Configuration :: Aspnet_wp.exe (PID: Xxxx) Stopped Unexpectedly?

May 6, 2010

The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.

Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.i have started getting this error for my application how do i resolve it til yest it was fine

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Similar Messages:

"Server Application Unavailable" - Aspnet_wp.exe Stopped Unexpectedly

Mar 29, 2010

I have an ASP.Net application that I am developing on my localhost. I have v.2.0.50727 installed and running. I have registered and re-registered this version ASP.Net several times. So far I am having no luck and continually get a "Server Application Unavailable" message. The funny thing is, this only happens on .aspx pages. Additionally I have ensured that the application is set to run ASP.Net 3.5 in VS 2008.

I have no further information to provide as none is being provided to me by the application. To add a wrinkle... on a seperate local machine, everything is working properly. I am fresh out of ideas as to why this isn't working. I have tried pretty much everything else I have researched with no luck. The only error I am seeing in the log is:aspnet_wp.exe (PID: XXXX) stopped unexpectedly.

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Configuration :: The Permissions Granted To User 'XXXX'are Insufficient?

Oct 21, 2010

i am able to deploy the SRS Reports locally without any issue. but the probelm when i try to access in the website its gives the error as "The permissions granted to user 'XXXASPNET' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)"So Please any one of you let me know what needs to be done in the configuration setting for the problem to get resolved.

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Configuration :: Aspnet_wp.exe Is Not Working - Failed To Initialize The AppDomain

Jun 18, 2010

I have developed website using .NET 2.0 and I am trying to host the same on IIS 5.1. It works on my machine where I am domain user with all the administrator rights on my machine. I can access the website from other machine on the network using IP address of my machine in URL

But it fails when I am trying to host on my clients machine. Here is the list of errors I get.

I already tried using

1. iisreset
2. aspnet_iis -i

Here is the list of the errors that I get


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Configuration :: Urlmappings Stopped When Moved To Ii7?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a web site that uses urlmappings in IIS 6. We recently upgraded to IIS 7 and now the mappings no longer work. I remember in IIS 6 I had to turn off Verify that file exists in the mapping section, and in IIS 7 I set the resource types to unspecified, but I can't get this working. What am I missing?

View 11 Replies

Configuration :: Services Stopped Working On Subdomain?

May 14, 2010

I have some services deployed on [URL]I want to move them to [URL]. I have [URL] physically hosted & has its own web.config file. No inheritance issues...

I configured the subdomain (through my host--I don't actually own the web server) so that the subdomain is physically hosted & made sure it's running as an IIS application.

When the services lived on [URL], I used the following address prefixing in web.config:


Now that they're on [URL], I modified the web.config to read:


<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true">

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Configuration :: Regarding Error - Compiler Error Message: BC2000: Compiler Initialization Failed Unexpectedly

Mar 1, 2011

I am using windows 7, my application is working fine in visual studio but when i host it and browse it through my browser getting the following error. Sometime back it worked fine but recently it started giving this error. Server Error in '/InfraICHR' Application. Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: BC2000: compiler initialization


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Error :aspnet_wp.exe (PID: 1160)?

Oct 20, 2010

Only from today I faceed this problem. Can anybody tell me whats the problem?I paste the evntviwer message below:aspnet_wp.exe (PID: 1160) was recycled because memory consumption exceeded the 608 MB (60 percent of available RAM).

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Communication Between Aspnet_isapi.dll And Aspnet_wp.exe?

Sep 21, 2010

To guarantee optimal performance, aspnet_isapi uses asynchronous named pipes to forward requests to the worker process and to get responses. On the other hand, the worker process exploits synchronous pipes when it needs to query for information about the IIS environment (that is, server variables).

Does the worker process always uses "synchronous" named pipes? (Response to aspnet_isapi.dll would be asynchronous too, right?) Can the worker process talk directly to IIS or does it have to send a synchronous request to aspnet_isapi.dll to inquire about IIS environment etc.?

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Web Forms :: How To Enter Phone In This Format XXX-XXX-XXXX

Aug 14, 2012

How to enter Phone in this format XXX-XXX-XXXX

I have one text box for Phone number .. I want to enter the phone number in XXX-XXX-XXXX this format ..

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Web Forms :: Could Not Load File Or Assembly Xxxx Or One Of Its Dependencies

Sep 25, 2013

In my web application. i m using Eohtmltopdf.dll file. bt i m getting this error "

Could not load file or assembly 'evohtmltopdf' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded."

