C# - No Change For Index Of DropDownList In A Custom Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I have Created A Custom Control which is a DropDownList with specified Items. I designed AutoPostback and SelectedCategoryId as Properties and SelectedIndexChanged as Event for My Custom Control. Here Is My ASCX file Behind Code:

private int _selectedCategoryId;
private bool _autoPostback = false;
public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged;
public void BindData()


But Always The Selected Index of CategoryDDL1 is 0(Like default). this means Only Zero Value will pass to the event to update textboxes Data. what is the wrong with my code? why the selected Index not Changing?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Selected Index Change Event On Dropdownlist In Gridview

Aug 30, 2012

How to select next row of grid view on selected index change event on dropdownlist in gridview...

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Capture DropDownList Index Change Event Inside Of Grid View?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to capture the SelectedIndexChanged event for a drop down list I have put inside of a gridview control. It posts back fine, but does not go into my SelectedIndexChanged event handler. Here is my code


it is still not going into my myddl_SelectedIndexChanged() eventhandler.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Capture A DropDownList Selected Index Change Event

Sep 15, 2010

I have a gridview that receives data based on selection from a primary dropdownlist object. Works.

Within the gridview, there is a dropdownlist whose selected index is based on the query from the primary dropdownlist. Works.


How do I force the used to change whatever value that the dropdownlist contains after they make their initial selection from the primary dropdownlist; except the default value of "make a selection".

Gridview, contains a checkbox which drives whether a selected row is inserted into the data base. The databind in done using an ObjectDataSource on the presentation page, not in the code behind.

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AJAX :: Can Do Postback On Tab Index Change On Tab Control

Sep 6, 2010

i want to do postback and do some logical things in code behing whenever user click's Tab other than in which he is presently working.Is this possible? How?

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Custom Server Controls :: Cascading DropDownList Custom Control - Design

Jun 14, 2010

I seriously want to learn how to create a custom server control, for that I made a requirement for myself, but lost on how to accomplish it.
Requirement -I want to create a cascading dropdownlist control - which should have following properties -1) ConnectionString - used to get data for the 1st dropdown from database, and also it is used by 2nd DropDown to get data.2) 1stSelectCommand - Used by the 1st DropDown to get data from the database.3) 2ndWhereCommand - used by the 2nd DropDown - uses the selected value from the 1st DropDown in the where clause to get data.
Methods - 1) DropDown1_SelectedIndexChanged()2) DropDown2_SelectedIndexChanged(3) CustomCascading_Changed() - this happens when any of the DropDowns index changed.
PS - This is a random requirement, of course it got nothing to do with any project or real time.I want to learn, so i incorporated basic concepts like Data Access, Custom Methods, Properties etc.PPS - I know how to create basic custom server control, so plz dont forward me links to how to create basic custom server controls. But in case with extrordinary links.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Preserve DropDownList Selected Index In User Control?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a user control that has some drop down lists. These DDLs are used by the user to filter their product search on my search page. A button is used to post the form and get the results of the product search. Those results are displayed on the results page, which also has the search filter user control on it. I'd like the results page to have the values of the DDLs be preserved from the search page. Example: user selected color of red and size of large on the search page. When the results page is displayed, I'd like the selected color to be red for the color DDL and the size to be large for the size DDL. How can I do this?

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Add A Dropdownlist Of Available Values For A Custom Server Control Property

Sep 13, 2010

How would I add a (dropdown) list of available values for a custom server control property?

(Just like 'Visible' property of most controls has valid values of 'True/False' and nothing else can be entered or selected)

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C# - Change Login Control Layout In Custom Control?

Jun 21, 2010

Is it possible to create a Custom Control which inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login and change its layout and add additional controls such as a DropDownList. I have tried various ways to do this by overriding the Render Contents methods but each time I have to recreate the controls which are already present in the main Login control. Is it possible to somehow get a reference to the controls in the parent class and then override the Render Contents method to render the controls how I need them?I would like if at all possible to use the controls and functionality that already exist in the Login control but just change the layout and add in an additional DropDownList control.

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Tree View Set Slected Index / Auto Selected Index Change To Tree Node?

Jan 25, 2011

I have two control page in my aspx page. first one left side "tree view",second one right side " form design".Form design will change based on tree view selected index changed.i have 4 level child node(site, master , slave, space). I have seperate forms to each level of node.

cannot update tree node when update the forms. so i reload tree view.

now i need how to auto selected index change to tree node.


