Change Tab Index Of Button?

Jan 4, 2010

I have as 2 step create user wizard. The second step collects shipping information. I use a custom control for gathering the shipping information. I have tabindexes set up, but the wizard always sets focus to the button instead of the next text box. How can I change the tabindex of the button?

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Tree View Set Slected Index / Auto Selected Index Change To Tree Node?

Jan 25, 2011

I have two control page in my aspx page. first one left side "tree view",second one right side " form design".Form design will change based on tree view selected index changed.i have 4 level child node(site, master , slave, space). I have seperate forms to each level of node.

cannot update tree node when update the forms. so i reload tree view.

now i need how to auto selected index change to tree node.


1 parent node

1.1 child node

1.2 child node

i have update "1.2 child node" rename to "1.3 child node"

and reload treeview so it will chage...

how set tree node.selected index = 1.3 child node....

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Data Controls :: Hiding Button Control Inside Repeater And Get Index Value Of Button

Apr 14, 2013

I have this code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!IsPostBack) {
ArrayList olist = new ArrayList() {"visible", "invisible", "visible", "visible", "visible", "invisible", "visible", "visible", "invisible"};
for (int i = 0; i <= olist.Count-1; i++) {
if (olist[i].ToString() == "visible" ) {

[Code] ....

I want to hide the button if records found "invisible".

The output must be like this:


Another question is

I want to get the button index value  inside the repeater row, when the user click the button the index value display one Label3

void repbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Label3.Text = "The button item index that clicked in the repeater is: "; // + irepeater.Items. ;

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SQL Server :: How To Change Cluster Index To Non Cluster Index

Nov 3, 2010

How to change cluster index to non cluster index, if it is primary key?

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Ddl Selected Index Change?

Mar 2, 2011

this works only when autopostback=TRUE. why is this?

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How To Change The GridView Page Index

Mar 4, 2011

how to chabge Gridview pages based on the dropdown list selected index, the dropdown list is not inside the gridview.

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Web Forms :: Change The Index Of An Item In A Listbox?

Feb 8, 2010

I have up and down arrows next to a listbox and i need to switch the actual index of the item.

It is very similar to this thread: [URL]

But what actually I want is, if the listbox is like

item2 (selected)

So after clicking on down button it should display the listbox in following way


The selected item should move downwards.

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AJAX :: Can Do Postback On Tab Index Change On Tab Control

Sep 6, 2010

i want to do postback and do some logical things in code behing whenever user click's Tab other than in which he is presently working.Is this possible? How?

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AJAX :: How To Change Tab Index From Child Page

Jan 13, 2011

I have a tab container with two tab panels on default.aspx as


The first tab panel hosts Page1.aspx and Page1.aspx has a Button.

When I click this button from Page1.aspx , I want the active tab (on default.aspx) to change to second tab panel which hosts Page2.aspx.

I can not get hold of the tabcontainer in the button click event in the child page.

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C# - No Change For Index Of DropDownList In A Custom Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I have Created A Custom Control which is a DropDownList with specified Items. I designed AutoPostback and SelectedCategoryId as Properties and SelectedIndexChanged as Event for My Custom Control. Here Is My ASCX file Behind Code:

private int _selectedCategoryId;
private bool _autoPostback = false;
public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged;
public void BindData()


But Always The Selected Index of CategoryDDL1 is 0(Like default). this means Only Zero Value will pass to the event to update textboxes Data. what is the wrong with my code? why the selected Index not Changing?

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Web Forms :: Onselected Index Change Not Firing

Mar 5, 2012

I can't get my OnselectedIndexChanged to fire. 

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="Pending" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
OnSelectedIndexChanged="Populategrid" Height="16px"
RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Width="755px">
<asp:ListItem Value="250">Pending Over 250</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="300">Pending Over 300</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="350">Pending Over 350</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="400">Pending Over 400</asp:ListItem>

Since I am staying on the same page do I need something in pageload?I put this in pageload but it doesn't do anything:

If Page.IsPostBack = True Then GridView1.DataBind() End If
I do have this in pageload too could this be messing it up? 'used for a back button on the page. So when use sort several times you can click on the button to go back to the counts.

If Page.IsPostBack = False Then
ViewState.Add("NbrPostbacks", "1") Else
ViewState.Item("NbrPostbacks") += 1 End If
btnback.PostBackUrl = String.Format("javascript:history.go(-{0});", ViewState.Item("NbrPostbacks"))

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C# - Selection Index Change Is Not Working Of Drop Down List?

Oct 12, 2010

i have only one element in drop downlist so selection index change is not working. the datasource is given to run time. if it was on designing time i can give the select one list item. but at run time what should i do?

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Active Index Is Not Being Persisted In JQuery Accordion Change Event?

