can this be done with document.GetelementById from the server side using C#? Or some other technique?

I am not allowed to make these server controls (runat=server) because of a requirement.

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Raising An Event Inside A User Control That Returns CommandEventArgs?

Dec 5, 2010

i have the following problam:i have a user control which i want to raise an event from to the page that is using that user control (its a button)anyway my problem started when i wanted to put this user control inside a repeater instead of another button (regular asp:button) anyway i needed to support CommandArgument so that page can use the buttonso i created a property:

Private m_CommandArgument As Object
Public Property CommandArgument() As Object


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C# - File Upload Control In Update Panel Always Returns False?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a detailsView inside the update panel., and in the detailsView I have a FileUpload Control and a button btn_Upload. In the click event I have written code :


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Custom Server Controls :: Server Control Inside Html Control?

Jan 21, 2011

i'm extending gridview.

i've overried render method, in which i created a html table and added a html row for each data row.


now i want to add link button after table with on click event fired after i clicked it.i've tested following code but it did'nt worked:

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