Call NHibernate Repository From HttpApplication.Init()?

Jun 4, 2010

In S#Arch based web application I need to read some data during the application initialization. From the first point, the best place - HttpApplication.Application_Start() or HttpApplication.Init()But, Application_Start isn't applicable as there is no WebSessionStorage yet. Init() seems isn't fit as well, as there is no NHibernateSession.

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No persister for: ReleaseDAL.ProgressBars, ReleaseDAL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

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public class ProgressBars
public ProgressBars()
{ }


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Link: Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable

Doesn't use a service layer but its obvious that one could be use in that case.

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What would be better ?

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Use HttpApplication State In A .NET Console App?

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Difference Between HttpApplication Class And IHttpModule?

Jan 31, 2011

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I see articles that mention the same events in both the classes.

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Web Forms :: Why Does Init Occur From The Bottom Up

Mar 3, 2010

I'm referencing this article:[URL]Specifically, this line:

"The Init event for each child control occur before the corresponding event is raised for its container"

I've never noticed this behavior before, but can definitely see that this is correct. I don't understand WHY this is necessary though. Can someone shed some light on this?

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C# - Accessing HttpApplication.Application Variables From A Class?

Jun 9, 2010

I set up various global parameters in Global.asax, as such:

Application["PagePolicies"] = "~/Lab/Policies.aspx";
Application["PageShare"] = "/Share.aspx";
Application["FileSearchQueries"] = Server.MapPath("~/Resources/SearchQueries.xml");

I have no problem accessing these variables form .ascx.cs or .aspx.cs file -- ie. files that are part of the Web content. However, I can't seem to access 'Application' from basic class objects (ie. standalone .cs files). I read somewhere to use a slight variations in .cs files, as follows, but it always comes throws an exception when in use:

String file = (String)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["FileSearchQueries"];

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Asp - Multiple Users Share HttpApplication Instance?

Mar 6, 2011

I've used the table at the top of this article as a reference. I have three questions:

1 - Can multiple users (from different physical locations) ever share an HttpApplication instance? If so, does this happen by default?

2 - Can multiple users (from different physical locations) ever share an HttpApplicationState instance? If so, does this happen by default?

3 - Can multiple users of an ASP.NET application ever share a singleton instance or a static variable value? If so, does this happen by default?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Create Own HttpApplication Class?

Dec 13, 2010

I want to create my own HttpApplication class, wherein I can handle methods like ExecuteStep. let me know if there are any examples to do this. Kindly provide some pointers to this...

I am using VS 2008. Basically I want to handle all events from httpApplication class (even before global.asax) before it reaches web pages inside Do other classes come into picture if I want to create my own HttpApplication class .

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: HttpApplication Hoodup The Session_Start()?

Mar 5, 2011

How HttpApplication hood up the Session_Start()? I mean how HttpApplication execute the Session_Start()?

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Difference Between PreInit And Init In The WebPage LifeCycle

Mar 1, 2010

the exact difference between PreInit and Init in the ASP.NET Page LifeCycle ?

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Purpose Of Different Order Of Execution: Init() And Load()

Jan 17, 2011

During a recent interview the following question was asked.

- A Master page which contains
- An ASPX web form page which contains
- A Web User Control inside the page which contains
- A button to fire some code in a button_click event

The Init Event will fire (Inner Most to Outer Most) Begin Init
-> Inside user control Page_Init
-> Inside master page Page_Init
-> Inside lifecycle page Page_Init End Init

and Load Event will fire Begin Load
-> Inside lifecycle page Page_Load
-> Inside master page Page_Load
-> Inside user control Page_Load End Load

Why does ASP.NET framework support different execution order in Load() and Init().This was the question asked in interview.I have no idea about what the interviewer expecting from me.

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Web Forms :: HttpApplication Class Application_Start Event Is Not Firing?

Jul 15, 2010

I have class say: Public Class GlobalFA : Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication

which has been inherited from HttpApplication class and having

Public Shared MaxLoginAttempts As Integer = 0 as member variables

Now i have added below event in it i.e(Application_Start event.

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

MaxLoginAttempts = 100

end sub

Now i am access this variable on my xyz.aspx.vb page but i am geeting 0 value .

it mean application_start event is not firing .

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Security :: Access HttpApplication Cache From Different Application / Domain?

Sep 18, 2010

How can I access the cache of one web application/domain from another web application/domain?Here is my scenario. I need to verify/check the existence of a certain object in one web application/domain's cache from another web application/domain.

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Web Forms :: Creating Dynamic Web Controls Outside Init Method?

Sep 26, 2010

I am creating a dynamic <asp:Table> based on a user's selection from a DropDownList. The number of columns and rows in the table depends on the user's choice from the DropDown.

The final two columns in each row needs to contain an Edit and Delete button. I am able to create these buttons programmatically. However, I am unable to get the click event to fire.

After researching this, it appears to be the case that my dynamic Web controls need to be created in the page Init method.

However, I am unable to do this as I do not know how many table rows, columns and buttons to create, until after the user has made a selection from a DropdownList.

I would be be very grateful for some tips on the correct way to create and enable the events for my dynamic buttons, in this scenario.

Here is a brief outline of how the program currently works (this is just a brief outline I quickly sketched, small details may be wrong!):



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Does/Will Autofacs Integration Support PreInit Or Init Events

Mar 10, 2010

I see from around in the 1.4.4 source that Autofac's ASP.NET integration (via Autofac.Integration.Web) peforms injection of properties on the Page as part of the HttpContext.PreRequestHandlerExecute event handling, but that the page's child controls don't get their properties injected until Page.PreLoad.

