Commit And Rollback Options In Database

Apr 27, 2010

I have this page in my application that contains a couple of grids and a few text boxes. Now these grids are getting populated from a hidden field in the page. My requirement is like the main page should have an "Update All" button where as these grids have their individual Update and delete options. Now when I delete or update anything from the Grids it should do a soft update or delete function and eventually when I hit "Update All" an actual commit statement should be executed.

protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex];
TextBox PhoneNo = (TextBox)row.FindControl("TextBox2");

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Nov 23, 2010

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I want to produce an online quiz, that will have the following fuctionality

1. it contain database with , ID, Questions, Option A, B,C, and D, Student Answer.

2.After forming the griedview in connection with the database, i form additonal colum to include Radiobutton where students are to choose the correct option.

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Dim thisConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local)SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"integrated security=sspi;database=MyDatabase")
' SQL Delete Commands
Dim sql As String = "DELETE FROM Employee " & _
"WHERE ID = 10"
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Jul 24, 2010

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Is it possible to do this?

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Managing Entity Edits Between HTTP Posts And Rollback?

Jul 27, 2010

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User wants to discard the changes.

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Commit Transaction In SQL Server

Dec 10, 2010

table 1
Table 2
my stored procedure

when ever i m passing the wrong the value in second table while updating its not updating the table but the problem it is inserting the value in first table i want the whole trans should proceed if success if not rollback

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NHibernate Saves Without Commit() Or Flush()?

May 18, 2010

I have a strange situation.An ASP.NET button click event causes an object in memory to be updated. The object was loaded from NHibernate via Refresh() during Page_Load, but at no time during the entire page life cycle is Commit() or Flush() called.At some point after the page's OnUnload step, the object and any changes made to it are automatically persisted to the database. I cannot see when or where or why this occurs.

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Jul 23, 2010

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C# - Force Query Execution Without Flush/commit

Feb 16, 2010

i am using the transaction-per-request (session-in-view) pattern for an web application. I have a couple of points in the application where i want to Save an NHibernate managed entity and then do a couple of more inserts and updates using common sql. These inserts/updates depend on the ID that the NH saved entity will take.

The problem is that the generated id does not exist in the transactions' scope. If i force a flush/commit the id is persisted but if the inserts/updates fail i have to rollback but the flushed/committed entity will not. Currently I'm doing a manual insert for these cases but that is something i want to change. So, is there a way to execute the SQL statement (inside the already open transaction) after the Save() but without forcing a flush/commit?

EDIT: I'm adding a semi-pseudocode example, i got 4 wrong answers so i think people don't understand (how NHibernate works)
At the Begin request i issue a


then at some point i do

FooClass fc = new FooClass("value");
ITransaction trans = nhsession.Transaction;
SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand("some insert/update query that depends on fc's id", (SqlConnection)nhsession.Connection);
sc.Parameters.Add("id", fc.Id); //NHibernate generates the id, note i'm using assigned/hi-lo so no round trip to the db takes place
try {
catch (SqlException ex){

and at the end of the Request i issue a CommitTransaction() and nhsession.Close()

Now this will do absolutely nothing: the FooClass (fc) has not been flushed/commited to the database. The Save() operation that NH has done is up to that point in-memory. That means no sql command has been issued by nhibernate and that means that the SqlCommand (sc) that i fire afterwards will fail miserably as the id does not exist.

If i do a flush/commit between Save() and the SqlCommand the FooClass(fc) _cannot_be_rolled_back_ and that is a bad bad thing.Currently, for this to work i make vanila sql insert using an SqlCommand, and i want to change that. (Why? because i don't want to make vanilla inserts they are susceptible to errors due to schema/model changes, and i got the OR/M for that)

How? i want to notify NHibernate somehow to execute the SqlCommand to corresponds to the Save() insert (hell, it can do all the SqlCommands it has gathered) but without it commiting or flushing!.

Currently i'm also searching for the prepared sql statement that nhibernate produces when flushing/commiting a saved object. Maybe i can just take that string and run it in my SqlCommand that is enlisted in the Transaction.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate GridView With Data From Database And Other Options?

Jan 20, 2011

I need to create a gridview to show in each row, some columns from the SQL Database, and in other columns I want to have text fields, buttons and DropDownLists!

This GridView is to display the users of the web application.

First columns are name, email, and other stuff that can be easly queried to the SQL database.

Then, I need to have a column with one text field, and some buttons, in the text field the AdminUser should be able to insert some text and then click in a button to change the email/pass from the user represented in that line.

The other field I need, is a DropDownList that shows by default the Role of the user of the row, but we can choose another role and apply it, with a button in the same cell!

If I create a code-Behind query and populate the GridView, I don't know how to insert textbox's, button's, DropDownList's

If I create the GridView with the wizard, I can had TemplateFields, but I don't know how to associate the query with the BoundFiels where should be the name/email of the users.

Other problem, is that, even If I get to construct my GridView with sucess, How can I reference the row? So I can apply the changes?

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C# - Bind A Grid To An Anonymous LINQ Result, Then Commit Changes To DB?

Mar 4, 2011

I've been looking into how best to do this and wisdom would be appreciated. For read only purposes, I've been happily using LINQ and binding it to a grid. For editing purposes, I've used the LinqDataSource control, enabled the Edit/Delete operations in the process, and I have a nice editable grid bound to some or all of the table's fields.Now I have a situation where I want to edit a few fields in table A, but there are various values in linked table B that I want to display in that grid too (no editing of those). So my query looks like the below. The fields in tblDupes (cleared, notes) are what I want to edit, but I'd like to display those tblVoucher ones.

var theDupes = from d in db.tblDupes
where d.dupeGroup == Ref
select new


A similar but different question LINQDataSource - Query Multiple Tables? sent me looking at scott Guthrie's blog entry, where he handles various events to have a LinqDataSource with a custom query across tables. This still seems aimed at explicitly designed classes though, even if the class has only a subset of the fields.

So my question is: is there an easy way to allow committing of the changes made to the anonymous collection (a changes.Submit type action), or just an easy way to 'display' fields from another table while not involving them in the updating?EDIT: Thinking more, it doesn't have to be anonymous really. I'd be happy to define a class to contain the elements in that query, since it won't change often. But, those elements would be across two tables, even though only one needs updating. Not sure if that suggests entity framework would be more suitable - I get the feeling it wouldn't - I don't want the whole 'model' always grouping the fields in this way.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Commit Changes Error While Updating To The AD?

Jan 8, 2010

answer this:I ran into the following error while trying to Update the user details on the Active Directory:General access denied error

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