AJAX :: Setting A Property That Causes Update On A UpadatePanel On Init Stage?
Sep 14, 2010
I have a custom control with a UpdatePanel inside. Depending of user action or page programing I call Update method of my UpdatePanel to refresh html portion to user.
For example, I created a property called Title. If the Title change i call Update of my UpdatePanel.
But if the Title property is configured on aspx file, my UpdatePanel is always refreshed because my Title property is setted on Init stage of page life cycle.
I need to know if this property is setted on init stage or if ViewState is restored to avoid call Update, or any tips to avoid refresh my control everytime.
I need to set a style property of an element to the value returned from a code-behind property. I have done this in the past, but it now seems everything I try fails. I get an error telling me that the literal is not formed correctly.These are some of the arrangements I have tried:
I need to do a partial update of a page using an UpdatePanel but I want to throw it using onkeydown. Is there a way to do this by creating a custome asyncpostback trigger.
I'm having a bit of an issue in my ASP.Net application moving focus from a textbox in one user control to a text box in the next user control on the page after postback. I've searched high and low over the last several days to find a solution but, for whatever reason, have been unable to do so.
I have a page that has user controls loaded dynamically to allow a user to enter data.The number and type of user controls loaded to the page is determined at run time based on a database query.It is possible than many controls of the same type can be loaded. Each user control has its own update panel. Within the update panel of each control is a regular asp panel. Inside of the regular panel there are at least 2 server controls (any other controls that may exist in the user control are not affected by this issue) - a text box and a button.The defaultbutton property of the regular panel is set to the ID of the button within the user control. The desired behavior is to allow the user to enter data into the textbox on one user control hit enter to save the data on that user control the application will set focus to the textbox of the next user control on the page after the data from the "current" user control has been saved. Other considerations;
The application uses master pages. We make extensive use of ajax and the ajaxtoolkit in the application. I am using Visual Studio 2010 and .Net 4 The issue - when first entering the page, one can enter data into the first textbox and press the enter key. Data from "current" user control is correctly saved and focus is correctly moved to the next user control on the page.
Data can be entered into the textbox of "new" user control and when the enter key is pressed, the data is correctly save. The focus appears to move correctly to the next user control on the page.Data cannot be entered into the textbox of the control. Pressing the enter key will not save the data (because none was entered) but the focus will move to the textbox of the next user control on the page.
Data can be entered into the textbox of the user control. When the enter key is pressed, the data is correctly saved and the focus appears to move correctly to the textbox of the next control on the pageBasically, steps 3 and 4 are repeated until the end of the user controls on the page, alternating between being able to enter data and not. Other items of note When one is able to enter data into the textbox of a user control, one can correctly tab through the textboxes of each user control until the end of the page When one is not able to enter data into the textbox of a user control, pressing the tab key will take the focus to the address bar of the browser.
I created a much simplified example of the scenario described above and was able to consistently reproduce the "bad" focus behavior. All of the ajax toolkit controls and code where stripped out of the sample to rule the toolkit out as a cause. The behavior still occurs without the toolkit.
I am including the code for default.aspx and WebUserControl1.ascx.
this script works fine but after partial postback again this init function is not working. So i searched in google i found some articles regarding this [URL]
<script type="text/javascript"> function pageLoad() { // Initialization code here, meant to run once. </script>
this works fine when it was postback,but without postback this init function is not working
I have a user control in asp.net that i need to dynmically set properties for. The propety and property values are in a dictionary, for example:
Dictionary<string, string> propertyValues; Control c = Page.LoadControl("~/Control.ascx")
I can currently set the properties on the control using reflection, however, with .net 4 and the new dynamic keyword, is there an easier way to do it, for example, something like this:
I have created a user custom control, and what I would like to do is to pass it the text value from a label where I can carry out some other processing.
How to set proprety for List dynamically. I have a WebPage class having properties. strNodeName is one of the property of this class which is the parameters of method. I want to set the string strTitle according to the parameter strNodeName i.e., set
strTitle = _list[i].Title.ToString(); I want Title to be the strNodeName. Like if strNodeName = Author, then strTitle = _list[i].Author.ToString(); if strNodeName = CoAuthor, then strTitle = _list[i].CoAuthor.ToString();  Below is my code. [Code]....
here's my situation - I've created some ActionFilterAttributes that I want to apply to a custom Controller class that my other controllers can inherit from. The problem is, I need to set a property on the attribute from the final inheriting controller. So I have something like this :
I have a ReportViewer control and the PDF download function is working fine. However, the table does not fit to the page of the PDF and part of it appear in 2nd page. I want to have that report fits into one single PDF page.
