C#: Adding Context To Parallel.ForEach()?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a static class with a static get property, and in this property, I do this:

// property body
// HttpContext.Current is NOT null
Parallel.ForEach(files, file =>
// HttpContext.Current is null
var promo = new Promotion();
// HttpContext.Current is NOT null

This static class doesn't undergone type initialization until a view uses this property.

The problem is that Promotion's static constructor, which is initialized the first time a new Promotion() is created within the Parallel.ForEach(), uses HttpContext.Current. When promo is instantiated within the scope of this Parallel.ForEach(), HttpContext.Current is null, and new Promotion() therefore causes an exception.

HttpContext.Current is not null within the static get property because it's not called until the view uses it (and there is therefore a HttpContext.Current).

If Promotion used HttpContext.Current in its instances instead of its static members, I could probably just pass HttpContext.Current into the new Promotion() constructor:

var context = HttpContext.Current;
Parallel.ForEach(files, file =>
var promo = new Promotion(context);

But since static members of Promotion need HttpContext.Current, I can't. I could probably redesign the Promotion class to change the static members that need it to be instance members, but they are static for a reason--there would be a large performance penalty if all the members that were static had to be defined instead on each instance each time a new Promotion was instantiated.

What are the possible workarounds for this? I didn't realize HttpContext.Current would be null within the scope of Parallel.ForEach().

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// Get the number of processors, initialize the number of remaining
// threads, and set the starting point for the iteration.
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() => Chart3(param),
() => Chart4(param));

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Dec 6, 2010

i'd like to be able to check to see if an item with the same id has already been placed in the database, if so to then update the quantity for that item, however due to the fact I have this in a foreach loop it will update the quantity for each item.

When I placed the Command outside of the loop I am unable to use 'ItemID' as it's not in context, is there anyway I can get around this?

foreach (UserItem ItemID in (List<UserItem>)Session["UserSession"])
ConclusionPage.InsertCommand = "IF EXISTS (SELECT ItemID FROM tblUserItems WHERE UserID='@CurrentUser' AND ItemID='@ItemID') UPDATE tblUserItems SET Quantity = Quantity+1 WHERE (UserID = '@CurrentUser') AND (ItemID = '@ItemID')";

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C# - Foreach Not Initialing The Loop Variable?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm using a foreach to loop through an IList of objects in a Partial View in ASP.NET MVC.

Here's the entire code (Message is one of my classes from the Model).

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IList<Message>>" %>
if (ViewData.Model.Count > 0)
foreach (MvcTest.Models.Message m in ViewData.Model)

ie explicitly declaring a variable for the IList rather than just using the (strongly-typed) Model, and it works fine.

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Dec 21, 2010

in my asp.net mark up I have a foreach loop that iterates through a simple list. In this foreach loop I am adding a new user control and attempting to pass in the value from the loop. However, this value just wont budge and get inside that damn control!

<%foreach (userInfo i in this.items)
{ %>
<uc1:ItemControl ID="ItemControl" runat="server" UserID='<%#Eval("userID") %>'/>
<%} %>

userID is a public property in the control, when it goes to set, the value is just literally :

<%#Eval("userID") %>. I've tried #Bind and =Value but nothing seems to work.

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Here is my model











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Jan 12, 2011

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but the datatables will contain more rows, so iterating each and every datatable will affect the performance.he code i implemented is exact thing i need, but without foreach statement. To copy content of each and every datatable and put the content in a final datatable

DataTable dat = new DataTable();
DataRow Dr = dat.NewRow();
dat.Columns.Add("c1", typeof(string));
Dr[0] = "01";

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C# - Foreach Statement (get String Values)?

Jun 14, 2010

My code for splitting the strings is working however, i still need to use the splitted string my page. How can i achieve this? Here's my current code

private void SplitStrings()
List<string> listvalues = new List<string>();
listvalues = (List<string>)Session["mylist"];[code].....

how can i replace the response.write with any label or literal? when i tried to use a literal on the code it displays one single string not all of the strings that's been splitted.

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