What this means, though is that the injected properties of child controls are unavailable for use in the OnInit event handler.

For example, this works fine:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="HelloWorld.aspx.cs" Inherits="HelloWorld" %>
<asp:Label runat="server" id="lblMsg" OnInit="HandleInit"/>.........

But changing the HelloWorld Page to a UserControl (.acsx) and putting the UserControl in another page doesn't work because _msgProvider isn't injected early enough.

Is there a way to make Autofac inject properties of child controls earlier?

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Way To Override And Inherit Default HttpApplication Class From Global.asax

Oct 19, 2010

am currently working on a web application, whereby I want to add code to the Application_BeginRequest method of the Global.asax file, without adding code to the Global.asax file, which sounds a little crazy, let me explain a bit more.If anyone has ever developed in sitecore before, they would have seen that the Global.asax file has empty methods, however it has 'using Sitecore;' and the global.asax file provided does not inherit from System.Web.HttpApplication.

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Event Handlers Can Only Be Bound To HttpApplication Events During IHttpModule Initialization?

Mar 3, 2011

I am getting the following error

'Event handlers can only be bound to HttpApplication events during IHttpModule initialization.' at the following code (line in bold or double **)

protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender;
**app.EndRequest += new EventHandler(Application_EndRequest);**
protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

which is mentioned in Global.asax file.

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Security :: Setting HttpApplication.Context.User Is Terribly Slow?

Mar 17, 2010

Does anyone have a clue why setting the Principal for the context would be so slow that a request times out? I have a custom HttpModule that subscribes to the "AuthenticateRequest" event. I have this call which works fine to create the Principal (which makes all the DB queries)


where context.User is source.Context.User where source is the HttpApplication.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Httpapplication Module Accessing Session Variables?

Jul 2, 2010

I hope I am posting into the right area... I want to know if you can access a session variable from a HTTP Module in IIS 7. Here is the scenario, I want to access the session values (i.e. User Object) from a HTTP Module. I have read oodles and tried many things but to no avail. I guess the application uses Forms authentication to authorize a logon to the site. I want to monitor the url that is submitted... RAWUrl property and if they are going to a certain page I want to grab their user object from THEIR session and validate them for access to that page. I want to use a httpmodule for this. The long and short of this is "Can I get access to session variables from the request from the httpmodule code behind? If I can, could you beso kind as to show me a working sample... I have tried many permutations on this using httpapplication, context and so forth and I can't seem to get access to session variables that would belong to the users request. it this possible?

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Httpmodule - Debug HTTP Module Init Event From Application?

Sep 21, 2010

Is it possible to debug the init event from a http module? If I set breakpoints, they don't get triggered.

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AJAX :: Setting A Property That Causes Update On A UpadatePanel On Init Stage?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a custom control with a UpdatePanel inside. Depending of user action or page programing I call Update method of my UpdatePanel to refresh html portion to user.

For example, I created a property called Title. If the Title change i call Update of my UpdatePanel.


But if the Title property is configured on aspx file, my UpdatePanel is always refreshed because my Title property is setted on Init stage of page life cycle.

I need to know if this property is setted on init stage or if ViewState is restored to avoid call Update, or any tips to avoid refresh my control everytime.

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How Many Times Does HttpModule Init() Method Get Called During Application's Life

Jul 30, 2010

Web application initialization is as follows:

As we know when IIS receives the first request for a particular application resource, IIS creates an instance of a HttpApplication (defined in global.asax codebehind).When this new instance is created it's initialization happens that also checks all configured HTTP modules.All modules are then instantiated and put in the application's Modules collection (of type HttpModuleCollection)modules are looped through and their Init() method is called (when they register for request events)

As far as I understand it the above scenario happens when a web application is started/initialized (hence application start event).What happens with modules?

Are they (re)instatiated on each request or reused from the Modules property on each consecutive request while the web application is alive? As I understand IIS and they are reused through the whole life of a web application.

If they are reused, can we assume that their Init() method is actually a pseudo event handler for application start event? The thing is we can't attach to application level events within http modules. But if they are being reused we could use Init() as application start event and do whatever we'd put in global.asax instead.

Question,Can we assume that module's Init() method is called only on application start event? Could we use this assumption to i.e. register routes for applications whose global.asax codebehind we can't change? web.config is usually accessible and we can change it the way we want.Would this actually work?

Additional info,We can check HttpApplication code and check its InitModulesCommon() method. This one actually calls Init() of each registered HTTP module. What is more interesting is that this method is only used by InitIntegratedModules() and InitModules() methods. Which are both used only in HttpApplication.InitInternal() method. This is the basis of my assumptions, but I would like to know whether someone has abused IHttpModule.Init() for application start event.

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AJAX :: Init Function Is Not Working After Partial Post Back?

Mar 6, 2010

im using a init function after partial postback again the init function is not calling.

<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="MainSM" EnablePartialRendering="true">
<asp:ScriptReference Path="~/JS/menu.js" />
<script type="text/javascript">

this script works fine but after partial postback again this init function is not working. So i searched in google i found some articles regarding this [URL]

<script type="text/javascript">
function pageLoad() {
// Initialization code here, meant to run once.

this works fine when it was postback,but without postback this init function is not working

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