Configuration :: IIS Won't Serve Images?

Dec 17, 2010

I recently deployed a Windows 2008 R2 server with IIS.There was a problem with it and the hosting provider suggested a redployment of the image, which I relucantly did.Now all i getting back to wotking order except that no images/css are served (in fact all static content).Previously I set up my local machine to get images/css etc from which is a subdomain of and this worked fine. I also had a test page on the live server with links to images on the static1 domain and all was good.Now neither the live site or my local site can access static content. I've also tried changing the live domain to itself rather than a subdomain ( pages serve correctly - just without any styling.I suspect its IIS - I've turned my firewall off as a test - the paths seem to be correct when viewed from the source code too.

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Configuration :: Images Not Displaying Using Themes?

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I have a theme set on my site, in the



this will display the image in development, however when I deploy my site the images arent displayed

I have tried


this doesnt seem to work in either development or deployment

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IIS Configuration :: Images And CSS Not Loading In Project

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Today I deployed my project in IIS .It is running successfully but  images and css will not display.

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Configuration :: Images Not Been Displayed After Web Site Deployment

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I can see all the.jpeg and .gif images when I execute site through my code, but after site deployment in Windows server, those images on web page is not been displayed.

I have given sourece
as below..

For update progress..

align="middle" src="/Images/ajax-loader_Wait.gif"


style="background-image: url('/Images/Main_Menubar.jpg');">

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Configuration :: Images And Scrips Broken When MVC App Moved To IIS?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to deploy my MVC application to IIS 7.5. According to the ASP.Net MVC 2 in Action book (pg 82) all i have to do is copy the bin, content, global, scripts, views, and web.config folders and files. However, when I try to go to the app all the image, scripts, and stylesheet links are broken. If I try to "fix" the links for example "../../Content/myImage.jpg" to "/Content/ccac_logo.jpg" the images will work in IIS but not in the local development server (that comes with VS). In addition, I cant get the script files (like jquery-1.4.1.js) to work at all when served in IIS. What am I missing?

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Configuration :: Uploading Files Or Images In Web Server?

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Configuration :: Images Not Visible After Publishing Web Application?

Nov 18, 2010

i have built a webapplication using VS08 and IIS 5.1

then i published it to IIS but now i have noticed that the images the application has are not visible.

also the Javascript that i have added are not being added.

this was not the case when i was developing the application.

i was sure that i was path problem but i changed it <img alt="Loading" src="images/progress.gif" />

still the image is not being shown.

also if i try to browse the path http://localhost/MyApplication/images/progress.gif then i see this message

You are not authorized to view this page

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Configuration :: Can Cache Images In A Web Application To Speed Things Up

May 26, 2010

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Configuration :: Css Rendering In Iis7 - Images Doesn't Load

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Configuration :: Images And Js Files Not Working Under Aspnet_client Folder?

Aug 6, 2010

I uploaded some images and js files under aspnet_client folder of a domain account and it's giving me 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

The account is on Windows 2008 64bit machine with latest plesk installed,

I've confirmed read & execute permission is provisioned to Plesk IIS WP User, Plesk Domain User and Plesk IIS User still no luck.

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Serve Up A Css File In A DLL?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm referencing the css at the top of my CompositeControl

[assembly: WebResource("MyAssembly.styles.main.css", "text/css")]

...but how do I actually get that served down to the client?

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Configuration :: Localhost Doesn't Recognize Images - Css But Shows Html Content

Dec 28, 2010

on a server, I am trying to deploy a website. Originally, the page styles did not work and the some of the .gif and .jpg images didnt show up. I fixed the css problem by adding a http handler mapping through IIS. I tried the same thing to get the images to work but that didn't fix the problem. If the website was fully deployed im pretty sure the images would work so I dont want to change their paths (same with css). The handler mapping i added for css was for "*.css" of type system.web.staticfilehandler. This is the same type i tried for .jpg and .gif. I don't know specifically the purpose of system.web.staticfilehandler because msdn info is very short.

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Configuration :: Setting Authorization For Images Folder Using Location Tag In Web.config Is Not Working?

Oct 28, 2010

I implemented the Location tag in the web.config file to authorize the anonymous users for Images folder. I deployed the code in IIS6.0 with Forms authentication mode enabled for the virtual directory. I disabled all other authentication modes. When I browse the login page, Images are not displaying. When I set Anonymous authentication in IIS6.0 for the Image folder, it works fine.

See below the code implemented in web.config:


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Sql - How To Serve A View As CSV In .NET Web Forms

Mar 29, 2010

I have a MS SQL view that I want to make available as a CSV download in my ASPNET Web Forms app. I am using Entity Framework for other views and tables in the project. What's the best way to enable this download?I could add a LinkButton whose click handler iterates over the view, writes its CSV form to the disk, and then serves that file. However, I'd prefer not to write to the disk if it can be avoided, and that involves iteration code that may be avoided with some other solution.

