Can Pass Ajax Request With Header

Jan 13, 2010

While using Ajax in web applications we use XML to transfer the data between server and client. However XSS validation comes into picture, So questions are,1. Is passing XML like this is correct?2. Are we exposed to security issues if we turn off XSS validation?3. Can passing Ajax request with header (content-type = application/xml) solve this problem ?JSON is also good approach to transfer the data but that to invoke XSS.

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AJAX :: Tab Control Header - Change The Height Of Header Text

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Security :: Pass Credential From On Request To Another Request (one Site To Another Site)?

Jul 27, 2010

WebApp1: on IIS and configured with Windows authentication. Get User account from AD.

WebAPP2: a java web app on another windows box in same domain with authentication from AD

On web app1, I have a http handler like

public class MyHandler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string url = "http://WebApp2/Test";
HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
CredentialCache myCache = new CredentialCache();
NetworkCredential netCredential = new NetworkCredential("myname", "mypassword", "");
myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Basic", netCredential);
myReq.Credentials = myCache;

in above way, I can set authentication in code and pass it WebApp2.

But I don't want to put name and password in code. User info already available on WebApp1: in context.User I can find out the user info who already logined into WebApp1, so I want to pass this credential to WebApp2. I have tried to do following:

myReq.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

but I am failed becuast there is no data in CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials.

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Http - Extract Header Info From A Get Request On A Remote URL?

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Pass Value From One App To Another Via HTTP Header?

Jun 15, 2010

We are implementing a single sign on mechanism in an enterprise environment, where the token is shared between applications using HTTP header. Now, in order to do the integration test, I need to write an application to simulate this. Is there any way in ASP.NET where I can redirect to another web-page and pass a custom HTTP header in the process?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Adding HTTP Request Header - Operation Not Supported?

Jul 20, 2010

I am trying to call a webservice that requires me to authenticate and then pass the session id returned from the authenticate method to subsequent web service calls. The session id has to be passed as HTTP request header. So I tried using the following code to add the session id to a HTTP request header:

System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection headers =
Type t = headers.GetType();
//get the property
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p = t.GetProperty("IsReadOnly",System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
//unset readonly
p.SetValue(headers, false,
//add a header
"SID=" + sessionId );

The header is supposed to be called "Cookie" and the SID contains the session id. The problem is the last line in the code above gives an exception saying "Operation is not supported on this platform". I am running this code on my dev machine with with Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 and IIS 5.1. I haven't been able to find any solution to this problem after days of searching. I also tried to deploy my web app on IIS directly but had the same error.

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Nested Repeater Pass Value In Header Template?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a nested repeater and i want to pass value in its header. here is my code so far.. The main problem is the id of the control in header template is also coming from code behind.

<asp:Repeater ID="RptrProgCategory" runat="server">
<asp:Repeater ID="RptrPrograms" runat="server">
<HeaderTemplate><input type="hidden" id="<%= questvalue%>"/></HeaderTemplate>


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Web Forms :: How To Pass Values Using Http Header To Another Domain

Sep 2, 2010

There are two applications "Sender", "Receiver"."Receiver" is a page, running in a serverSender" is not an page and running in some other server."Sender" is passing a string (eg. userName) through http header."Receiver" is reading the string from http header as followsRequest.Header["userName"].How to pass values through http header? Can I have some samples?

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C# - How To By Pass Request Validation

Jan 2, 2011

I have a GridView and I need update some data inserting HTML CODE; I would need this data been stored encoded and decoded on request.

I cannot in any way disable globally "Request Validation" and not even at Page Level, so I would need a solution to disable "Request Validation" at Control Level.

At the moment I am using a script which should Html.Encode every value being update, butt seems that "Request Validation" start its job before event RowUpdating, so I get the Error "Page A potentially dangerous Request.Form ... ".

void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in e.NewValues)
e.NewValues[entry.Key] = Server.HtmlEncode(entry.Value.ToString());

PS I USE Wweb Controls not MVC

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Crystal Reports :: Pass String To Textbox At Header Section

Feb 1, 2010

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Silverlight - CGI And Debugger - Can't Pass Through URL Because Actual Request Is Coming From Server

Oct 4, 2010

I've got a Silverlight app that has to accept some initial data when it fires up. That data, unfortunately, MUST come from XML input. In addition, I can't just pass it through the URL because the actual request is coming from a server external to my own.

