Web Forms :: IFrames Not Executing In Parallel?

Aug 2, 2010

We are using 6 iFrames on our page. They fetch data from couple of external web services and an internal WCF service and display the data. There is a separate aspx page built for each of the iFrames. From our perf monitoring we found out that at any point only two threads are executing in parallel. Not all 6 threads get executed. What can probably be cause for this? Is there any restriction that more than 2 threads can't be created in parallel? Is there any configuration where I can change this?

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Web Forms :: Sending Data Between Iframes?

Feb 8, 2011

I've got a situation where there is a page with 3 iframes. The first frame contains a TreeView, the second a GridView which is dependent on the selected node of the Treeview in frame 1 and the third frame contains labels with information also dependent on the TreeView in the first frame.

My problem is, how do I pass information from the first frame to the others? Can I access information about the selected node in JavaScript, pass it to another frame and then do a postback with the info as an argument?

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Web Forms :: Using Iframes In Secured Site?

Jan 23, 2010

We have to use iframes in our site to open a secured third party page within it. If we run our site thru HTTP , the page shows up in iframes.

But if i run my site as secured(HTTPS) it doesn't dispaly the third party secured page in iframe. We have src tag in the iframe.

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Web Forms :: Achieving Layout - Nested Master Page Or Iframes

Oct 12, 2010

Im developing an admin section for a cms tool and in previous tools i used a master page, which then had a page called verified.aspx. this contained a menu control and then dependant on which menu item they selected loaded a user control into a multiview controlThis works fine accept for some small annoying post back issues (not refreshing data and also the time taken to load the large amount of controls)

I have a master page with 2 content placeholders. Im my verified page (which uses the master), i have a nav menu on the left. Dependant on the item selected fro the nav menu on the left, id like to poplute the content placeholders content with an aspx page (which contains a user control) or just an apsx page

ive seen a couple of articles suggesting iframe, and a couple suggesting nested master pages but i dont believe i can get this to work with nester masters,

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Web Forms :: Retain Treeview And Its Status On Page Load Inside Iframes

Apr 21, 2010

I have 2 iframes in my page and 2 separate pages linked to each of these iframes. In one iframe page a tab control is placed with treeview on each tabs and the tree items are selectable (treeview with checkbox). On navigation of one tab from other an XML document stored in session is being updated with the selected treenode values.

The second iframe page is places on right side of the page which summarize the selected made on the each tabs. To do this, the page is getting loaded on tab navigation and in page load of that page, the treeview id created and displayed. We created the treeview as an object and kept in session variable then added into a panel. The only modified areas require to be updated instead of binding the entire tree on each tab's navigation.

1. The treeview must retain it's collapse/expand status on tab navigation which is not happening now.

2. When I set EnableClientScript property to true, I'm getting error on expand/collapse as Undefined 'somenodename' error. If I set the value as false, then postback is happening which should not.

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C# - Loading Iframes In A Page

Jul 27, 2010

i have a asp.net page which inherits form a master page where i load javascripts.I like to place a iframe withing the page which will point to a html(which contains the link to javascript) .Will my java scrips work ?

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Web Forms :: Remove The Vertical Lines Parallel To Each Field Column?

Dec 15, 2010

On our webform, I do I remove the vertical lines parallel to each field column?

Visit the webform at [URL]

View snippet code, below:


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Javascript Code In Iframes In IE9 Not Working?

Apr 1, 2011

I've a very complete site in ASP.NET wich uses iframes. I'm working to change an old control we'd been using to show dialogs to use jQuery UI dialogs. I'm also making sure everything works well in IE9.

The fact is: the script I've in the pages shown in iframes is not working in IE9. Why? Because Object, Array and String are undefined. There may be some others issues, I've seen only this ones.

There is no chance (because a lot of reasons) to stop using iframes on some dialogs. And I'd rather not to use the meta tag to force IE8 Compability. Does anyone know any way to fix this uggly bug in IE9?


Here there's some info that may be helfull:

jQuery code for the iframe in a plugin I've made to config jQuery UI dialog:

options.content = $("<iframe>")
.attr("src", options.intSrcIframe)
.attr("frameborder", 0)
.attr("scrolling", options.intIframeScrolling)
.css("background-color", options.intBgColorIframe)
.attr("height", "100%")
.attr("width", "100%");

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Javascript - Stop IFrames To Load From Code Behind?

Nov 18, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page and have a couple of linkbuttons and Iframes. The pages in side of these IFrame take long time to load, I want the user to navigate to another page by clicking one of the linkbuttons. Now, it looks like it is waiting for the the iframes to finish loading when i click on a link button, the page is still trying to load (instead of navigating to different page).