1 parent node

1.1 child node

1.2 child node

i have update "1.2 child node" rename to "1.3 child node"

and reload treeview so it will chage...

how set tree node.selected index = 1.3 child node....

View 3 Replies

User Control Not Working On Select Index Change Of Checkbox But Working On Gridview

Mar 9, 2010

i m facing a issue in my code i m calling a user control which is in master page, and in row databound i m calling it and it is working fine but on select index change of checkbox it is not working

protected void chkIntClient_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
UserControls_AlwaysVisible uc = this.Page.Master.FindControl("Alwaysvisible") as UserControls_AlwaysVisible;
uc.Visible = true;
ArrayList raters = new ArrayList();
CheckBox chkselproducer;

View 7 Replies

Data Controls :: Filter Repeater Control Data On DropDownList Selected Index Changed

May 7, 2015

i need to Filter and display Google Map Markers from database based on DropDownList selection. for that I need to pass the selected value of DropDownList to the query.What should i do in the following code to do the above task?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;


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C# - Add A Validation Support To DropDownList By Creating A Custom Control?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to add a validation support to DropDownList by creating a custom control inheriting from DropDownList:

public class MyDropDown: DropDownList, INamingContainer
private const string ValidatorID = "Validator";
private RequiredFieldValidator _validator;


My class implements INamingContainer because I wanted to avoid naming conflicts. Unfortunately when I try using this control I get the following exception:

Unable to find control id 'MDD' referenced by the 'ControlToValidate' property of 'MDD_Validator'

This is happening beause for INamingContainer FindControl(NamingContainerId) returns null.

When I remove INamingContainer implementation and set validator ID in the following way:

_validator.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}", ID, ValidatorID);

Everything is working fine, and id given to Validator is the same as it would be inside Naming container.

But is there a way to accomplish this WITH INamingContainer ?

View 1 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: Change Theme To Customized Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a customrize control (GridView)

I am trying to add theme for GridView

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" SkinID="GVfour"> // this is work

<JJ:RxGridView ID="JJGV" runat="server" SkinID="GVfour" ... > // this is my custom control , skin wonk work , can't findout the Skin named GVfour

this customrized control was not written by me... I just guess the problem may be the render code..

I found out the customrized control alerady assign Css Style on Gridview when OnPreRender
like this


I also tryied to change skinid on page_preInit

which will return error because , gridview is null..

View 3 Replies

Security :: Add Another Custom Dropdownlist In Login Control To Authenticate The User?

Aug 13, 2010

how can add another dropdown inside the login control and authenticate the user on the basis of user name,password,and location.

is there any other way?

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Custom Server Controls : Want To Pass Control A Value To One Of Its Parameter Of Type DropDownList

Mar 4, 2011

I want to pass to my control a value to one of its parameter of type DropDownList. Something like:

<uc1:MyControl Id="01" runat="server" OtherControl="ddl1" />

Where "ddl1" is a DropDownList defined in the same page my control resides. How to create this kind of property?

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Control Onselectedindex Change Event Of Dropdownlist On Autopostback Is True

Jan 8, 2011

I am having a problem with dropdownlist auto post back set to true...

In my project I have to hide and display two other dropdown lists depends on selected index change of a main dropdown..

I set the auto postback to true and I am hiding and displaying the dropdowns on user selection...Everthing is working fine..

But I am having a very hard time when user types when the dropdown got focus..this is very annoying situation..if type one word its doing a postback and they are unable to type further...

is there any way to fire this onselectedindex change event on blur or on enter key press...is there a way of doing it with java script or jquery...

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Custom Server Controls :: Returning Dropdownlist Composite Control With Selected Item?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a composite control that returns a different control depending on a property value. The works however I can't seem to set the value of a textbox or the selected item in a dropdown list. Code does not produce error. What am i missing here??


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SQL Server :: How To Change Cluster Index To Non Cluster Index

Nov 3, 2010

How to change cluster index to non cluster index, if it is primary key?

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Get The Value Of The Specified Index In A DropDownList?

May 28, 2010

I want to get the value of the specified index in a DropDownList

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Change Tab Index Of Button?

Jan 4, 2010

I have as 2 step create user wizard. The second step collects shipping information. I use a custom control for gathering the shipping information. I have tabindexes set up, but the wizard always sets focus to the button instead of the next text box. How can I change the tabindex of the button?

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Ddl Selected Index Change?

Mar 2, 2011

this works only when autopostback=TRUE. why is this?

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VS 2010 - Dropdownlist Getting Index

Feb 13, 2013

I've made a small site which purpose is to allow people to add members to their clan. The page has a dropdown list with the names of all available clans.