Feb 1, 2010

I have an aspx page and on that page I have a hidden input field with and id of paneIndex. However, when I load the page, the alert shows index 1 which is correct on the first load, but if I open up pane 3 for example, the alert shows 1 still. Am I doing something wrong?

In a Custom.js file, I have the following code:


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Forms Data Controls :: DropDown Index Change In A Repeater?

Mar 22, 2010

i have a dropdownlist and a textbox in a repeater i need to enable/disable the textbox depending on what was selected in the repeater.

this is the code i have now:

Protected Sub ddlContact_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Index Of Dropdown In Gridview

Sep 21, 2010

i have got grid view with 4 coloums which contains 2 dropdown list. n i have 2 drop down list out side the gridview .

i want to change the index of the 1st coloum dropdown list inside the gridview when changing the drop down list index outside using javascript

similarly the when the 2nd dropdown list(out side ) index change the 2nd coloumn dropdown list in gridview should change.

In short the outside placed dropdown list should act as master dropdown list.

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State Management :: Dropdown Lis Should Be Keep Index After Page Change And Back?

Aug 11, 2010

I am having a dropdownlist and fill it by providing dataset its working on page now what i want is when i am click on a button page is transfer to another page but from that page when i am back i want dropdown value selected.

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C# - Modifying The Query String On Dropdown Index Change In Code Behind?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a drop down box that is in the edit template of a formview. I want to be able to add a parrameter to the querystring when the drop down selected index is changed.

I tried

Request.QueryString.Add("tabindex", (sender as WebControl).TabIndex.ToString());

But I got an exception saying the collection is readonly.

Here is my markup

<icms_ref:ReferenceDropDownList ReferenceDataManagerProviderName="ROCSQLReferenceDataProvider"
ID="ddlEnquirerHearType" TabIndex="2" runat="server" ReferenceSetName="EnquiryHearType"
AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="EnquirerHearType_SelectedIndexChanged"
DataTextField="ShortName" DataValueField="ReferenceId" />

and here is my code behind.

protected void EnquirerHearType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var pnlEnquiryHearTypeOther = fvEnquiryInformation.FindControl("pnlEnquiryHearTypeOther") as Panel;
pnlEnquiryHearTypeOther.Visible = DdlEnquirerHearType.SelectedValue == ((int)EnquiryHearType.Other).ToString();
ResetTextBox("txtEnquiryHearTypeOther", fvEnquiryInformation);
Request.QueryString.Add("tabindex", (sender as WebControl).TabIndex.ToString());

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Column Index Of Girdview?

Sep 16, 2010

how can i change column index of girdview ,

i have to show button at right hand side

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Web Forms :: Selected Index Change Event On Dropdownlist In Gridview

Aug 30, 2012

How to select next row of grid view on selected index change event on dropdownlist in gridview...

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Gridview Columns Order Or Index?

Dec 15, 2010

How to change GridView columns order or index during runtime.

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Capture DropDownList Index Change Event Inside Of Grid View?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to capture the SelectedIndexChanged event for a drop down list I have put inside of a gridview control. It posts back fine, but does not go into my SelectedIndexChanged event handler. Here is my code


it is still not going into my myddl_SelectedIndexChanged() eventhandler.

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Forms Data Controls :: Second Dropdown Slected Index Change On Submitclick?

Jan 13, 2011

i have two dropdownlist, second dropdown populates based on value selected in first dropdown.

Parentdropdown is working fine and second dropdown is also popualting correctly. But when i select value from second dropdown and click on submit button it resets to first value i.e though i have chosen 3rd value from dropdown it resets to first value.This happens when autopostback is not thr.

If for the same case ifi do autopostback=true. It chnages to first value automatically . then it odesnot require submitbutton click as well.

In both cases selected index is not getting set for second dropdown.


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Forms Data Controls :: Change Gridview Selected Index Dynamically

Feb 9, 2010

I have a gridview. .When I add new data to gridview, I want to change gridview selectex index dynamically. I want to set gridview selectedindex the new added data .

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Forms Data Controls :: Rewrite Url When The Griedview Page Index Change?

Feb 19, 2010

I want to rewrite url when the griedview page Index change

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Capture A DropDownList Selected Index Change Event

Sep 15, 2010

I have a gridview that receives data based on selection from a primary dropdownlist object. Works.

Within the gridview, there is a dropdownlist whose selected index is based on the query from the primary dropdownlist. Works.


How do I force the used to change whatever value that the dropdownlist contains after they make their initial selection from the primary dropdownlist; except the default value of "make a selection".

Gridview, contains a checkbox which drives whether a selected row is inserted into the data base. The databind in done using an ObjectDataSource on the presentation page, not in the code behind.

View 11 Replies

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