Browse Won't Show The Default Page

Jul 16, 2010

Let me start by saying I'm a newbie to this .Net development and I'm currently assigned to crack into an old ASP.NET v1.134 website source to rebuild it. The website is part of a solution consisting of 11 projects. The website project where the default.aspx is located, say projA, has a project file called projA.csproj with the url [URL] in it. There's another suspicious project file called appname.csproj I found in the same folder with the url [URL]. The website configuration file has [URL]. Now in the IIS the virtual directories for a default website called projA and another one called appname are set up pointing to the same local directory for this website. When I browse into projA in IIS the default.htm doesn't come up. When I tried to initiate a debug instance in VS .Net 2003 for this website project I have the same issue with the starting page, or any page for that matter, not showing up on the browser (IE) brought up by the debugger. I know the localhost is working because I can see the IIS page when I type [URL]. But when I type [URL] or [URL] it won't work. If I type [URL] some default page came up (I don't even know where it is but it looks similar to the default page!) but all the links on it are not working. I did some research on the web and I made sure these things are done:

1. Put localhost into the trusted zone in internet security options.
2. Used integrated Windows authentication.
3. Deleted those default websites in IIS and created new ones, albeit with the same results.
4. Made sure the correct .Net version is used in IIS website properties. I know it works because the debugger does come up with no errors.
5. The entire solution for those 11 projects is rebuilt with no errors. I also rebuilt projA a few times to make sure it's compiled correctly.

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1 images/car2.jpg

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2 images/car5.jpg

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