The name of the clans and the clan password come from a text file which is read when loading the page (but not when there's a page postback) and adds the clans to the dropdownlist.

The clan name and clan password are also read into an array for later use.

When the user selects an item in the dropdownlist I want to get the index so I know which clan name to use and which password.

I tried getting the index by using the indexchanged event and also just the click event of a button but somehow this doesn't seem to be working properly.

When the user filled in all fields and hits the submit button I want to check if the password is correct and want to know the clanname. I'm trying to do this by using the array's with that data and setting the item of the array equal to the index of the selected item in the dropdownlist.

But when I press the button I keep getting a wrong password error even though it's correct. If I remove the password check and submit it then the form should create or append to a text file with the name of the clan. But when submitted the text files is .txt instead of clanname.txt.

Tried setting the dropdown to autopost back or without and get the same result.

My code is the following:

reading the data into the array + adding the clannames to the dropdownlist

vb Code:
Dim data() As String    Dim clanname(50) As String   
Dim clanpass(50) As String Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Me.Load        
Dim fileName As String = "C:/ClientSites/data/clans.txt"       

[Code] ....

The submit button code

vb Code:
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click        
naam = txtMemberName.Text.ToString        gamertag = txtGamerTag.Text.ToString       
platform = txtPlatform.Text.ToString         index = DropDownList1.SelectedIndex        
paswoord = clanpass(index)                    

[Code] ....

In short I load in data from a file into two arrays, clanpass and clanname. Populate the dropdown with the clannames. Then upon submitting I want to check the password against the password for the selected item by using it's index. I also want the name to write it to the correct text file.

View 8 Replies

C# - Add Reference To Method In Custom Control To A Child Control Created In That Same Custom Control

Feb 3, 2010

I have a custom control that is based off the gridview control located at: here The control is basically a gridview that automatically creates a column of checkboxes that can be used to "check" individual rows in the gridview. During the gridview's "CreateColumns" event, the "checkboxcolumn" is created dynamically. The checkboxcolumn also contains another checkbox in the header that is used to "select/deselect all" checkboxes in the column. Since the gridview does not automatically remember the state of the checkboxes in the checkboxcolumn on postback, I added a method to the control called "SaveCheckBoxState" which stores the indexes of the checked rows in Viewstate, and then I modified the "OnRowDataBound" event to check the Viewstate and reset the checkboxes based on the Viewstate.

I then added a call to "SaveCheckBoxState" in the gridview's OnSorting and OnPageIndexChanging events. This works great so long as I'm sorting or changing pages. However, I need it to update the viewstate everytime someone clicks or unclicks one of the checkboxes. At this time, the checkboxes are rendered with an onclick event that calls some javascript to highlight the row, or in the case of the checkbox in the header, to select/deselect all checkboxes. I need to call the "SaveCheckBoxState" method from the javascript used by the customcontrol, or I need to find a way to modify viewstate from javascript and perform the same action as "SaveCheckBoxState".

I've tried adding the "SaveCheckBoxState" to the onclick event declaration in the checkboxes, but when run, it simply tells me that the method is undefined. It doesn't exist in the parent page, and I don't think I should have to make an event for the parent page to pass the click to. It seems to me this should be all self contained within the custom control. Does anyone know how I can acheive this? Here is the code for the gridview OnPreRender event where the onclick event of the checkbox is set:

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
// Do as usual
// Adjust each data row
foreach (GridViewRow r in Rows)
// Get the appropriate style object for the row
TableItemStyle style = GetRowStyleFromState(r.RowState);
// Retrieve the reference to the checkbox
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)r.FindControl(InputCheckBoxField.CheckBoxID);
// Build the ID of the checkbox in the header
string headerCheckBoxID = String.Format(CheckBoxColumHeaderID, ClientID);
// Add script code to enable selection
cb.Attributes["onclick"] = String.Format("ApplyStyle(this, '{0}', '{1}', '{2}')",
// Update the style of the checkbox if checked
if (cb.Checked)
r.BackColor = SelectedRowStyle.BackColor;
r.ForeColor = SelectedRowStyle.ForeColor;
r.Font.Bold = SelectedRowStyle.Font.Bold;
r.BackColor = style.BackColor;
r.ForeColor = style.ForeColor;
r.Font.Bold = style.Font.Bold;

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How To Change The GridView Page Index

Mar 4, 2011

how to chabge Gridview pages based on the dropdown list selected index, the dropdown list is not inside the gridview.

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