Configuration Has Not Been Pre-compiled, And Cannot Be Requested?

May 4, 2010

Complete newbie with using 2008 express edition.I made a master page and one simple page, and used the ftp copy web site tool to load the pages to my web site.When I try to open the one page, I get the message has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be requestedI havedone some searching on the error message, and most places talk about missing things from the Bin directory. I don't have a bin directory on my local machine.

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Similar Messages:

X].aspx Has Not Been Pre-compiled And Cannot Be Requested

Dec 29, 2010

Running Windows Server 2008 R2 (IIS 7.5). This is happening at a client's site and works fine on our internal servers with the same OS configuration. We are using the following work-around for now:Modify the Advanced Settings of the Application Pool that the site uses, and change the Identity used by the Process Model from ApplicationPoolIdentity to NetworkService

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Web Forms :: File Xyz Has Not Been Pre-compiled, And Cannot Be Requested

Jan 1, 2010

Using ASP.NET 3.5 / VS 2008.I have an app that has been deployed on 13 different servers at client sites with no issues. One of the modules is an aspx file that generates a crystal report.When I deployed the app to a Windows 2008 server-64 bit/ IIS 7, the aspx page that uses crystal reports errors out with the message:The file 'xyz.aspx' has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be requested. (All other aspx pages load just fine).

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System.Web.HttpException File XXX.has Not Been Pre-compiled, And Cannot Be Requested?

Nov 10, 2010

I ran into this error today and much googling didn't get me the answer. I have been for years now publishing this particular site by simply doing "Publish web site" and then supplying it a UNC path, then I go to the server delete the old bin and copy to the new bin folder to the live site, this has always worked except today I started getting the "cannot be requested" error for certian pages in certain directories. Everything else worked and after several attempts nothing else broke and only these same certain few pages where screwed up - there was nothing exciting about any of these pages, in fact they were part of the admin portion of the site and were very simple

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Configuration :: UserControls Not Getting Re-compiled?

Nov 22, 2010

We deployed a UserControl to our testing server. Then made a change to the UserControl and re-deployed. I cannot get the change to take. We have cycled the ASP.NET server, deleted the file completely and re-copied, and also tried a suggestion to change the web.config in order to force all files to be re-compiled.

I definitely know that we are changing the correct file. At one point, I removed the UserControl file altogether and received the "File not found error" when trying to load the user control. The file IS the correct version on the testing server.

[ASP.NET 4.0, Windows Server 2003 SP2, IIS (I think 6?)]

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Configuration :: Web Application Is Compiled At Run-time?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm using "VS 2010 Ultimate" "Web Application" project.

The problem is that web application compilation occurs at run-time.

My steps:

1) change Wep Application source code (*.cs files)

2) rebuild "Web Application" in Visual Studio

3) run web site's(mapped under IIS 7.5) start page via browser

4) Problem: CSC.EXE starts compiling wep application for the second time! Despite I've done it on step 2)

What should I do to escape step 4) ? I don't need re-compilation at run-time!

I've tried "to play" with <compilation batch="false" but it seems to be ignored.

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Configuration :: Deploy To A Non-compiled Website?

Jun 15, 2010

I was commissioned to write a search page for a company. Page works great, they finally ask me to deploy to the web server. I RDP out to the web server, and instead of finding a normal deployment, I see all the aspx pages along with their code-behind files. They do not pre-compile their pages.

So in an environment like this, how do I deploy my page? I can get pages to run that don't have dependencies on other things, but this particular page uses Linq. So in my web project, I have a dbml file, and it's generated pages. I have put the dbml and related files on the webserver. The page fails when it encounters the using datacontext statement.

How can I tell my page where this code is?

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Configuration :: How To Install Compiled Project Under IIS

Mar 8, 2011

Anyway, I need to pick up on another person's project who has left and essentially what I have is his code base which compiles under Visual Studio2010 Ultimate. I need to dig into his code (VisualBasic) in order to fix some minor problem & make some enhancements. So anyway, I started it up and compiled everything. Then I press the little green arrow button, and the project starts up and launch the browser which then access and run this project. However I need to run this under IIS because I have to try access the webservice from a remote platform. Meaning this has to serve a remote connection and not just the browser from within VisualStudio. Could someone give me a little howto in order to set this up and running under IIS?

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Configuration :: Unable To Load One Or More Of The Requested Types?

Nov 2, 2010

Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.i was searching a way to catch the exception to see exactly what was generating this problem... later, i was able to catch the exception and this is the message that theReflectionTypeLoadException catch:ould not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file spec

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IIS Configuration :: The Requested Address Is Not Valid In Its Context

May 23, 2012

I have ASPX For Which send the Data to Email Address

while working with Development Machine it is Working fine

But when Going to Deploy on the server it showing the Following Error

I am using Windows'2003 with IIS6

The requested address is not valid in its context

Stack Trace:

[ConnectionException: The requested address is not valid in its context]
cpSphere.Mail.TcpSocket.HandleException(SocketException e) +397
cpSphere.Mail.TcpSocket.Connect(EndPoint RemoteEndPoint) +230
cpSphere.Mail.TcpSocket.Connect(String ServerName, Int32 Port) +360
cpSphere.Mail.TcpSocket.Connect() +118
cpSphere.Mail.Smtp.Esmtp.Connect() +132

[Code] .....