I m using .net 4.0 framework.

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Visual Studio :: Attaching Aspnet_wp.exe Process?

Nov 25, 2010

I am not able to attach the aspnet_wp.exe process sometimes.

I have created a virtual directory for my application and i am browsing through that. I have opened my application through file system.

Am i using the wrong order. Should i attach first then browse or browse then attach?

View 4 Replies

Localization :: Global Resources: The Resource Object With Key 'xxxx' Was Not Found?

Jun 9, 2010

i have a very strange error.i get parser error Parser Error Message: The resource object with key 'TopnavHome' was not found.this is the code: [Code]....

BUT, if i do this: [Code]....

View 3 Replies

Visual Studio :: An Unhandled Win32 Exception Occurred In Svchost.exe [xxxx]

Mar 19, 2010

I am getting below error after installing VS2005 in my machine. If i open any application/browser then automatically this error popups. An unhandled win32 exception occurred in svchost.exe [xxxx] New instance of Visual Studio 2005. I have seen many post deals with same issue, but couldn't find any solution.

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Inetinfo.exe, Dllhost.exe And Aspnet_wp.exe All Start Under Debugger On Themselves/ Unable To Attach

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to debug an ASP.NET application. I've created a virtual directory in IIS, copied all the binaries and web.config there. When I pass request from the client program running on the same computer aspnet_wp.exe is started but then something goes wrong.

I want to attach to the process and try debug it. When I ask Visual Studio to "Attach to process" it displays a list of processes and aspnet_wp.exe, inetinfo.exe and dllhost.exe are all displayed grayed as if they are already debugged by some other program and so I can't attach to any of them.

I have tried to disable the "debug" option in web.config:

<compilation debug="false">

but it didn't change the behavior.What's happening and how do I make aspnet_wp, inetinfo and dllhost all start in such way I can attach a debugger to either of them?

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The Resource Type 'XXXX.XXX' Does Not Have A Publicly Visible Static Property Named '_RequiredXXXX'?

Jan 31, 2011

"'ErrorMessageResourceType' property specified was not found."

{"The resource type 'XXXX.XXXXXX' does not have a publicly visible static property named '_RequiredXXXX'."}

I'm getting this error when my Create.aspx view is called and steps over that line:

<%=Html.TextBoxFor(Function(model) model.NO_DEMND, New With {.class = "txtbox", .disabled = True})%>
<%=Html.ValidationMessageFor(Function(model) model.NO_DEMND)%>

The message is there in the Ressources file, I think the problem is deeper than that but i'm having a hard time finding it. It pops this error very early on the ASPX page. It's the first model component it goes thru, i tried removing this one and it's the same message for all the model.xxxx components. I guess it's an error somewhere in the linkage. The .EDMX is correct and I get no build errors,

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Mysterious Statements Like 'aspnet_wp.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'jpgxkjws' In Output?

Sep 14, 2010

I have an page that's taking longer to render than we'd like. I've been doing some manual Debug.WriteLine type performance testing and I noticed some statements in my output window that look something like:

'aspnet_wp.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'jpgxkjws'

These statements are showing up in my output window when I'm doing "xml stuff" in my code. For instance I see one of these types of statements getting written to my output window when I execute the following line of code (sandwiched between two Debug.WriteLine statements):

System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In ToXml(), about to call XMLSerializer: " & Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.ff"))
xmlSerial = New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(Me.GetType, xmlRoot) 'See a "loaded statement when this executes
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In ToXml(), finished call XMLSerializer: " & Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.ff"))

These statements are pretty expensive, averaging about .75 seconds apiece. Any idea what these are and if it's possible to speed them up? Are these just statements just a artifact of my running my site in debug mode?I was initially perplexed that I couldn't find these files anywhere, but I ran procmon while debugging my site and did find where these files are located, they are located in

C:Documents and SettingsmyhostnameASPNETLocal SettingsTemp

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Web Forms :: Aspnet_wp.exe Acquires A Lock While Aborting Uploading Excel File On Server?

May 18, 2010

I have a big excel file , and i want to upload it to server.

on upload_click , i have to do a processing which takes very long time,

because i am finding latitude and longitude from the google by reading that excel file.

and i wanted that when used click on CANCEL button the process should stop.

i have created a thread on upload_click and doing all this stuff in that thread .

when user clicks on CANCEL , i am aborting that thread.

but when user again tries to upload file , i am getting the error that file is in use .

to solve this problem i have to stop aspnet_wp.exe from task manager and have to try again .