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Serve Shortcuts/.lnk From Web Servers?

Mar 25, 2010

without using a database i wanted a file to point to the newest revision of a file. Someone suggested using a shortcut. Knowing i can rewrite file.ext to file.ext.lnk i thought it was a great idea. Then i tried it, my server (VS 2010rc) serves the shortcut rather then the file. Not what i wanted...How do i serve the file the shortcut is pointing to? NOTE: I am planing to use windows 2008 as my server so a solution should work on that as well. The OS i am running is windows 7.

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Serve Content From Another Assembly?

Feb 18, 2010

How do you put views and content in a separate assembly that can be referenced from a MvcApplication?

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IIS7 Serve Same Application Under Different Directories?

Nov 3, 2010

I wanna serve my application in ISS to be accessed from many different URL's on my web server.


Both these URL's get served by the same application.

I do NOT however want to just create new virtual applications to the application, because it stuffs up the user membership roles. The users and their roles must exist accross the two URL's.

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C# - Building A Service To Serve An Iphone Application?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm building an Iphone application, which has to retrieve information from a database on a server.
I thought about building a C# web service on the server,so the Iphone app will send a http request to the web service and get the required data as a xml output. Are there any better alternatives? for instance: I never tried but heard about WCF, maybe it's better using it instead of the older xml web service technology?

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while (reader.Read())
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl div = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("div");

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2.0 Method To Serve HTML Snippets Via XHR To Client?

Feb 11, 2010

A static web page (html) uses XHR calls to an ASP.NET page The .NET page retrieves information from a remote server using web services The .NET page returns an HTML "snippet" that is inserted into the static HTML page I'm getting hung up on how to deal with the HTML snippet generation on the .NET (2.0) page. I've thought about something like this in a generic .ashx page:

public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context)
//assume "people" is a list of data coming from the external web service
foreach (string person in people)
context.Response.Write("<li>" + person + "</li>");

It just seems a big "ugly". Has anyone done this another - and possibly more efficient/elegant - way?

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How To Configure IIS To Serve 404 Response With Custom Content

Mar 31, 2010

I would like to serve a custom 404 page from ASP.NET MVC. I have the route handler and all the infrastructure set up to ensure that nonexistent routes are handled by a single action:

public ActionResult Handle404()
Response.StatusCode = 404;
return View("NotFound");

Problem: IIS serves back its own content (some predefined message) when I set Response.StatusCode to 404 before returning the content.

On the VS development web server, this works as intended - the status code of the HTTP response is 404 while my content (the NotFound view) is served.

I believe that when the IIS processing pipeline sees that the application returns 404, it simply replaces the whole response with its own.

What setting in IIS affects this behavior?

I do not have access to the IIS installation so I can not investigate this - however, I can ask the hosting provider to tweak the configuration for me if I know what exactly needs to be changed.

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How To Make Web Application To Serve Pages Only Over HTTPS

Jun 4, 2010

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<secureWebPages enabled="true">
<directory path="." />

... to my Web.config and the resulting compiler error is:

Build (web): Unrecognized configuration section secureWebPages.

I am running Visual Studio 2008

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Xml - Serve Up A Resource As Both JSON And Aspx With OpenRasta?

Mar 29, 2010

I've been using OpenRasta to convert an old web application we have into something RESTful. IS it possible to serve up a resource (or
specifically a list of resources) as both .aspx and JSON? I have tried this but no matter what I try I keep getting the .aspx back .. Here's a sample configuration:


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Web Forms :: Proper File Serve Of An ASHX Handler

Apr 30, 2010

For our application we provide users with file downloads that utilize handlers to serve the files. Currently, the way it is served to the user is through window.location. When using this, at times, it causes issues under IE8. When an error occurs, it cannot be caught under the page that called it.

A) Is there a way to serve an ashx file handler to the user where the page that called it can catch any exceptions made from thje handler
B) What is the correct way to serve the handler, eg., window.location, etc. Would return false at the end of the javascript solve this? Are there any other ways

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Default Document And HttpHandler Serve A Specific Page?

Dec 28, 2010

I have IIS 7.5 with an ASP.NET application. The application must run with IIS Classic Mode.

I have one HttpHandler that serves all the Request:

<add verb="*" path="*.aspx" type=".....HandlerFactory..." />

The problem is that i can't establish a Default Document to an non phyisical file. I want that the Default Page be : Home.aspx (which is a non phyisical file).

So when I go: [URL] I get an error: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.

I do not want to make a REDIRECT.

Is there any way to accomplish this without having to create a index.html to redirect to Home.aspx?

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