What's the best way to cache web site user data in asp.net 4.0? I have a table of user settings that track all kinds of user or session specific stuff like the state of UI elements (open/closed), preferences, whether some dialog has been dismissed, and so on. Since these don't change very often (for each user, anyway) but are looked up frequently it seems sensible to cache them. What's the best way? These are the options I've identified...
Store them in HttpContext.Current.Session directly (e.g. Session["setting_name"]) Store them in HttpContext.Current.Cache Use a global static dictionary, e.g. static ConcurrentDictionary<string,string> where the key is a unique userID + setting name value Store a dictionary object for each session in Session or Cache What's the most sensible way to do this? How does Session differ from Cache from a practical standpoint? Would it ever make sense to store a dictionary as a single session/cache object versus just adding lots of values directly? I would think lookups might be faster, but updates would be slower since I'd have to re-store the entire dictionary when it changed.
What problems or benefits might there be to using a global static cache? Seems like this would be the fastest, but I'd have to manage the size. I could just flush it periodically if it hits a certain size, or keep a cross reference queue and remove things oldest first when it gets to a certain size. Does this make any sense or is it just trying too hard?
I have a page with a number of user controls, In one of my user controls I have a button event. I turn on output cache for the user control that has the button and vary by control using the ID property of a hidden field control in the user control. whenever I turn on the output cache my button event doesn't fire.
i have a usercontrol called navigationmenu whose data is static but varies with loged in1.empID 2.empType 3 Country my question is how can i cache the data of usercontrol based upon combination of these 3 parameters
I have an application written in asp.net c# and hosted on IIS6. There are an 'Image' folder with 3-subfolders. These folders contained images of type 'jpg','gif','png' etc. Images are very huge in size and in numbers. On the application every page has some images needs to open/show, due to the size of images my application get slower and slower.
I know there are some techniques to Cache image folders at client machine or some other methods. I have no access on IIS. So, I need some httphandler or httpmodules which provide something like Image-caching.
I tried this : codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/CachingImagesInASPNET.aspx The problem is I have to add an extra extension '.ashx' to every image link. There is no problem with images are loading dynamically but it has trouble with images need to embose a manual link. Also, this is working fine upto around 1000s images.
I have a web application that will be distributed over 2 servers and the Database will be on a server other than the 2 servers. so application on each server will access database exists in another server.I am using caching in the application and when data changed the cache is cleared and the problem now how each server will feel with cache changes on the other server?
I have tried SQLCache dependency before and i have heard about Memcached, Velocity and Enterprise cache so which one will be more efficient and optimal for this case? and i have another solution to create webservice method on each application and when the cache is cleared in one application it will request the webservice method on the other application to clear cache there.
Which technique is more efficient and optimal in performance and security? and is SQLCache dependency related to SQL database only or can be applicable to other databases like Oracle?
Note: I am using load balancer to distribute requests coming for the application among the 2 server
Pardon if this is more serverfault vs. stackoverflow. It seems to be on the border.
We have an application that caches a large amount of product data for an e-commerce application using ASP.NET caching. This is a dictionary object with 65K elements, and our calculations put the object's size at ~10GB. Problem:
The amount of memory the object consumes seems to be far in excess of our 10GB calculation. BIGGEST CONCERN: We can't seem to use over 60% of the 32GB in the server.
What we've tried so far:
In machine.config/system.web (sf doesn't allow the tags, pardon the formatting):
processModel autoConfig="true" memoryLimit="80"
In web.config/system.web/caching/cache (sf doesn't allow the tags, pardon the formatting):
privateBytesLimit = "20000000000" (and 0, the default of course) percentagePhysicalMemoryUsedLimit = "90"
Environment: Windows 2008R2 x64 32GB RAM IIS7
Nothing seems to allow us to exceed the 60% value.
It is not caching. The control makes a call to SQL and displays some information. I tested it by changing a value in the database and refreshing the page. The control keeps making a call to the database eventhough I have the duraction set to 60 seconds. Am I missing something? Do I need to add code in the Page Load event?
it is possible to cache an ASP.NET UserControl on the Client.
I have an User Control that queries a DB and renders a GridView. It must be on the Client because the query results vary from user to user (by the User.Identity.Name).
I have been working on a site recently that relies heavily on user controls.
With the site nearly complete we are now looking to improve efficiency with some caching.
I have been looking at a number of options. In some cases a simple varybyparam fits the bill. However some user controls don't suit this model for whatever reason.
This sent me down the line of PartialCaching where I vary the cache by property.
This seems to work a treat if I declare the property in my markup, ie <uc7:JustPublished ID="JustPublished1" runat="server" categoryid="101" />
however if the control sits on a page that has a number of variants and I set the property in the codebehind eg categoryid = 101 it does not vary the cache.
