Configuration :: Web.config Deploy Time Configuration Error Assemblies

Jun 4, 2010

I built my ASP.NET website using vs2008 professional.

Now I have purchased vs2010 professional edition.

I do format my computer and then installed vs2010.

Now I want to deploy my website in vs2010, but it is giving configuration error in <add assemblies...

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

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Similar Messages:

Configuration :: What Is The Diff Between Link To Assemblies In Project File And Assemblies In Web.config File

Apr 30, 2010

when I reference a assembly. It's reference gets added to the project file in my case ( ABC.csproj)

Also when I take a look at the web.config file there is a section called <assemblies>. And lot of assemblies are added there.

What is the difference between link to the assemblies in the Project file and the assemblies in the web.config file?

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Configuration :: Assemblies In Web.config

Mar 12, 2010

In the web.config of my site '' I have some assemblies such as

<add assembly="aspNetEmail, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=BC571E8DA1C1F543"/>

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Configuration :: Deploy Web.config And App.config Connection String?

May 3, 2010

I have deploy my web site, it contains a project!

in MyWeb there are all the aspx page and some entites datamodel, in MyApp there are the class with function like "getter data from DB" and there is a entity data model.

afeter the deploy, I have only the web.config and the connection string for the entity datamodel....itīs run ok, read/write the data on the DB.

The problem is with MyApp.....after the deploy it is a dll file and I donīt have the app.config and the entity inside it donīt run, not read/write nothing on the DB.

There arenīt error or messager but not read/write the data in the MyApp project.

all run on the iis 7

now...the question is:

I lose the connection string (in app.config) after the deploy?

Can I put a entity in the MyWeb and read it in another project (myApp)?

ps: for connect to DB I use not the c# code:

var db=from x in AccessDB.Example select x;

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Configuration :: Web Deploy Not Transforming Config?

Oct 8, 2010

We set up our VS2010 ASP.NET 4.0 project to use Web Deploy to deploy to our Win Sever 2008 R2 web server. We have different build configurations for Dev, QA, and Release with corresponding Web.<platform>.config files. We have tired various alternate "xdt:" transforms including:

<add name="foo" connectionString="Data Source=qadb-sql01arfoo;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DB_QA" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" />
<add name="bar" connectionString="Data Source=qadb-sql01arfoo;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DB_QA" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" />

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Configuration :: Report Viewer Configuration Error - Changes In Web Config

Jan 26, 2011

I keep getting the all-too-familiar Report Viewer Configuration error, even after double-checking changes in web.config.It worked fine yesterday morning. Then by late afternoon, after I uploaded some site changes, it reverted to throwing the error.Report Viewer Configuration Error
The Report Viewer Web Control HTTP Handler has not been registered in the application's web.config file. Add <add verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" type = "Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=10.0.0

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Configuration :: Configuration Error In Web.config [when Uploading To Hosting]?

Nov 2, 2010

when developing in my pc , all is fine , but when upload to hosting , it show error ~


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Configuration :: Time To Deploy - Secure The SQL Express Db?

Aug 3, 2010

I am a newbie. First time, I am going to deploy the web application to a host? Few questions, do you know any free hosting with FTP capability? Secondly, how do I ensure the data-base is secure, so that the hosting site cannot access the database or open without a password?

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Configuration :: Error On Deploy Application With SqlServerCe 4.0 On Hosting Service

Nov 27, 2010

Error on deploy application with SqlServerCe 4.0 on hosting service

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Configuration :: Reference To A Web.config File Programatically At Run Time

May 28, 2010

i have a web application and i need multiple wb.config files for different settings.

how can i reference to a web.config file programatically at run time.

suppose if Request.QueryString("1") then settings of web.config1 should be applied and if Request.QueryString("2") then another web.config file 's settings should be applied.

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Configuration :: Configuration Error / Unrecognized Configuration Section System.serviceModel?

Mar 10, 2010

I am getting this error on a website. does that mean the server is not competible with 3.5

Configuration Error
Description:An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section system.serviceModel.

Source Error: [Code]....

Line 236: </assemblyBinding>Line 237: </runtime>Line 238: <system.serviceModel>Line 239: <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />Line 240: </system.serviceModel>

Source File: D:Inetpubvhostsmuratmalli.comhttpdocsweb.config Line:

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Configuration :: How Is Assemblies Used

Aug 30, 2010

I get that assemblies store data about an application, and its components. I am still clouded about several vital functions of this very basic concept and cannot for the life of me find a complete all inclusive reference or explanation of this topic. Exactly how far reaching is this within development? Where is it stored? How is it stored? Exactly what, in it's entirety is in it and how is it used and when? Please, please do me a huge favor. Do not send me on a wild goose chase to some self serving, obscure site with partial explanations that wastes my time. By the time I'm done studying the information within your referenced site or response, I want all of my questions answered.

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Configuration :: Handle 404 Error From Web.config?

Dec 10, 2010

I have this in my web.config:

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="/error/1" redirectMode="ResponseRedirect">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/404.html" />

I tried "RemoteOnly", "On" and "Off", but when I approach a non existing page I still get the standard 404 error page:

Server Error in Application "OTL"

View 9 Replies

Configuration :: Web.config Error After Uploaded In Server?

May 7, 2010

I am using vs2005 and sql server 2005, the problem is my website is running in my local pc but when i uploaded it into web server i got this error


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Get Error "The Configuration For Physical Path C:Web.Config Cannot Be Opened" While Decrypting The Web.config

Mar 25, 2010

aspnet_regiis.exe -pdf "connectionStrings" c:web.config And this is the error I got. Error - "The configuration for physical path 'C:Web.Config' cannot be opened. And the permissions of that file is not read only.

