Configuration :: IIS Express Configuration Location?

Mar 25, 2011

It seems you can not specify the location of applicationhost.config of a IISExpress website from VS2010 SP1 ... if you could specify the location, one could add it to the solution directory and put it in version control, so anyone can very quickly get the whole project out of version control, including the configuration for the website.

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Similar Messages:

Configuration :: Using Location Path In Web.Config?

Jul 8, 2010

I wanted to impose specific timeout interval and request length on some specific pages that uploads documents of size up to 50MB. Hence I did the following config changes after going through some sites.

<location path="Upload.aspx" >
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200"/>
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="36000"/>

I keep getting error when I run the application. I tried various other ways like giving the complete path like <sitename>/<applicationname>/<v.folder name>/<filename>.I tried this on both IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0.

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Configuration :: Run Different Website From Same Physical Location?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a website say I am giving the users there own mini site with the

This URL will access to my Home.aspx page located in website folder and display the user information based on UID

I want to register each user with their own domain and redirect the functionality to page.

For example let's say when user type user the site will be redirected to page but the URL of web browser will not change, user can still on his web browser.

If User click about us link i.e. the site will be redirected page but the URL of web browser will not change.

I am using IIS 6 and 2.0.

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Configuration :: Change The Location Of A Webservice?

Aug 11, 2010

I need to change the location of a web service. During development, I've made a reference to a web service in my local computer in my Visual Studio web site, and with the following command I use it

Dim LoginService As localhost.IPelosaLoginservice = New localhost.IPelosaLoginservice

Because I used localhost it works fine even after deploying to a production web server.

By adding a web reference in Visual Studio, the web.config is update with a key containing the name of the service and the path.

Now I need for one customer to change the path of the web service (because they work with a modified one). How do I do this? I've changed the path in the web.config, but that doesn't seem to make any difference.

I can't believe that you have to change you're code, add another web reference and deploy the program. There must be a better way, since I want the code for the web sites for alle the customers to be the same.

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Configuration :: Change Location Of Sql Membership Database?

Mar 3, 2010

this might seem REALLY simple but i'm not a genius...anyway, i know i saw this somewhere: here's what i want to do: link the web.config file to my membership database...which i am going to put on a separate server on the network.

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Configuration :: Install Website To Specific File Location?

Feb 22, 2011

Is there a way to configure a web deployment project to install to create and install to a specific directory

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Configuration :: XML Parsing Error: No Element Found Location?

Mar 30, 2010

today i tried to work with a testing site in server. but i got an error like this

XML Parsing Error: no element found
Line Number 1, Column 1:

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Configuration :: Programmatically Update Authorization In Specific Location In Web.config?

Nov 4, 2010

My web.config file has several authorization. May i know how can i update the roles value in to allow 'Staff' to access Page1.aspx programmatically.


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Configuration :: Deploy Application To UNC Location Instead Of Local Hard Disk

Aug 18, 2010

I am planning to deploy and application to a UNC path and create a virtual directory that points to the UNC path. For example the location of the application would be:

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Configuration :: Configuration Error / Unrecognized Configuration Section System.serviceModel?

Mar 10, 2010

I am getting this error on a website. does that mean the server is not competible with 3.5

Configuration Error
Description:An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section system.serviceModel.

Source Error: [Code]....

Line 236: </assemblyBinding>Line 237: </runtime>Line 238: <system.serviceModel>Line 239: <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />Line 240: </system.serviceModel>

Source File: D:Inetpubvhostsmuratmalli.comhttpdocsweb.config Line:

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Configuration :: Setting Authorization For Images Folder Using Location Tag In Web.config Is Not Working?

Oct 28, 2010

I implemented the Location tag in the web.config file to authorize the anonymous users for Images folder. I deployed the code in IIS6.0 with Forms authentication mode enabled for the virtual directory. I disabled all other authentication modes. When I browse the login page, Images are not displaying. When I set Anonymous authentication in IIS6.0 for the Image folder, it works fine.

See below the code implemented in web.config:


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Configuration :: Publish SQL Express DB (membership Db) With Web Application To IIS 7?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm working in Visual Studio 2010 Professional. I have a web application based upon the standard ASP.NET Web Application, which contains the aspnetdb.mdf SQL Express database for forms based security. For testing deployment, I'm trying to use the Publish option to publish the web app to IIS 7, which exists on the same machine that I'm building the web app on. The machine is running Windows 2008 R2.

I went through the Help file to set up the deployment of the database, using the Package/Publish SQL tab in the site properties. I followed the help file to the letter, or so I thought. I go to publish to the virtual directory I set up on IIS and it gives me errors, specifically saying the following:

Web deployment task failed.(The database'|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf' could not be created.)

I took this to mean the the path isn't valid for publishing to, which makes sense. So I changed the destination path to the fully qualified path (C:WebAppsApp_Dataaspnetdb.mdf) and ran it again. This time I got the following error:

Web deployment task failed.(Cannot connect to the database 'C:WebAppsAppDataaspnetdb.mdr'.)

I looked at the security for the folder and everything seems fine. Now I'm stuck.

My question is - can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or supply a list of steps to follow, or give me a link to a site that has clear steps as to how this is done?

View 1 Replies

Configuration :: SQL Express Connection String On Hosting?

Dec 20, 2010

I have created a web site in Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. I have created database using SQL Server Express. The web site works good. I have hosted the web site, then getting error in connecting to database.

The connection string is
Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|QkINDUS.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

know what is the correction i need to make in ConnectionString ?

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Configuration :: Time To Deploy - Secure The SQL Express Db?

Aug 3, 2010

I am a newbie. First time, I am going to deploy the web application to a host? Few questions, do you know any free hosting with FTP capability? Secondly, how do I ensure the data-base is secure, so that the hosting site cannot access the database or open without a password?

