C# - Way To Make A Div Runat Serve So Can Turn It Into A Control

Mar 28, 2011

Is there a way I can make a div runat server? So i can turn it into a control? In asp.net?

while (reader.Read())
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl div = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("div");

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How To Make Web Application To Serve Pages Only Over HTTPS

Jun 4, 2010

I want my application to serve all of its web pages over SSL, so I added the lines...

<secureWebPages enabled="true">
<directory path="." />

... to my Web.config and the resulting compiler error is:

Build (web): Unrecognized configuration section secureWebPages.

I am running Visual Studio 2008

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Web Forms :: Significance / Material Difference That <form Runat="server"> Would Make In Scenario?

Oct 5, 2010

I am a bit confused about the significance of the <form runat="server"> on a page, and its effect on Page and Control life cycles.

For long, I have eliminated any Postbacks or Viewstate from my web forms. I just use web forms to render (often very very complex) UI to the client (composed of server-side controls as well as ExtJs or jQuery widgets etc).

After the UI renders, all interaction with server is asynchronous through web-services or http handlers. So, lately I have started omitting the <form runat="server"> tage also from my web forms.

And to my surprise, the code has NOT broken. The life-cycle events are generated normally on all controls, they have access to normal ASP.NET processing pipeline, and they render perfect;y. As there are no Postbacks, I do not need ViewState or control events
like click etc.

So, can somebody tell me if there's any material difference that <form runat="server"> would make in my scenario, or to ASP.NET page/control life-cycle??

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Jan 31, 2011

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Can this be done from the Chart Control, or do I need to do it at the underlying data-table?

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Set The Value SomeValueReturnedFromADatabase To A Control That Is Not Runat=server?

Jan 6, 2011

Its simple if I have an ASP.net page with an ASP.net linkbutton / hyperlink and I obtain a value from say a SQL Database and I store it in the label...

For example:

this.myLabel.Text = someValueReturnedFromADatabase

This is simple because it goes right to the code behind page and set the text value to the value returned from my database (aside from going into more details with data access layer, etc).

What I was wondering is what if I dont want to use an ASP.net linkbutton and I simply want to use an HTML link button (as I need to call the jquery fade function). How would I set the value someValueReturnedFromADatabase to a control that is not runat=server?

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Turn Off Page-level Caching In User Control?

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<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="None" %>

I have a user control inside that page that i don't want cached. How can I turn it off just for that control?

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C# - Bind Visible Of A Control Without Runat=server?

Jun 2, 2010

In other words, why can't I do this:

<a id="projectsButton"
visible=<%= someFunctionWhichEvalsToFalse() ? false : true %>>

It seems to do nothing. I checked this by switching the false and true.

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Forms Data Controls :: Turn Off Requiredfieldvalidator In A Gridview Control?

May 19, 2010

I have a Gridview and I allow fullscreen editing. I have some RequiredFieldValidators in my Gridview and this works fine. But if the user clicks on a dropdownlist in the Gridview and chooses "Rejected", I want to turn off validation. But I am not sure how to do this. Here is my code in the SelectedIndexChanged event for the ddl:

Protected Sub ddlPOACKCodes_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)


But I get an error on this line: rfv = gvPODetail.SelectedRow.FindControl("rfv11"). the error is:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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How To Access To An HTML Control Runat Server From JavaScript

Jan 9, 2011

I have the following code:


How to access to an HTML control runat server from JavaScript

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C# - Persisting Html Control Content With Runat Server Tag

Jan 11, 2011

I have this problem - I'm working on an ASP.NET AJAX-application on a server without .net 3.5 which means I can't use ListView (BOO!).

I decided to simply do the ugly way of making a table and giving the tbody an ID and a runat server tag, and put HtmlControls inside from the codebehind (btw - this is a usercontrol, in case it makes a difference).

This all works fine - until the page does a partial postback - and all the elements disappear, since the tag is runat server I assume it requires to be repopulated in the page load.

Is there no way to actually persist the data on partial postback? And only have the content of the control change when I say so in the back end?

I guess I could save the content in a session object upon populating the control, and just repopulate in the Page_Load with the session object - but I was hoping there was a better way to do this?

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Visual Studio :: Turn Off The Automatic Code Generation After Double Clicking On A Control?

Feb 9, 2010

How do you turn off the automatic code generation after double clicking on a control?

