Configuration :: Deploy .net 4.0 With Group Policy?

Apr 16, 2010

I'd like a really simple way to deploy .net 4.0 with group policy. I tried the steps in [URL], but for some reason the installer won't unpack to my designated directory using the method outlined in the article.

I tried dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /T:"Path to share" /C

There must be an easy way to do this which doesn't involve manually going to each computer in the organization.

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Configuration :: Web.config Deploy Time Configuration Error Assemblies

Jun 4, 2010

I built my ASP.NET website using vs2008 professional.

Now I have purchased vs2010 professional edition.

I do format my computer and then installed vs2010.

Now I want to deploy my website in vs2010, but it is giving configuration error in <add assemblies...

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

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Configuration :: How To Deploy Web Application

Aug 1, 2010

I developed a web application using VS2008 and sql server2005. I don't know how to make my project live. I got the domain name also. But i don't know how to deploy. I don't know how to copy in that.I'll give you the details also to access the ftp. how to upload in it. I want the correct instruction to deploy the application.

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Configuration :: Deploy Application On Iis 5

Mar 16, 2011

i'm struggling with this error for hours... i have an application that uses sql server express ,entity framework and was built with web developer. when i try to browse the app i get a: The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be used with the EntityClient provider, or not valid.

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Configuration :: Deploy Web Application On IIS?

Mar 23, 2010

How can I deploy my web application and configure on IIS server.

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Configuration :: Trying To Deploy Application?

Jul 8, 2010

Ia m trying to deploy an application.The application is running without any errors and I published the website also.Now I want to ceatethe package of the application.So I added one web setup project.But I couldn't build the web setup project.(1 Build succeeded,! failed)I couldn't able to resolve this problem.I have one webservice and database also.Anyway,I installed this websetup.After that I opened through the browser,error came us global file can not be added.

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Configuration :: How To Deploy Asp.net2.0 On IIS

Jun 11, 2010

While i was using login control on my aspx page and deployed that page on IIS


Though it worked properly on development server in visual studio 2005

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Configuration :: Is Is Possible To Deploy Web Application To CD-ROM

Mar 18, 2010

Is is possible to deploy application to CD-ROM and have it in Computer Based Training Format (CBT) with no requirements for user to install anything on computer ?

1) User takes CBT and places in laptop

2) application opens and runs from CD, as if user pointed browser to it.

3) have considered Cassini, but I don't know if is something easier with visual studio 10? Cassini requires intall by user, I don't want that.

4) am willing to try anything as long as it is fee ( i.e. using my trial versions of VS 10, or VS 2005).

5) or is my only option to convert to pure html--- because that I know I can do from CD to make a CBT.

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Configuration :: Web Deploy Behind An ISA Server?

Apr 10, 2010

I have an 2008 server behind a ISA 2000 server at a remote location. I am trying to use web deloy to publish web sites to that location. this server was tested at this location and we were able to publish to it, it was then disjoned from the network and joined to the remote network.

I have opend port 8172 in the isa server and router. web deployment and web management services are running, I set up a deligation rule will all roles and added my Administrators account to it.I cant get it to publish using eithe htttps or http, with https is get Start Web Deploy Publish the Application/package to ...

C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov10.0WebMicrosoft.Web.Publishing.targets(3481,5): Error : Web deployment task failed.(Remote agent (URL could not be contacted. Make sure the remote agent service is installed and started on the target computer.)

Make sure firewall and network settings on your computer and on the server are configured to allow connections between them. If the issue is not resolved, please contact your local or server administrator.

Error details: if i use http it hangs on this line in the output

Start Web Deploy Publish the Application/package to

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Configuration :: Deploy A Web Solution?

Jun 15, 2010

I am new to web solution(more than 1 project - so far I been working with website) Dos deploying 3.5 solution(with more than 1 project) is different from deploying the website(not project)What do I have to do..As well I am looking for a link to the precompere GUI plug-in to .net2008(couldn't't find it)

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Configuration :: Cannot Deploy Websit To Ftp?

Mar 23, 2010

I develop my website with visual web developer 2008 express edition. I already upload my website to host, but I got an error as the following message.


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Configuration :: How To Deploy WebSite

Mar 30, 2010

I finished My web Site on my local pc and it works goodNow I want to upload it to server i get space from web siteAnd i want to upload the web siteWhat Files Should i Upload ??I'm using sql server 2008 as my database system and using linq to control the database..

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Configuration :: Deploy 1.1 Application On Live

Feb 8, 2011

We have a web application on ASP.NET 1.1. I have made some changes on the application on local & i have to deploy it on live. How do i do it? Can i copy the pages that i have changed on live & re-compile the entire project there? Is it good idea as we dont have any test server.

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Configuration :: Deploy Web Application Using VS2010

Mar 31, 2011

I'm new to ASP.NET. I have created a web application project using VS2010. I tried to deploy it to my web server (IIS7) based on article on the internet (eg. link) but I've got an error:


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Configuration :: How To Deploy A Mvc Website In Iis7

Jul 26, 2010

i try to used vs2010 build a mvc2 website, just as a testing. so, i include the jquery script file and some css files, it works well in the vs2010. how ever, when i deploy it to iis7/windows 2008 r2, i found all the css files ("/content/*.css") can run well, but the image files ("/img/*.gif") and script files ("/script/*.js") were absence. in fact, the website runs except the image files & script files.