Is there any way I can stop the iframes to load and go to another page?

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JQuery :: Toggling Of IFrames Works Fine In Firefox But Not In IE

Aug 16, 2010

I have different iFrames on my page and one of the iFrame has pdf plugin that shows the PDF document and i have another iFrame that pops up on delete button click and a function to toggle the iFrames. It works fine in Firefox but in IE my pop up iFrame is always behind the PDF. Any thought how can I set it right, there is some issue with the z-index of PDF, it is set to infinity something like that in IE !

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Drop Down Menu Float Visible Over UI CONTROL Like TEXTBOX, Select Boxes, And Iframes?

Mar 9, 2010

Issue is Menu is not overlaping or float, above the IFrame i am design the menu with table and Div tag in Usercontrol From and i called Usercontrol from in the Index.aspx.

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How Parallel Requests Are Processed?

Oct 21, 2010

Let's imaging there are 2 pages on the web site: quick and slow. Requests to slow page are executed for a 1 minute, request to quick 5 seconds.Whole my development career I thought that if 1st started request is slow: he will do a (synchronous) call to DB... wait answer... If during this time request to quick page will be done, this request will be processed while system is waiting for response from DB.[URL] One instance of the HttpApplication class is used to process many requests in its lifetime. However, it can process only one request at a time. Thus, member variables can be used to store per-request data.Does it mean that my original thoughts are wrong?Could you please clarify what they mean? I am pretty sure that thing are as I expect...

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How To Perform Parallel Processing

Feb 19, 2011

I have windows service which need to execute around 10000 schedules (need to send/execute data to all the members).

For one member it's taking 3 to 5 seconds for 10000 schedules it's taking around 10 minutes or so..

But I need to execute all these schedules in one minutes.

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C# - AsParallel() - With More Than 2 Threads In Parallel?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a method that I call 8 times with different parametres.I use

.Select<Int32,DateUsedByThread>(x => GetDataForYearWorker(x,CIF))

GetDataForYearWorker gets the response from a webservice synchronously. It uses very little computing power on my asp.net application, but it ussualy takes 3-5 sec for each webservice response. Because the calls to the webservice are independent of eachother, I want to make tham all at the same time. But it looks like only 2 threads can run at the same time. Why is this and how can I have 8 threads working at the same time?

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Options For Enabling Parallel Processing

Mar 11, 2011

It seems that by default, ASP.NET 3.5 running on IIS 6.0 does not do any parallel processing whatsoever. With a quad-core system and a test webforms application that runs an infinite while loop on the server, CPU usage never goes higher than 30% regardless of how many clients are connected and independently running the while loop.What are my options for enabling parallel processing?

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C# - Throttle Parallel Request To Remote Api?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC application that uses the Google Maps Geocoding API. In a single batch there may be upto 1000 queries to submit to the Geocoding API, so I'm trying to use a parallel processing approach to imporove performance. The method responsible for starting a process for each core is:

public void GeoCode(Queue<Job> qJobs, bool bolKeepTrying, bool bolSpellCheck, Action<Job, bool, bool> aWorker)
// Get the number of processors, initialize the number of remaining
// threads, and set the starting point for the iteration.
int intCoreCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
int intRemainingWorkItems = intCoreCount;


This is based on patterns document I found on Microsoft's parallel computing web site. The problem is that the Google API has a limit of 10 QPS (enterprise customer) - which I'm hitting - then I get HTTP 403 error's. Is this a way I can benefit from parallel processing but limit the requests I'm making? I've tried using Thread.Sleep but it doesn't solve the problem.

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IIS 7 To Process The Request Queue In Parallel?

Apr 20, 2010

Currently we are developing an ASMX, ASP 2.0, IIS 7 web service that does some calculations (and return a dynamically generated document) and will take approx. 60 seconds to run.Since whe have a big machine with multiple cores and lots of RAM, I expected that IIS tries its best to route the requests that arrive in its requests queue to all available threads of the app pool's thread pool.But we experience quiet the opposite:When we issue requests to the ASMX web service URL from multiple different clients, the IIS seems to serially process these requests. I.e. request 1 arrives, is being processed, then request 2 is being processed, then request 3, etc

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C#: Adding Context To Parallel.ForEach()?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a static class with a static get property, and in this property, I do this:

// property body
// HttpContext.Current is NOT null
Parallel.ForEach(files, file =>
// HttpContext.Current is null
var promo = new Promotion();
// HttpContext.Current is NOT null

This static class doesn't undergone type initialization until a view uses this property.

