Can Delete A Row In GridView While The Primary Key Of That Table Is Not Loaded Into The Gridview
Jan 12, 2011
I have a table with primary key whose importance is technically high and none business wise. So, when I display the table data to user, I would like not to show him the primary key. Even if I load it in sqldatasource and dont show (I did this by removing the cloumn in "Columns" tag of GridView), I am not able to update or delete row using the built-in UpdateCommand & DeleteCommand. I have created the delete paramters but it does nothing when I hit the delete button.How to get around it?
when i bind first time page (10) records then primary properly bind with records and when my next 10 records load using lazy loading then the primary key not change it shows 1st records primary key
check the below code in which i am assigning assetid (primary key) but its not assigning properly...
function OnSuccess(response) { //alert('testing'); var xmlDoc = $.parseXML(response.d); var xml = $(xmlDoc); pageCount = parseInt(xml.find("PageCount").eq(0).find("PageCount").text()); var customers = xml.find("AssetSummary");
I'd like to delete the row without using the DeleteCommand in GridView. I created the button "Obrisi" which should delete the row from the table, but when I click on it I get the following error: "The multi-part identifier "System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCell" could not be bound." and I don't understand what the problem is.
Here is the code (part of the code after else if is important):
GridView: grvResultPrimary Key: FLTIDTextBox: txtRemarksThere is a button named btnAdd in the FormView named FormView2.txtRemarks is outside the form.The scenario is that if user wants to add a record with empty textbox and click btnAdd then how to restrict user to add empty row to gridview?I have tried Validation by controling txtRemarks but it is not helpful for me because in the page there is a FormView1, FormView2 and grvResult.If I am applying validation then all other updation methods of FormView1 and grvResult are disturbing.Simple is that I want to give option to user that without empty data using txtRemarks, user can enter data to grvResult.
i get the following exception (missing primary key) in the line of using Find() method "Table doesn't have a primary key." I've rechecked the Database and all Primary Key columns are set correctly.
DataTable dt = p.GetAllPhotos(int.Parse(Id)); DataTable temp = new DataTable(); temp = dt.Clone(); temp = (DataTable)(Session["currentImage"]); DataTable dtvalid = new DataTable(); dtvalid = dt.Clone(); DataRow[] drr = new DataRow[1]; drr[0] = dt.Rows.Find((int.Parse(temp.Rows[0]["photoId"].ToString()))+1); foreach (DataRow dr in drr) { dtvalid.ImportRow(dr); } dtvalid.AcceptChanges();'
How do I reference the delete button to add the delete confirmation box when I have both the Edit and Delete buttons as the last two columns in the Gridview control. The following code works fine without any issues when I have the delete button only:
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.DataRow) return; int lastCellIndex = e.Row.Cells.Count - 1; Button db = (Button)e.Row.Cells[lastCellIndex].Controls[0]; db.OnClientClick = "if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?')) return false;"; }
But, when I have both the Edit and the Delete buttons, I get the following error when I click the edit button while the delete button works fine.
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index
How do I reference the delete button so the edit button is not affected in this case?
Using "Enable Delete" from Gridview control, I can delete (besides, update, sort, paging, etc) data from the database (this is done automatically). However, how can I delete the actual image that resides in my image folder (i.e. from "pix" folder )? What is the best way to delete image? If using code behind, how? Please write a full code for me. Here is my source code.
An error occurred during the processing of . System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection must have items of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlField'. 'SharePoint:DeleteItemButton' is of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.DeleteItemButton'.
I have a gridview with edit and delete parameters enabled. When I click on the edit link, I can edit the record successfully. However when I click on the delete link, nothing happens (the record does not get deleted).
I have a Gridview (VS2008 3.5) which has a Edit Button and a Delete button.he Delete button deletes the row without confirming deletion with the user first. ow can I use the Confirm/Delete Confirm from Ajax Toolkitif possible and if not, is there a way to Confirm/Delete with user firstwhen using Gridview?
I would like to know If I can Get the Primary Key of the Selected Row without display the PrimaryKey Column? I Created a S.P which return me a DataTable of the Customers Tables (There Details only, without there ID which is the Primary Key) I set it to GridView for Display the Customers list. Now, I want to get the Selected Customer ID (His Primary Key) How can I do this? I tried to set the DataKeyNames of the GridView to "CustomerID" But, it didnt recognize me CustomerID. what to do, to fix it?
I have 2 GridViews. One is working perfectly. What I would like to have happen is when a row is selected on GridView1 (with Primary key of OrderNumber), the matching records from the field in GridView1 ClientID to show up in GridView2.
I think I've narrowed my problem down to CilentID is not a primary key, but still there should be some way to link them.
name | phno. | emp_name(in dropdown) | buttonfield
wen user comes on this page this grid comes filled but then I need to select 1 emp_name from dropdown and click button(in last column) corresponding to that row. then on clicking that row button it should fetch that toq Primary Key and dropdown corresponding id. how? Wen I m fetching its fetching row index as 0 though it is no.4 record as per database(coz my records are in desc.order). I mean its giving row index as per grid and not as per my actual table(primary key).
I have two gridviews, where the first is databound to a sql table (but does not display the primary key info), and want to filter the data displayed on the second gridview by using the primary key info from the first gridview table, indicated by the selected row in the first gridview - how I could achieve this? its kind of like using the gridviews as a menu and sub menu display!
I have a gridview which I load with data on click of a button. For some reason the paging did not work. The paging number shows up but clicking on page # 2, 3 or 4 does not take you anywhere. the grid just disappears on clicking them. right after that when i click the button to generate the grid, the grid came up this time the gird is on page 2 or 3 instead of 1. I have the following on page_indexing properly.
I have a gridview which I load with data on click of a button. For some reason the paging did not work. The paging number shows up but clicking on page # 2, 3 or 4 does not take you anywhere. the grid just disappears on clicking them. right after that when i click the button to generate the grid, the grid came up this time the gird is on page 2 or 3 instead of 1.
I have the following on page_indexing properly.
Protected Sub GV_Document_Hide_PageIndexChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs) Handles GV_PSIDocument_Hide.PageIndexChanging GV_Document_Hide.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex End Sub
I even tried by adding the databind() code inside the pageindexchanging as suggested in other threads but that didn't make any difference.
The only way I could get this going was by populating/loading the grid on page_load. I have to assign datasource & databind it every time irrespective of even postbacks. I tried IsNotpostback then the paging failed again Why does gridview needs loading on page_load every time if the paging needs to work properly?
I want to download all the pages from a gridview to excel, I have the code which is working. But the problem is that it gets the data only from the current page.
I tried making paging=false. But it doesnt work. And if i use databind it does not get any data from the gridview.
How can we map a table without having primary key in nHibernate.I have a table which does not contain any primary key, so how can i map this table in .hbm.xml file.