Call Public Property Declared In A ASPX Page From A Different ASPX Page?

Jan 15, 2011

How can I call a public property declared on a ASPX page from a different ASPX Page? Is that possible? It is a website project. How can I get/call this property from a different aspx page? I have attempted this from the other page, but it is not recognizing the partial class: private Test_Default _test; It does not recognize the "Test_Default"



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{"C#", 58},
{"ASP.NET", 45},
{"VB.NET", 36},
{"AJAX", 24},

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<img src="newpage.aspx" />

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<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server" language="c#">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.ContentType = "image/png";
byte[] data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("");
Response.OutputStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

If I call FinalImage.aspx I see a broken image.

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I think its close, though. this solution is needed to get around the fact that skype does not have an https option for its skype buttons which tell the status of the skype user. Creating this proxy page will allow this to work without causing a 'mixed' security alert in the browser.

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public event System.EventHandler MemberSelectionChanged;

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this.ucMemberList.MemberSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(MemberList_MemberSelectionChanged);

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[code].... page code -

Public Module NewOne
Public Sub NewOne_Load(ByRef Page As Web.UI.Page)
end sub
end module

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I have one web application running with a page say Page1.aspx in browser. 2. I have created a web service which is having an aspx page say Page2.aspx. 3. There is a button on Page1.aspx. 4. Now, when client click on the button, is it possible to load Page2.aspx, which is not a part of web application, but the web service.


What I am trying to do is, get response obtained in Gen.aspx and pass it to default.aspx page.

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Jun 16, 2010

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<MyUserControl id="myusercontrol" runat="server">

instead of:

<MyUserControl id="myusercontrol" runat="server" MyUrlProperty="" />
which can't be casted from System.String to System.Uri EDIT The control is a sealed class and I don't want to modify it or write an own control. The goal is to set the url-property which is of the type System.Uri and not System.String.

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