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Configuration :: Deploy Website With Different Version On IIS

Aug 16, 2010

I have source-version of project and i need to deploy it on IIS. General project it properly deploy using VS2008, but issue is, if new revision is created then i need to point new source to deploy web-site. In this case i need to remove created virtual dir for previous version. Is this possible to toggle virtual directory between two sources. I think one solution is to change virtual directory path to new one.

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Configuration :: Deploy To A Non-compiled Website?

Jun 15, 2010

I was commissioned to write a search page for a company. Page works great, they finally ask me to deploy to the web server. I RDP out to the web server, and instead of finding a normal deployment, I see all the aspx pages along with their code-behind files. They do not pre-compile their pages.

So in an environment like this, how do I deploy my page? I can get pages to run that don't have dependencies on other things, but this particular page uses Linq. So in my web project, I have a dbml file, and it's generated pages. I have put the dbml and related files on the webserver. The page fails when it encounters the using datacontext statement.

How can I tell my page where this code is?

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Configuration :: How To Deploy Wcf Services Into The Server

Dec 27, 2010

i have created simple hello world WCF services it is working fine in local machine but when i try to uploaded to the server and then run that service it not at al start like http://localhost:8080/wcf/helloservice.svc

i am trying to modified the webconfig file <endpoint> address i have changed to my again it shows error can give usefull link to creation and deployment to the server

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Configuration :: Deploy FTP Site In IIS7

Oct 20, 2010

We have the requirement to set up the Web site and FTP site on IIS7. We have registered a domain for hosting the application
[URL] If I need to set up the Web site and FTP site on same Web server with the same Domain name, how can I do that. My DNS has mapping for [URL]. Do I need to have the DNS record for FTP in the DNS server. This depends on if your customer wants people to FTP to [URL] or [URL]or [URL]. If they want [URL] then you'll need another entry in DNS. You just need to add a new alias record in DNS that resolves the same IP as www to ftp. Do I need to take any extra steps to configure same Domain name in IIS7 for Web site and FTP site. I would assume that as long as IIS is set to listen to all IP addresses you should be good to go. Can I configure the web site in IIS 7 as [URL] You want to force people who browse to the default name of [URL] to be redirected to [URL]? Setup two websites on IIS - one for [URL]and one for [URL] where the real content lives. On the [URL] use IIS7's redirect feature to force all requests to [URL] See: [URL]

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Configuration :: Deploy Code Without Crashing IIS?

Sep 26, 2010

I can't see anything about this in the forum, yet it's a problem I have both on my VPS demo box and on some live boxes too:

When I deploy anything requiring a re-compile (e.g. not just an aspx.cs, but a .cs file) about once in every three times, IIS crashes.

This then requires not just a restart of IIS, but a reboot of the entire server, to bring it back again. If I try to restart just IIS, it won't actually "stop", so it won't then start again.

I therefore try to only deploy updates late at night, but in urgent situations a problem which needs rectifying can be made much worse by an additional 5 minutes of hard downtime while the box reboots. I can't predict when this will happen, but now warn all my clients against any updates during "office hours".

Is this a known bug/fault - can I get around this, preferably not by using RDP and stopping IIS completely before I FTP the files across?

Both boxes are 32 bit Windows Web Server.

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Configuration :: Unable To Deploy 4.0 Application

Dec 17, 2010

I have been developing a .net web application for a while now. I had my application installed on a test server and everything was running smoothly. Now that the application is almost ready for deployment to end users, I obtained a brand new web server to host the application. I installed SQL server 2008R2, copied over my database and after a bit of messing about with conection strings and SQL logins, everything seemed to be working fine from debug. When I tried to install my app to the new server, I was prompted that I would need to install .net 4.0 which I then did. Gave the server a reboot and tried to install the app again - this time I got the following error before the install rolled back incomplete...

Could not open key: microsoftsoftwareASP.NET4.0.30319.0 verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personel. I checked IIS and the default application pool was set to net 2.0, I changed this to 4.0 and ran the install again but got the same error. Could anyone offer any advice here as I am under pressure to get this system up and running.

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Build And Deploy .net Mvc Project Using TFS Configuration?

Mar 28, 2010

I need to build and deploy my mvc project using TFS Configuration

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Configuration :: Deploy Site Into Subfolder?

May 14, 2010

I've been working on site for a client who has just informed me (having completed the work) they want to deploy the site into a subfolder of their exiting domain. The site uses a number of class files in the App_code folder and as well as references to several XML files and and siteMap that uses localised urls for navigation. Obviously all of this stops working as soon as you put it in a sub folder. Is there any way I can configure the site to treat the sub folder it will be placed in as the root?

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Configuration :: Web Deploy Not Transforming Config?

Oct 8, 2010

We set up our VS2010 ASP.NET 4.0 project to use Web Deploy to deploy to our Win Sever 2008 R2 web server. We have different build configurations for Dev, QA, and Release with corresponding Web.<platform>.config files. We have tired various alternate "xdt:" transforms including:

<add name="foo" connectionString="Data Source=qadb-sql01arfoo;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DB_QA" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" />
<add name="bar" connectionString="Data Source=qadb-sql01arfoo;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DB_QA" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" />

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Configuration :: Deploy Website On Other Machine?

Jan 18, 2011

I had created a data driven website with back end as Mysql and i want to deploy on the client machine.

Is it really necessary to create a Web Application to deploy instead of website?

And if it does how to add the current web site to a new web application ?

How to configure the website/web application ready to deploy ?

TO deploy on the client side , including all major and minor settings including prerequisites?

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