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Configuration :: Request Time Out Error And Maximum Length Exceeded Error

Aug 12, 2010

I am trying to Upload data from Excel file. Transfer data from Excel file to XML file and passed it to Store procedure. And insert the record into database.I also set the timeout for command to zero. when i upload 1 to 500 rows its working fine and when I upload the 10000 rows than its takes time but upload all the users successfully at localhost. But when I upload the code to remote srever,than its only upload upto 300 or 400 rows.After uploading these users it will gives the error of Request Time Out . Even more if I tried to upload 50000 rows its give me the error of 'Maximum Length Exceeded'. Can anyone tell me what the maximum size of Excel sheet to upload the users. How I can get rid of the Request Time Out Issue. How I can Increase the server response time.

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Configuration :: Output Assemblies Meaning?

Jun 28, 2010

Can anyone tell me what does the term Output Assemblies designate to. Are these the compiled pages of the Website Project or something else ?

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Configuration :: How To Read Configuration Settings Of Web.config Using Javascript

Apr 30, 2010

Web.config is the main settings and configuration file for an ASP.NET web application. The file is an XML document that defines configuration information regarding the web application. The web.config file contains information that control module loading, security configuration, session state configuration, and application language and compilation settings. Web.config files can also contain application specific items such as database connection strings

Example 1:

<!-- This is an example Web.config file -->


In this article, we will see how to read the configuration settings in the web.config using 'JavaScript'.

Step 1: Create a new ASP.NET website. Add a button control to the Default.aspx.

Step 2: Right click the project > Add New Item > Web Configuration File

Add the following sample entry to the appSettings section in the web.config between the <configuration> tag as shown in the example 1:

<add key="var1" value="SomeValue"/>

Step 3: To read these entries using JavaScript, add the following script in the <head> tag of your Default.aspx page as shown below:

<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function ReadConfigSettings()
var v1 = '<%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["var1"].ToString() %>'
Step 4: Call this function on a button click and display the values of the configuration settings

<input type="button" value="Get" onclick="ReadConfigSettings();" />
That's it. Run the application and click the button. The value of the key in the appSettings will be displayed in the alert window. I hope you liked this short article.

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Configuration :: Web.config Error Msg When Doing Sending Mail Code?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm doing a code of sending email to a reciepnt, i did the behind cod and the SMTP configuraiton but it when adding the statement to the web.config page it gives me an Error. "Error 2 Only one <configSections> element allowed per config file and if present must be the first child of the root <configuration> element. C:Documents and SettingsUserMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesWebSite2web.config 21 "I'm adding the following code inside the <configuration block as mentoined in another topic in the forum>

<smtp from="username@DomainName">


View 16 Replies

Configuration :: Assemblies Of Webconfig Not Working Online?

Jun 29, 2010

I have added few assemblies of microsoft through:-

right click on project name->add reference->com tab

Its get added and are shown in web config like:-

<compilation debug="true">
<add assembly="Microsoft.....">

Whatever I want to do using all this, its Working fine locally..

BUT when I upload it, this web config file shows error and doesnt proceed at all and my website goes down.

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Configuration :: Load Assemblies From Remote Machine?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to deploy a website stored on a network shared storage. My problem is that I am unable to load assemblies that reside on the remote machine.I load some assemblies by using

assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(Uri.UnescapeDataString(new UriBuilder(satelliteExpectedLocation).Path))
where the satelliteExpectedLocation is in the form "file:\ mpappinMessages.resources.dll".
I got a FormatException on this one, so I modified the path to read "file:////\\tmp\app\bin\Messages.resources.dll"

Now I get a "System.IO.FileNotFoundException".I read on MSDN that the "File" scheme is to be used for resources on the local machine. But how should I get the resources on the network share?

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Configuration :: When Access The Second Url, Got The Following Error.Description: An Error Occurred During The Processing Of A Configuration File Required To Service This Request

Mar 31, 2010

We have created a new cname for our subdomain website. The new website is working properly with cname. We do have .net application inside the webiste which is not working with cname. For eg,1. http://servername/_folder1/app/mypage.aspx (Accessing .net application (App) website without cname)2. http://NewDomian.xxxx/app/mypage.aspx (Accessing .net application (App) website with cname)The first case is working perfectly, but when I access the second url, I got the following error.Description:
An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.Source Error:


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Configuration :: Encrypted Web.config File - Production Server Error

Dec 27, 2010

I encrypted my web.config file and I copied this file to the production server. But I get an error. But without encrypting - it's ok. I used:

C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319aspnet_regiis -pef "appSettings" "C:inetpubwwwrootSite1" -prov RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider

I don't have access to IIS. Is it possible to encrypt config file and everything works?

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Configuration :: Create A Custom Error Page In Web.config File?

Apr 14, 2010

If I create a custom error page in my web.config file, how do I retrieve error details in the error page?

So with ...

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/error/error.aspx">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/error/404.aspx" />

I am referring to errors generated by my For example I created a sample page and wrote 'throw new Exception("some error")' as a test. How can I retrieve an instance of the exception or exception details in my "/error/error.aspx" page? Currently in my error page if I query Server.GetLastError() the return value is null.

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Configuration :: Web.config For IIS 7 - HTTP Error 500.19 - The Requested Page Cannot Be Accessed?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a website which works perfectly fine with IIS6 on a remote server. I switched hosting to an IIS7 server and now I get the following error:

Error Summary

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

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