SQL Server :: 2005 - Rollback The Deleted Row?

Aug 27, 2010

in sql server 2005, i have deleted row by mistake and now want to roolback them, i wrote a query is "delete tblmetric" nd pressed F5 now wanna to recover the rows

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VS 2005 - Deleted File Still Shows Up?

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I have a website where I have PDFs as div controls using the code below:-

SuperPanel.AddControl(New LiteralControl("<div class='SuperPanelDiv' onclick=" & Chr(34) & "window.open('" & dbRead("LK_URL").ToString.ToLower & "','')" & Chr(34) & ">"))

Where LK_URL is pointing to a file in the PDFs folder. In this case I have connected to the server and removed a particular PDF but the link still works. I have deleted all my cache (internet tools - temp files delete all) but it still works. This has come about because someone made a change to a PDF, I uploaded it overriding the original. I see the new one on my PC but he still see's the original.

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Dim thisConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local)SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"integrated security=sspi;database=MyDatabase")
' SQL Delete Commands
Dim sql As String = "DELETE FROM Employee " & _
"WHERE ID = 10"
' Create command

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How To Display Image In Mail After Deleted In App Server

Aug 31, 2010

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The reason i guess is , my code is deleting the image before it copied to mail server. I have checked by deleting the image manually.

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SQL Server :: (INSERT EXEC Statement Cannot Be Nested.) And (Cannot Use The ROLLBACK Statement Within An INSERT?

Sep 25, 2010

have a very important issue,i have three Stored Procedures Sp1,Sp2 and Sp3 .the first one (Sp1) will execute the second one (Sp2) and save returned data into @tempTB1 and the Second one will execute the third one (Sp3) and save data into @tempTB2.if I execute the Sp2 it will works and it will returned me all my data from the Sp3 ,but the problem is in the Sp1, when i execute it it will display this Error:INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested I tried to change the place of execute Sp2 and it display me another error:Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement.

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DataSource Controls :: Transaction Is Not Getting Rollback?

Mar 15, 2010

I have written several queries under one single transaction. When any of the query throws an error then the whole transaction should rollback. However, in some rare cases say 2% cases even after the error the next transaction is getting comitted.

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Commit And Rollback Options In Database

Apr 27, 2010

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protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex];
TextBox PhoneNo = (TextBox)row.FindControl("TextBox2");

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Web Forms :: Rollback From File Reading / Writing

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Can TransactionScope Rollback A Transaction After The Connection Is Closed

Jul 24, 2010

Suppose say I am doing a couple of operations.

First a delete and then an insert.

Now, these two operations are done with two different connections (say con1 and con2). Both these connections are enlisted in the same TransactionScope.

Before the delete/insert operations the connections are opened and immediately closed.

So, now if the insert fails, then how is the delete rollbacked since con1 has been closed?

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Aug 20, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Rollback Transaction For Calling Web Services?

Apr 22, 2010

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If one call failed, it will rollback transactions. But it cannot.

Due to the web services will complete for each call.

I am using sql connection and sql command.

Is it possible to do this?

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Managing Entity Edits Between HTTP Posts And Rollback?

Jul 27, 2010

User amends an existing order. The order is complex - lots of related 'entities' (addresses, post options, suppliers, makes, models, various items etc). Across multiple http posts.

User wants to discard the changes.

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Jan 14, 2011

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SQL Server :: Making Selections On Installation Of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Onto Laptop?

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1. Do I use Default or Named Instance?2. Do I use the Built-In System account or a Domain User account?3. If answer 2 is Domain User then I am in trouble because I don't think I have a Domain, and I don't know what one is. Where would I find the user name, the password, and the domain?

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Previous developers have developed a .SSISDeploymentManifest file (SQL Server 2005) to install SSIS packages which prompts a Package Installation wizard. I tried to install it on SQL Sever 2008 (it works on SQL Server 2005), but it failed with the error: "Storing or modifying packages in SQL Server requires the SSIS runtime and database to be the same version. Storing packages in earlier versions is not supported".

How do I install 2005 SSIS packages on SQL Server 2008? I have all the .dtsx files, not sure how to install them?

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SQL Server :: Error While Executing A Dynamic Insert Sql Storedprocedure In Sql Server 2005?

Jan 4, 2011

assist me rectifying the error in following sql stored procedure?

Sql Query:- [Code]....

I have created the above Stored Procedure for inserting datas into any table but while I execute the above proceedure its throwing some error.

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