I have a user control (say PricingGrid.ascx) which generates a pricing grid on a given product's page. I pass the user control 2 parameters : currencyId and productId. The user control has output caching specified by
I am adding PricingGrid.ascx to my page programatically, i.e. using LoadControl [URL]If the user changes their currency and refreshes the page, the cached version of their original currency is still showing, until the 60 seconds expires. Is there any way to force the page to check :1) Does a cached version of PricingGrid.ascx with their new currency exist?2) If so, retrieve that version, and if not, create that version.If I output all the keys in the Page.Cache object on PageLoad, I'm not seeing my user control in the output.
I have a page which contains a user control. The structure of the page is as shown below:
Incase your not able to see the above image, check it at [URL] Now, apart from the contents of the UserControl, I'd like to cache the entire page. I tried using the OutputCache attribute in the .aspx page, however it caches the contents of the UserControl as well.
My asp.net app is heavily using user controls and is high load; my concern is that loading user controls for every request (Page.LoadControl(controlPath)) is sub-optimal at best. I was thinking of caching an instance of loaded user control in HttpRuntime, but I don't know how's it going to behave when multiple connections (threads) will try to fetch it from the cache and modify properties - I guess trouble is waiting there. Any good way to optimize user control loading?
Again, I am talking about caching user control, not it's html output (which it makes no sense caching as it's [html output] going to be different every time you use it)
i have implemented an image preloader using javascript inside my mvc 2 web app, in order to display an animated "loading" image .gif while sequentially displaying page images.I have also implemented caching using a cache profile for the controller action that displays the specific page ([OutputCache(CacheProfile = "LongCache")]).The problem is that the image preloader javascript is called when caching is applied. I was wondering whether i could, somehow, use the image preloader code only when the page gets refreshed and not when the cached version is rendered.
have an ObjectDataSource with the following configuration:
And the 'Select' parameters will aid in making a 'unique' combination per user selection to populate the GridView it is bound to:The problem that is occurring is that GridView search results are indeed cached, but the cache is a little too public and shared between all users currently running the application. So if user1 creates a search that populates the GridView with 100 results based on some unique dates and CategoryID, and then user2 in a separate browser does another search with different dates and a different category
I'm trying to cache user controls and on some pages i want to cache single objects. There are multiple ways of implementing caching, and my head is breaking over it.
The way I see the caching options now:
You have the PartialCaching option which is set to cache the control for 30 minutes, and after that it clears itself... You have the varyByParam to identity the page by its querystring paramaters... or other vary options
But i just cant find an appropriate way to add caching to a control, and be able to clear the caching programmatically when i update one of the objects used in the control from the backend.
You can do HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(), which accepts a key on which you can destroy the caching item later by using remove... This can save objects in cache but can you use options like varyByParam?
My questions are burnt down to two:
Is there a way to clear the caching on specific user controls from the code? If yes, can this be done according to the varyby options? How would the object caching respond to logged in users or anonymous users using Insert()?
EDIT: I'm caching multiple things.... And I'm really flabbergasted in which choice to make referring to caching. Can the Cache.Insert be varied by Parameters?
The main problem is peopling editing things from the backend, which needs to trigger an event that reinstantiates or clears all caching items referring that object.
i have an asp.net project in vs2010 i have a db and table inside the app_data folder, i have created a deployment package and have imported the package into an iis server that is installed on my local mechine. now i get this error message while trying to preform an insertion.
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed the connection string is:
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|survey.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True
i have a custom handler which captures user's book mark entry. To debug this handler, i have created a file "test1.txt" in code behind which saves the user entry. After the debug, i removed the text file (test1.txt) then re-complied the web app and deployed new DLLs for the site. But, the site is still looking for test1.txt file. i dont know how to confirm if the handler is really removed from the new DLL. Also, looked at the handler code behind file and didn't find any entry with test1.txt. So,
In our .aspx pages we have user controls each control has a Sql query to fetch data. The caching mechanism to be followed says that fragment cache all the user controls and invalidate the cache based on the respective queries of the user control.How to proceed to add a query dependency to fragment cached user control?
I have used caching in a page that shows user name[lable] and a linkbutton[login/logout].
When user logs in this text has to be changed from code but due to caching on the page none of them is changed.label I can replace with substitution control. Is there any way out to change linkbutton text now.
I need to log every user-action taken on a database using the username of the person logged into my ASP.net application as the identifier in the log. What is the easiest way to do this? I guess that for every method call to my data access layer I need to log the parameters of that call and the username and then call a new "log event" method that writes the details of the call to a table. Am I on the right track?
develop a user admin application.My schema looks like the following:See full size As you can see I've got my own version of the user table and profile tables to store my data with a one-to-one mapping with aspnet membership tables.I'm interested in using ASP.NET dynamics to speed up the proccess of creating an admin system.
I would like to create a customised listing with a search and a data grid listing with just basic details such as name and state information, date registered and then when you click to edit your presented with the domain representation of the data and not the exact undelying data.Has anyone any experiece in doing this or building a real work application with Dynamic data?