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Configuration :: Deploy An Application With A Sql Server Express Db?

Mar 20, 2011

for the last couple of days i've been trying to deploy an application that uses a sql express db on to my iis.up until now i was trying to upload it onto iis 5.1, but now i a brand new iis7.5 but i still get this annoying error:An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:application_nameApp_DataDatabase1.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.needless to say that there is no database with this name on my computer. i've set the application pool to .net framework 4.0.

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Configuration :: Basic Database Hosting / Using Sql Server 2k5 Express

Jun 12, 2010

have made a complete website with a db with many table and fields........i have to make a database server where only the database will reside

i have read many links, and many answers here,this is what i got installed sql server 2005!

okay on one pc which had only win xp, i installed dotnetframework 3, then installed sql server 2005 and sql server management studio express.when i open the studio express i use windows authentication and server is the default computer nameit starts and show these folder with already present dbs now what should i do, how can i ask this software to host my database file 'abc.mdf' so that i can benefit from the integrity and consistency features offered by the software for databases?

if importing this db is not possible how to make a new one?, i mean there are four folders where to make the new db in?

"how can i ask my webserver (IIS) to connect to this 'SQL Server Management Studio Express'?"

"how can i ask the debugger to connect to SQL Server Management Studio Express on the other computer"

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Configuration :: Connect VWD 2010 Express To SQL Server 2000

Oct 12, 2010

I'm using MS Visual Web Developer 2010 Express to build a website that connects to a SQL server 2000 database. Is it possible to connect to SQL 2000 using providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"? I'm guessing not. Or am I limited to using providerName="System.Data.OleDb" ? And seems both connections are under this ADO.NET umbrella. confirm one way or the other ... I'm a bit confused.

From web.config:

<add name="SubscrTypeConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=my-server-host;Persist Security Info=True;Password=123abcde;User ID=test;Initial Catalog=Apps"
providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />

So I believe I need to use OleDbCommand calls. I've seen many examples to do gridview select/edit/delete using SqlClient but not OleDb calls in VB code. Links to sample code would be great.

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Configuration :: VS 2008 Express Don't Support Publish Need Aspnet_Compiler?

Jan 20, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express and I read some where that it doen't support the "publish" menu option.

The article said I need to run "Aspnet_Compiler" from the command line. What do they mean by "command line" ?? I tried using "Aspnet_Compiler -v /MyFirstWebSite" in the "Run Command" and it indicate that it can find it.

How do I use this ?? Or is there an easier way to publish my website design I did in Visual Studio 2008 Express ??

Or if I move my design into Visual Studio 2010 Express, will the publishing be easier?? If so, how do I move the complete project over ?? Is it as easy as to install VS 2010 Express and open my project ?

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IIS Configuration :: Unable To Launch Express Web Server - Port Is In Use

May 7, 2015

I have this error : Unable to lunch this iis express web server.port '1032' is in use ....

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Configuration :: Two Connection Strings In 4.0 Web.config File Using Ms Sql 2008 Express

Jan 21, 2011

I would like to use both of the connection strings in the same web.config file how can I do this I tried this yesterday it worked I called it a night, then this morning I got this. The error being on line: 10 Parser Error Message: The entry 'ApplicationServices' has already been added.

Line 8: <add name="ApplicationServices"
Line 9: connectionString="Data Source=Mysource;Initial Catalog=travelatlantic;User ID=MyID; Password=MyPassword;" />
Line 10: <add name="ApplicationServices"
Line 11: connectionString="Data Source=MySource;Initial Catalog=travelatlantic2;User ID=Myid; Password=MyPassword;" />
Line 12: </connectionStrings>

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Configuration :: Uploading VS 2008 Express Edition Website To Internet?

Apr 2, 2010

i have created a website in VS 2008 express edition and i have a URL and hosting space and i'm sure the space in windows based and not linux based, all i want to know now is how to get my website onto the internet, do i have to up load it through VS or can i use a packaged such as filezila?

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Configuration :: Run Website Developed In Visual Developer 2008 Express Edition In IIS 6.0

Nov 14, 2010

My server OS is Windows 2003 and IIS version is 6.0. 3 Web site already running. Recently I developed a website using Visula Developer 2008 Express Edition and copied the files to my Server and create a Website but getting some error.

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Configuration :: Modify Visual Studio 2010 Default Database From SQL Express?

Sep 26, 2010

Im having an issue when I create a new ASP.NET Web Application within Visual Studio 2010, this creates a web.config configured to use SQLEXPRESS. The default web.config that VisualStudio generates for New Web Application Projects still points to the SQLServerExpress Database which I had previously removed! The only instance that I have now is SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer. The web.config that is created along with other files for the for New Web Application Projects template:


The question is how can I change this web.config thats created with the ASP.NET Web Project template automatically from Visual Studio 2010? I can go in and modify the web.config by hand obviously. It doesnt make sense to have the web.config automatically created this way whereby the connectionstrings point to SQLServer Express that does not exist. I did in stall Visual Studio 2010 which included SQLServerExpress, but that I later removed. Now is VisualStudio always going to create web.config's pointing to SQLServer Express?

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Configuration :: Protecting .ascx File In Visual Web Developer 2010 Express?

Sep 14, 2010

I am working on an application that has several user controls (.ascx) of which I do not want to give away the code of. I have tried to search about it, but didn't get very far. I am using visual web developer 2010 express edition, so I cannot publish my website. Also, it doesn't have dotfuscator. What can I do?

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Configuration :: Making Publishing Profiles Dependent On Build Configuration Or Vice Versa?

Mar 10, 2011

Is there any way that I can make it so that to use a "Production" publish profile, it would require that the build configuration was set to Release?

I believe you're supposed to be able to customize the profiles with add-ons or something...?

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