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Control 'ctl00_TextBox1' Of Type 'TextBox' Must Be Placed Inside A Form Tag With Runat=server.

Mar 22, 2010

When a form with a run at server is added there will be two forms with runat server and another error occurs.The details of the error are as follows.Control 'ctl00_TextBox1' of type 'TextBox' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Control 'ctl00_TextBox1' of type 'TextBox' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

Source Error:An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace: [HttpException (0x80004005): Control
'ctl00_TextBox1' of type 'TextBox'
must be placed inside a form tag with
control) +2052287

Version Information: Microsoft .NET
Framework Version:2.0.50727.1873;
ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.1433

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Web Forms :: Control 'cnt1' Of Type 'FileUpload' Must Be Placed Inside A Form Tag With Runat=server?

Sep 6, 2010

i get this error with this code

private void Showroom(String Description, int at)
Panel pnl = new Panel();


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Web Forms ::error Message / Control 'ctl00' Of Type 'ImageButton' Must Be Placed Inside A Form Tag With Runat=server

Feb 22, 2010

I have the following error message: "Control 'ctl00' of type 'ImageButton' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server"

The parameter used to create the control collection must be a "System.Web.UI.Page"

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Here is my code:[Code]....

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How do I do that?

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Serve Up A Css File In A DLL?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm referencing the css at the top of my CompositeControl

[assembly: WebResource("MyAssembly.styles.main.css", "text/css")]

...but how do I actually get that served down to the client?

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Web Forms :: How To Access The HTML Control Values In Form Object, If Runat="server", Is Not Present In The HTML Controls

Mar 29, 2011

How to access the HTML control values in form object, if runat="server", is not present in the HTML controls.

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Sql - How To Serve A View As CSV In .NET Web Forms

Mar 29, 2010

I have a MS SQL view that I want to make available as a CSV download in my ASPNET Web Forms app. I am using Entity Framework for other views and tables in the project. What's the best way to enable this download?I could add a LinkButton whose click handler iterates over the view, writes its CSV form to the disk, and then serves that file. However, I'd prefer not to write to the disk if it can be avoided, and that involves iteration code that may be avoided with some other solution.

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Serve Shortcuts/.lnk From Web Servers?

Mar 25, 2010

without using a database i wanted a file to point to the newest revision of a file. Someone suggested using a shortcut. Knowing i can rewrite file.ext to file.ext.lnk i thought it was a great idea. Then i tried it, my server (VS 2010rc) serves the shortcut rather then the file. Not what i wanted...How do i serve the file the shortcut is pointing to? NOTE: I am planing to use windows 2008 as my server so a solution should work on that as well. The OS i am running is windows 7.

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Configuration :: IIS Won't Serve Images?

Dec 17, 2010

I recently deployed a Windows 2008 R2 server with IIS.There was a problem with it and the hosting provider suggested a redployment of the image, which I relucantly did.Now all i getting back to wotking order except that no images/css are served (in fact all static content).Previously I set up my local machine to get images/css etc from static1.mydomain.co.uk which is a subdomain of mydomain.co.uk and this worked fine. I also had a test page on the live server with links to images on the static1 domain and all was good.Now neither the live site or my local site can access static content. I've also tried changing the live domain to itself rather than a subdomain (www.mydomain.co.uk)The pages serve correctly - just without any styling.I suspect its IIS - I've turned my firewall off as a test - the paths seem to be correct when viewed from the source code too.

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How do you put views and content in a separate assembly that can be referenced from a MvcApplication?

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Hide The HTML Control From The Server Side Without Using Attributes Runat="Server"

Sep 27, 2010

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IIS7 Serve Same Application Under Different Directories?

Nov 3, 2010

I wanna serve my application in ISS to be accessed from many different URL's on my web server.



Both these URL's get served by the same application.

I do NOT however want to just create new virtual applications to the application, because it stuffs up the user membership roles. The users and their roles must exist accross the two URL's.

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C# - Building A Service To Serve An Iphone Application?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm building an Iphone application, which has to retrieve information from a database on a server.
I thought about building a C# web service on the server,so the Iphone app will send a http request to the web service and get the required data as a xml output. Are there any better alternatives? for instance: I never tried but heard about WCF, maybe it's better using it instead of the older xml web service technology?

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