How can we set the page setting property when it compile the PDF file ?
I need to validate a textbox to ensure the submit date is older than Today. I wanted to use a CompareValidator to do that, but unfortunately the following code doesn't work:
I am using a master page and web content forms in my project. I have a panel on my web content page which opens a popup window using window.open. When opening the popup window, I disable the panel on the web content form.
When I close the popup window, I want the panel to be enabled. I am trying to do this using javascript, but I am not sure how can I set the enable property of the panel to true using javascript.
I have an ASP.NET web application and at a certain point I do this:mycontrol.stringparameterforjscript = "document.getElementById('" + myotherparam + "').value = 'Hello'";The problem is that this thing does not work.s you can see this sets a javascript in some event of some tag. Well when the page is redered the problem is that my parameter look like this:
I'm trying to set the ImageUrl property after I've uploaded an image so that I can display the newly uploaded image, but for some reason it's not working.
If I navigate from the record I've just updated and then return back to that same record, the image then displays. It just doesn't display right after I've updated it. Basically what I'm doing is this:
Sub FormView1_OnItemUpdated(Sender As Object, e As FormViewUpdatedEventArgs)
Dim MyImage As Image MyImage = FormView1.FindControl("Image1") MyImage.ImageUrl = "image1.jpg"[code]....
I've left out the path intentionally because I'm pretty certain that the path I'm giving is correct... again, if I navigate away from the record and then return to it, the image displays. In addition, when I view the "Page Source" to view the resulting html, the src property of the image tag is blank . So, it's not a path issue... the issue is that its not setting the src at all which is why the image is not displaying.
Let's say I have a booking form which is divided into 3 separate views in a multi view.
View 1: "How many people do you want to book for?" And then just a text box
View 2: "Please enter the details for each of the people" And then a series of dynamically generated text boxes - the number of boxes is determined by the value in the textbox in view 1 (e.g. if the users enters "3" into the text box, there will be 3 series of text boxes like "Details of person 1: First Name <textbox> Last Name <textbox>, Details of person 2: First Name<textbox etc..."
View 3: "Please review and confirm the details are correct:" Displays data entered in view 2.
Here's the difficult part - In order to generate the controls in view 2, I need to know the value of the text box in view 1. This value isn't available during Page_Init as viewstate has not yet been written. But - need to build the controls during Page_Innit. So - I thought why not try to grab the value of the textbox using Request.Form[Texbox1.ClientID]; - this is fine when moving from view1 to view2 but remember - I need to recreate these controls again if the user moves back to view1 or forward to view3 (it is a requirement that the user can move backwards and forwards between the views).
So - User enters value in Textbox in View1, hits the "Next button", we request that value using Request.Form and generate a series of controls dynamically. Then the user clicks "Next" again and moves to view 3 where we would like to show a summary of what they entered. But - we cant because those controls dont exist as we could not create them because the value of textbox1 is not available during Page_Init and we can't use Request.Form as the textbox isn't now part of request.form because we came from view2, not view1.
I can't figure out how to dynamically create these controls and then recreate them during page_innit on each postback so we retain any values the user might have entered.
We deployed our legacy ASP.NET application to production after successful test deployments to our staging environment. The application makes use of RequiredFieldValidators on one particular registration page. On our development and stage environments, the validators successfully detect empty fields when "Submit" is clicked, error messages are displayed, and form submission is prevented. But on production, the validators do not display error messages. Clicking submit will cause a postback, the code-behind checks for Page.IsValid and correctly detects the form has missing fields, but the registration form is redisplayed with no error messages (ie "Please enter an email") to the user.Sample: (note I dont explicitly declare EnableClientScript or SetFocusOnError)
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=Requiredfieldvalidator1 runat="server" CssClass="NormalRed" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Please enter an email." ControlToValidate="txtEmail"></asp:requiredfieldvalidator>
Both environments (stage and production) are identical: Win2K3 Server and IIS 7, SQL Server 2008, and ASP.NET 1.1 runtime (embarrassingly).
For developing a VS-2008 application at developing stage best softwares for test the application.we found some of the testing applications like NUnit and MSUnit, which are the softwares best to test the application at developing stage.
I have converted the change password control to a template. It is inside an update panel. After changing the password the confirm button takes the user to the success step by updating the update panel. Then by clicking the OK button, I would like to reset the password changer to its initial state so that the user can change the password again. Right now I am not sure how this is done and the control simply remains at the second step, telling the user "password has been changed" . User can press OK. What must I write in the OK button click event to reset the password control to its original state?