So the basic setup is this: Remote server needs to launch my app. Remote server pops open a window on the user's PC with a URL directed at a CGI application that can accept the XML input. The CGI app parses the input and spits out an HTML page containing the Silverlight app with all of the init params set. Long story short: When the Silverlight app is opened this way I can't debug it. I attach to the process, but none of the break points can be hit.

I tried every way in the world to get the ASP.NET page that would normally host the Silverlight app to accept the XML in the URL but it would get stripped by ASP.NET because of security reasons and no amount of modifying the config file would fix it (since it was stemming from the other web server presumably).

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AJAX :: Accordion Header CSS?

Jan 18, 2010

I am loading an Accorion control dynamically (Used for a menu) and assign the Style in code.

The accordion Header has a default and a hover over style and so does the Content. But it seems like the Content a:hover is used on the Header although i have made sure that i have the Header a:hover also in the CSS. Does any one know if there are something logged like this? Here is my code that dynamically loads the Accordion in the Code Behind

private void loadAccordion(string sMenu,string sHeadingImage)



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Forms Data Controls :: Adding The Custom Header Control To The GridView Header?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a Gridview where I want to handle the Sorting in a custom control that I've added to the header.
I've added this control to my GridView's Header via OnRowCreate event handling. I want the Sort Expressions to persist session to session (via Webparts Personalization)

Here is what I have for adding the custom header control to the GridView Header


This works out well for adding the control, but I can't get anything to persist because these controls are creating initially via postback (per the event) and re-created on all subsequent postbacks. I can't add an If(!IsPostback) because the controls are initially created on the gridview's postback (well at least thats how it's acting when I put it in there) If I were to add this control via the ASP page, not via the Codebehind, I would be able to persist the control. If I try to treat it as though everything is setup correctly, and assign my custom control's controls to [Personalizable], I get a runtime error telling me that I can only have webpartzones in or before Page_init (I'm guessing this is due to when/where the
gridview hits the OnRowCreate event). If there is some fundimental logic I'm missing, or best practices that I'm moving away from,

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice Header / Error Server Did Not Recognize The Value Of HTTP Header SOAPAction?

Oct 30, 2010

I call a webservices from my javascript and im getting response as error.

Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction:

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Header Button Instead Of Header Name?

Nov 28, 2010

is there anyway i can add in the gridview in header column name a button instead of label ?

column name 1 column name 2 column name 3 button

i am using checkbox column in item template for the button ,i wish after selecting checkbox for some row to click on the button on the header !!

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WCF / ASMX :: Missing XML Header And Envelope Header In SOAP Response With.Net (2.0) Web Service

Jul 19, 2010

In my ASP.Net (2.0) Web Service implementation (The implementation class derives from

System.Web.Services.WebService with WebServiceBinding confirming to WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1 .

The SOAP response sent out by the Service has two elements missing :

1> The XML header itself : (<?xml version="1.0">)

2> The opening and closing Envelope tags with NameSpace ("<S:Envelope xmlns:S=>" and "</S:Envelope>" ).

This results in "breaking" of my client unless the above mentioned headers are inserted at the client end, and my intent is to avoid bypasses at the client end as far as popssible.Is this the default behavior ?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Column Header / How To Show Header

Mar 11, 2010

i have a problem with ListView control,when i bind data to it, it shows the heder of it also.

i don't want to show me the hedear, what should i do?


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Header / Change The Header Based On The Session Variable

Feb 16, 2011

I am using the following code to change the header based on the session variable


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AJAX :: How To Update The AccordionPane Header

Jan 10, 2011

I have a disabled label, where I stored a record count for each query, and was wondering how to change my code, where it displays the value of the label, instead of the lable name?Example:

<AjaxControlToolkit:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane1" runat="server">
<a href="" onclick="return false;" class="accordionLink"> Total Records: lbl_RecordCount.Text.Value</a>

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AJAX :: Set Up Accordion Disable Header

Apr 19, 2010

I want to set up an accordion where the user is led through a series of steps and can only get to the next pane once they have filled in all the information. I have already found code to open/close panes, so that will be applied to a button that becomes enabled once the user has filled out all the necessary information. I can't figure out how to disable the header behavior. I took the href off and it still is clickable.

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AJAX :: Datagrid - Freeze Header Row Using IE8

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to know how I can freeze the Header Row using DataGrid with AJAX in IE8. I've already tried using CSS but this does not work with IE8 unless I switch it to compatiblity mode. I have more than 100+ users so this is not feasible.

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AJAX :: Add Button To Accordion Header

May 3, 2010

i add accordion with button in my page. the problme is that i cant click on this button and get it eventhandler how to fix it?

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