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VS 2010 Process Continues Unexpectedly

Feb 10, 2011

Here's a very strange thing happening and I need to know how to stop it. y ASP.NET web page uses a JSON Ajax call to call a Webmethod that initiates a number of processes. In the IDE when I step my code. Because I'm only testing the first part of the process, there should be no action against the Database until the 2nd phase. I place a breakpoint at the start of the 2nd phase and then I actually stop debugging by pressing the usual square button. I then look in a table on the DB and records have been processed that should not get processed until much further into my code. Stepping line by line until my breakpoint does not call any update functions to the Database (just in-case I'd placed a call somewhere that I didn't mean to). Can someone tell me what's going on in the IDE? At my breakpoint, depending on how long I leave it sitting at the breakpoint before I actually stop the debugging process has a direct impact on the amount of records I see changed/added in the database.

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WCF / ASMX :: Format Is Unrecognized For URL Unexpectedly Ending?

Dec 28, 2010

I have an inline .asmx file that I'm trying to host on GoDaddy. Because of this, I cannot edit the web.config file :(. Either way, I can access [URL] When I try this, I see the service description page that ASP.NET generates. However, when I try to access the method, I receive the "Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending" error.

I have not changed the .asmx from what Visual Studio generates. I'm simply trying to access [URL] as described here: [URL]

My question is, is there a way that I can host .asmx files on GoDaddy? From my Googling (or Binging) it seems that I need to edit the web.config file to be able to run this service.

Here is my code:


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Page Unexpectedly Redirects When Supposed To Reload?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a products page, with a treeview on left, (telerik) and on the right there is a div. The div on the right is used to load stuff in it, (using jquery, calling another aspx with a querystring parameter), called from Telerik Treeview's client-side OnNodeSelecting event ... Everything works as expected. There is also a RadioButton list ( rbl) on top of this page, that is set to AutoPostBack. It switched the current language of the page. In all the other pages, it changes the Language and reloads the page. Then browsing the proıducts is pure client-side by loading into the rihgtmost div, (jquery calling another aspx page with a parameter, and loads the resulting HTML into the div).

What happens is, once I load content into this div, and then try to select another language from the RadioButtonList, whole window redirects to the aspx page that is supposed to provide the content to jQuery load. I have absolutely no clue why that happens.

Code below:

TreeView is actually inside an ascx. The client-side code is

$(document).ready(function() {
function getDefaultUrl() {
var hf = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphContent_hfLastSelectedProductUrl'); ///this is for preserving the state
var url = hf.value;
return url;
function UrunMenuNodeClicking(sender, args) {..........

note: the Class MyControl inherits from System.Web.UI.UserControl , and has a property that accesses Session and sets the current language as an integer. Actually it is an enum like Languages.English, I do (int)enum and send it to session ...

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Web Forms :: Onunload Events Unexpectedly Run (vs2008 C#)?

Mar 1, 2010

I am developing a website and find problems on onunload event.

As the code below, it aims to modify the database when the 'X' of browser is clicked or it navigator to other page. However, when the AAA.aspx is loaded, it is found that end() would be run and already modify the database and change the status as 1, which is not my aim.

<body onunload="<%end();%>">
AAA.aspx.cs: [code].....

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State Management :: Session Expired Unexpectedly?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm using the code below in the we.config file.

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="30"/>

There is no issue with the session expiration locally, but the same web application logouts frequently when I uploaded it to the webserver. The session no longer keep it's state for 30 minutes when the application left idle for some time.

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Web Forms :: Validators On User Control Trigger Unexpectedly

Jan 22, 2010

I am having an issue with a user control that contains a dropdown and a validator. I created a property for the "CausesValidation" property on the dropdown and set it to false. And yet the dropdown is still triggering the validator. I am having issues with this elsewhere as well including on my ModalPopup.

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AJAX :: Validators Trigger For Modal Popup Unexpectedly?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a couple of validators on a modal popup. They trigger properly for the controls on the modal. On the main page I have an updatepanel and can commit a save. When I commit a save and go back to the modal popup the validator error messages for both validators appear. Why is this happening and how can I stop it?

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