The problem is that Promotion's static constructor, which is initialized the first time a new Promotion() is created within the Parallel.ForEach(), uses HttpContext.Current. When promo is instantiated within the scope of this Parallel.ForEach(), HttpContext.Current is null, and new Promotion() therefore causes an exception.

HttpContext.Current is not null within the static get property because it's not called until the view uses it (and there is therefore a HttpContext.Current).

If Promotion used HttpContext.Current in its instances instead of its static members, I could probably just pass HttpContext.Current into the new Promotion() constructor:

var context = HttpContext.Current;
Parallel.ForEach(files, file =>
var promo = new Promotion(context);

But since static members of Promotion need HttpContext.Current, I can't. I could probably redesign the Promotion class to change the static members that need it to be instance members, but they are static for a reason--there would be a large performance penalty if all the members that were static had to be defined instead on each instance each time a new Promotion was instantiated.

What are the possible workarounds for this? I didn't realize HttpContext.Current would be null within the scope of Parallel.ForEach().

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WCF / ASMX :: Web Service Process In Parallel Support?

Mar 14, 2011

I am seeking your expertise in ASP.Net with regards to multi-thread support of WebService in a scenario , that is If a WebService-Client is making simultaneous calls from the same process, the requests will be serialized at the WebServices so that only one-call will execute at any one time , on the contrary, if those calls are sent from different WebService-Clients ( Instances/Processes) , they are processed in-parallel by WebServices.

Have you ever experienced the same with ASP.Net, and what configurations/Settings should be followed, in order for a WebServices to concurrently process simultaneous calls form a single WebClient , when deploying a large number of Web-Clients' instances/processes is impractical in a project-context.

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MVC :: Asynccontroller Multiple Tasks In Parallel Failed Sometime?

Jul 29, 2010

I am experimenting AsyncController feature. What I did is set up two tasks to run in parallel. As in the code below, the problem is that sometime all tasks finished and return successfully, sometime only one task finish and sometime each task finish half of it's work and return. It is weird, what did I do wrong?


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C# - Best Practice Instrumenting A Webpage When Having Parallel Tasks?

Jun 24, 2010

I try to get an understanding of the performance of a web page and use Trace.Write

Problem is that I use Parallel.Invoke and starts more threads where I would like to report back using Trace.Write

Parallel.Invoke(() => Chart1AndLegend(param),
() => Chart2(param),
() => Chart3(param),
() => Chart4(param));

I have realized that Trace.Write is not a good way of tracing as it is gives you the time since last entry which makes no sense if more threads are writing.

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WCF / ASMX :: Do Multiple WCF Web Service Requests Queue Up Or Do They Run In Parallel

Mar 17, 2011

I've got a WCF web service that runs fine at the moment but there is talk about using it very heavily soon. As part of it's normal process it writes a file out, then reads it back in again (don't ask why, I know it's stupid). I'm concerned that if we start hitting it with lots of requests then the following might happen.

1. Request 1 writes the file out.

2. Request 2 comes in and overwrites the file.

3. Request 1 reads the file back in but this is now the wrong file.

My understanding is that the requests would naturally queue up so that request 2 wouldn't start until request 1 had finished, but I'm not totally sure.

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Visual Studio :: Running VS2008 And VS 2010 Parallel To Each Other?

Feb 28, 2011

I've got about 30 projects in VS 2008 and we are finally starting to upgrade to 2010. I get change requests pretty regularly so I'm likely to have to make changes to projects that are still in 2008 after VS 2010 is installed. Is it possible to intall VS 2010 without messing up the VS 2008 install? If so is there any particular trick to it so they live side by side or do they automatically do parallel install in different directories?

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Multithreading - When Serve A Webpage -, Can Render The Various Controls On The Page In Parallel

Aug 10, 2010

When I serve an ASP.NET page, can I render the various controls on the page in parallel?

I have a few Telerik controls (RadGrids) on the page and when I step through the page being loaded, it seems as though the controls are databound and rendered serially.

Maybe this behavior is because I am hooked in with the debugger.

Is there anyway to load the page and have select controls build on separate threads? Is that even conceptually possible or must it be done sequentially?

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How To Execute Serverside Code In Parallel With Client Side Code

Aug 2, 2010

I have a web app that needs to do two things at the same time. After a user clicks a button on the site, a javascript function needs to execute and while thats working I need the server side code for the button click to execute without waiting on the client side to finish.

To be more specific, the client side function takes about 23 seconds to complete, and while that is running the server side code promts the user for printing a document. So I need the javascript to run "in the background".

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