Configuration :: Change In Aspx Files Does Not Stick

Aug 8, 2010

I have no experience in ASP.NET development.We have installed a Webmail product from Afterlogic. we have to remove the markup for a logout button. but we are not able to edit the .aspx files. we can remove the markup for the button compleately.but it is still there on the page when we refresh.Do we have to recompile the whole thing each time we make a change ? Is this some sort of cache problem ? We have tried to delete the browser cache. but it had no effect.

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VS2008 + TFS 2008

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Feb 28, 2011

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I am using Visual Studio 2008 and my project is a Web Application Project so that I can compile my all files in just one assembly.

It is working but web form code behind files are compileing into single assembly but aspx files are not compiling. In addtion, these aspx files are present in the directories and they can be viewed.

Is there any technique to compile my all files into single assembly?

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Jun 2, 2010

I have made an application for some customer that I'm going to transfer to a webhotel.I want to make sure that the application is not copied and used elsewhere without my knowledge. So I have thought of stripping the aspx files from their code behind, that is not the aspx.cs file itself. But from all code inside the cs file, not the one that is automatically generated like page_load etc, but everything else. And when done, then just upload the compiled DLL file(s). Does this work? Are there something to be mindful of if I carry out with this plan.

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Configuration :: Compiled Web Application Still Contains .aspx Markup Files?

May 5, 2010

I want to publish my web application as a single .dll file without all the source code and .aspx markup pages.

I am using VS 2010 with the "Web Deployment Project" add-in. In the compilation settings, I unchecked "make this site updatable" because I want the .aspx files to be compiled as well.

Publishing my web application using the publish feature in VS 2010 works fine, and a single .dll file is created in the "bin" directory.

But all the .aspx markup files are still copied to the web server! I've read that those files are merely marker files which can be deleted, but not in my case. They still contain the whole markup and when I delete them, my application won't run anymore.

It's like I had checked the "make this site updatable" option, but I haven't!


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Configuration :: File Not Found - Error Message When Calling Aspx Files?

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I've just setup a new site on my IIS6 and I'm experiencing the following problem:

I can run normal HTML pages, but no .aspx files. If I call the aspx page directly I get a 404 - file not found - error message. This only happens with .aspx files.

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Apr 15, 2010

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On IIS, a handler mapping pumps.Htm pages though the engine.

Unfortunately, visual studio doesn't notice that they should be treated as code.

Is there any way to make VS treat .Htm files as code/aspx files?

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Web Development - Redirecting Old Asp Files To New Aspx Files (Permanent Redirect, SEO)

Jun 28, 2010

I upgraded my site from asp to means that all of my previous asp files became obsolete.I don't want to lose my Google Ranking of the old pages.

What is the proper way to redirect?I tried to catch all of the old asp pages is my 404 and then to:

if Request.QueryString("aspxerrorpath").contains("index.asp") = true then
Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader("Location", "")
end if

but it doesn't catch asp pages, only aspx.

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Jan 11, 2011

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PS. I have tried chrome and firefox

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Nov 9, 2010

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Configuration :: ResourceManager And Resx Files - Files To Display Items In Multiple Languages

Oct 13, 2010

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Message.Error (en-GB = "Error", fr-FR = "Erreur")

The messages http handler works great in development, however when I run the application on a test server, I get the error: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Resources.Alerts.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "App_GlobalResources.b0n9j90e" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed. The code that I use to acccess the resource file is:

ResourceManager manager = Resources.Alerts.ResourceManager;
ResourceSet resourceSet= Resources.Alerts.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, true, true);

Where Resources.Alerts is the type that contains my multi-lingual definitions. The build action for the Alerts.resx file is set to "Embedded Resource". Any ideas why this works locally but not on my test server, am I missing something?

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Jun 2, 2010

The majority of files in the Temporary ASP.NET File folder for a given application get deleted by ASP.NET following compilation -- .DLL and .PDB files amongst others remain.

Our compiler produces proprietary debug information files which are amongst those that get deleted.

Marking the files read-only prevents this but are there other options available?

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I think that there is a good solution to remove white spaces from aspx page and from aspx.cs files. There are some solutions how to remove white spaces from html (aspx) but there is nothnig about aspx.cs.

Is that possible using Web Delpoyment Project?

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Feb 1, 2010

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Open Aspx Files Directly By Clicking On Them Like Html Files Without From Within Visual Studio Or Visual Web Dev?

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.net - Learn MVC In A New Project, Or Stick With WebForms?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm a front-end guy who's picked up ASP.NET WebForms through working on various projects at my agency.I have a project with a developer in mind, and I want to use/learn MVC for it - but he thinks it not worth using MVC at all. His opinion is that the benefits of MVC are perceived, and that performance won't be an issue, and it better to just push forward with WebForms.

The project is a web app that will give people project planning tools, creation of a personal contact database, and their own basic website.My personal feelings are that I hate all the bloat that comes with WebForms sites - the ViewState, the one , the enormous JS files, the lack of control of markup (e.g. validation controls).Obviously, ASP.NET WebForms is linked to resources, but MVC is about URL structures and interpreting them.

After discussion and research I'm thinking now that because of the supposedly large transition/learning curve of MVC, it really is better to just stay with WebForms.I watched Ryan Singer work with RoR MVC in person, and I was stunned at how rapid everything was to develop.Should I just accept that it's more pragmatic and productive to keep with WebForms now, and not use MVC, or should I find a way of convincing my co-worker that MVC is the right thing to do?

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