Configuration :: Copy The Uploaded File To D Drive Folder In 1.1 Using C#?

Aug 20, 2010

I need to Copy the Uploaded file to D Drive in 1.1 using C#

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Copy File To Network Drive?

Mar 17, 2010

I have an application using C#. I need to copy a file present on the web server machine to a remote machine on the network. Although this seems to be a trivial matter I am having difficulties copying the exe I am Trying

string Source = @"c: emp est.exe"
string Destination = @"Z: est.exe"
File.Copy(Source, Destination, true)

Z: is mapped to the Remote machine network drive. I am able to physically copy files to this drive from the Web Server machine, but when I try from, I get the following error System.Io.Exception: Logon Failure: unknown user name or bad password

I think it has to do with the Web Server using the ASPNET user , which does not have the right credentials on the remote machine. I do not know how to solve this issue I tried using WMI too, I was able to copy files from one directory to another directory on the remote machine, but not from the Web Server machine to Remote machine

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I am trying to open url in new tab in web application and VB language

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Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.[GetType](), "OpenWindow", "'" + file.Id + "','_newtab');", True)

In chrome it open new tab but shows popup block url and ask for always allow or block url then we have to give manually always allow and then click on link again open url but in other browser it not even open new tab

I want that whatever link i open in new tab it should be allowed from the code itself. No manual setting should be required.

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How To Copy File From Client Machine To Server Folder Without File Upload Control

Mar 25, 2010

I have to copy a file from client machine to server folder without use file upload control.

i tried with WebClient().Like this

Dim onbjweb As New WebClient()
onbjweb.UploadFile(Server.MapPath(serverpath), "POST", LocalFilePath).

Its working fine in localhost.When its deployed in server its not working.

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Cannot Access File on Network Drive from web Application

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.net - Copy File In Folder Using Filepath In C#?

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I have the [Source:(path)] of file which is to be copied at location [DestinationC:MyFilesTempFolder]Suppose path is C:Documents and SettingsMyNameMy Documentsxyz.docI want xyz.doc to be copied at C:MyFilesTempFolder i.e.the location becomesC:MyFilesTempFolderxyz.docis it possible to rename file while coping it to destination folder?

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Copy File In FTP Folder Using VS 2005

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I have been using vs2005. I want to host my website.

Using WebSite -----> FTP SITE ------------> .

But when i try to paste the copied folder. It says the following ....

The Source files for this operation cannot be found in this solution.

How to copy the file in ftp folder. See the attachment....

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Can i use Scripting.FileSystemObject ?

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Configuration :: File Uploaded To FTP Is Empty?

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I was trying to copy file to ftp via in my application... I did it successfully, however; when I open the copied file it is empty, I checked the properties aswell and its showing 0kb.

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If I have one file- name (picnew.jpg) and want to paste it to six ip's d:

Few folder drive by one action. or cmd commands or anything else

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How to locate the path of other drive's folder in server?

For ex:

The application is there in 'C:SomeFolder', now I want to export a file to the drive 'D:AnotherFolder' on the server. How can I achieve this?

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C# - How To Display A List Of Images From A Folder On Hard Drive

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to make a simple photo gallery website. Using ASP.NET and C#. Right now I don't have a server set up but I am just using the development one that Visual Studio Starts when you make a website project and run it.

I have a folder on my hard drive that contains an unknown number of images. I want to write a piece of code that will go through each image and add them to the default webpage. I have tried this code but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Should I be using a ListView control or a DataView or something like that? Do I need to add a virtual directory in order to access the images? If so, how do I to that on this test server?

ALSO, how do I set the position and alignment of these pictures? For example, how would I make it so that the pictures are in a line vertically and centered on the webpage?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] filesindirectory = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:UsersJordanDesktopWeb Images");
int i = 1;
foreach (string s in filesindirectory)
Image img = new Image();
img.ID = "image" + i.ToString();
img.ImageUrl = s;
img.Visible = true;

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Creating Application Which List All The Files And Folder In Any Drive

Mar 23, 2012

I was creating an application which list all the files and folder in any drive but when i m running this app i am getting a strange exception called

System.Security.SecurityException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED)

I search the web and found that i need to include this in web.config file so i did

<trust level="Full"/>

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In my application we are using fileupload controle and stroing the imges in other then Root directory. 

Now i want to display the those saved image as Image in web page.

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Configuration :: How To Access Database File Outside The Project Folder

Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to deploy my C# based ASP.Net 3.5 webapp

The hosting service provider said "Access 2003 (.mdb) file has to be put in 'access_db' folder in root folder"

I am currently using

OleDbConnection myConn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("~/access_db/filename.mdb"));

The folder structure is like

ParentFolder/ProjectFolder/<Project files> (App_Data, bin, *.aspx, web.config)

1) I am using a GridView on another page that doesn't allow to connect to a database outside the project folder. What should I do?

2) How do I modify the programmatic connection string ( shown above) ?

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May 27, 2010

I'm using a .resx file which have some name and values.. I wanna read the values programatically.. the recource file is inApp_GlobalResources folder of the project..

I'm using Visual Studio 2008.. and C# as Code behind.

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Configuration :: Create File Outside From Root (virutal) Folder On Server?

May 17, 2010

I have written code to upload file through httpweb request.No I want to save this file outside the root folder on server.

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Configuration :: Opening A File With Process.Start Outside Root Folder?

Nov 6, 2010

So, I have a webForm that has an ImageButton. This ImageButton has to open a file (said file is uploaded by the user in another web form. The file is saved to \serverNamefiles; it can be a doc file, pdf file, excel file).

So this ImageButton should open said file as you normally would. It works on debug, however when I publish my site, and run it from my localhost, it doesn't open the file. When I click the ImageButton it just does the postback and nothing happens.

The code for the ImageButton is just:


fileName has the full path of the file I want to open, in this case it has: \serverNamefilesmyFile.pdf

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Web Forms :: Delete Uploaded Images From A Folder?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm with C# , Please help me ... how to delete folder images in an application.

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In Which Folder Can Store User Uploaded Images

Feb 10, 2011

I've a classified ads system on ASP.NET/c#/MS SQL, and I'm trying to figure out where to store the images that people upload when placing an ad. The ad itself is being stored in a SQL server database.

The images are now being stored in a subfolder of my webapp. It seems to work fine, however I only recently discovered a big problem. Everytime a user deletes an ad, the attached images are to be deleted as well including the folder they reside in. This leads to a restart of the application. I searched internet and found that restarting the web-app is actually intended behaviour when a subfolder is being deleted.

I can remove these images including the folders they are stored in?

I can acces them using a URL (the images need to be shown in the webpages) Without getting the web-app being restarted?

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