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Configuration :: Global.asax Ignored In Compiled Website?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a website with a global.asax file with some debug code in Application_Start, which inserts some debug information in a table in the db:

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
Log.LogToDb("App Starts");

I have 2 versions of the same website, one compiled and the other one just plain code.The plain code website correctly inserts these records in the db, but the compiled one is not doing it.

I have a feeling the Global.asax file is being ignored by the compiled website. I can see the dll for it in the in folder: App_global.asax.compiled and App_global.asax.dll although I can't see a Global.asax file in the root folder (do I need one?)

I must say the website is compiled with MSBuild and then obfuscated using Dotfuscator.

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Configuration :: Web App Error: An Address Incompatible With The Requested Protocol Was Used?

Apr 3, 2010

I am encountering an error when attempting to log into a web app (via a login page) on one of my servers. The web app is an IMAP4 client under development that should connect to the mail server currently running on the same machine. I am successful at connecting to the mail server from my development workstation running an IMAP4 desktop client under similar development.The error is... An address incompatible with the requested protocol was usedThe login page works fine in my development environment on my local workstation (connecting to the local mail server). A little research suggests the error has something to do with IPv4 vs IPv6 addressing, but I'm not sure. I have 2 network adapters in this server, for each of which IPv6 is not enabled. I have successfully reset the TCP/IP stack on the server (netsh Winsock reset) but still the error returns. Only one of the adapters is enabled and being used.

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IIS Configuration :: Cannot Open Database DBLogin Requested By Login

May 7, 2015

I download and execute your program from this link:

ASP.Net-Login-Control-in-AJAX-Control-Toolkit-Modal-Popup-Extender.aspx but it gives me this error:

Cannot open database "dbLogin" requested by the login. The login failed. I've already opend your DB in my sql server in addition I've changed asp default db to your DB.

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Configuration :: Compiled Web Application Still Contains .aspx Markup Files?

May 5, 2010

I want to publish my web application as a single .dll file without all the source code and .aspx markup pages.

I am using VS 2010 with the "Web Deployment Project" add-in. In the compilation settings, I unchecked "make this site updatable" because I want the .aspx files to be compiled as well.

Publishing my web application using the publish feature in VS 2010 works fine, and a single .dll file is created in the "bin" directory.

But all the .aspx markup files are still copied to the web server! I've read that those files are merely marker files which can be deleted, but not in my case. They still contain the whole markup and when I delete them, my application won't run anymore.

It's like I had checked the "make this site updatable" option, but I haven't!


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Configuration :: Include Empty Folders With A Pre-compiled Site?

May 3, 2010

We run our web app through a pre-compilaton command line before deploying it to a staging environment. The only problem is that some of the folders in the project do not get copied into the deployment folder that we target from the precompilation command line. I initially got around this problem by placing a none.txt empty file but this is only a hack. Is there a way to ensure that empty folders get copied too during precompilation?

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Configuration :: Web.config For IIS 7 - HTTP Error 500.19 - The Requested Page Cannot Be Accessed?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a website which works perfectly fine with IIS6 on a remote server. I switched hosting to an IIS7 server and now I get the following error:

Error Summary

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

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IIS Configuration :: Cannot Open Database ProjectTracking Requested - Login Failed

Jan 29, 2012

I have created a set up of website using the template WebSetUp project in VS 2008/.net 3.5 and sql server 2005.

I get the following error after i install the set up.

Cannot open database "Project_Tracking" requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

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Configuration :: Site Works On Visual Studio But Not On IIS 7 - SQL Express Server Error "Cannot Open Database "AnimalSafe" Requested By The Login"

Jul 31, 2010

I'm having an issue that has made me loose too many hours already. My site works fine in VS2008 with SQL Express 2008. However, when I try to deploy the site following these steps:

1. Create a new site IIS 7.0
2. Copy all the files from my code folder to IIS 7.0, (I was planning to delete the code latter)
3. Browse to my Index.aspx

The error message I receive is Cannot open database "AnimalSafe" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service'. I've already changed the application pool to use Network Service to authenticate and have made sure that SQL is running under this account.

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Get The Real Requested URL Using IIS7

Feb 7, 2010

Using ASP.Net, I am trying to determine the actual URL requested by the user. For example if I type the following into my address bar: [URL] Fiddler shows me that this is the URL being sent over the wire however by the time it reaches ASP.Net all of the variables in HttpContext.Current.Request are showing this URL: [URL] The IIS logs show the same cleaned up version of the URL as ASP.Net. This causes some of the relative links on the site to break so I would like to at least detect and log these requests. I am using IIS7 on Windows 7 and .Net 3.5 SP1. What is doing this translation and how can I find out the original URL?

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AJAX :: How To Open The Requested Url

Mar 22, 2011

I need to present google or some other public page on my page div without using iframe

My hints - is a cross domain issue and for bypassing credentials use proxy (I think using .ASHX file - generic handler)

Ok I know how to call the ashx from client but how to open the requested url??? What to do on the handler??

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Web Forms :: Requested Page Not Available?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm looking to pick brains on the following.I have a page which contains numerous links to other websites.I use a redirect to get to the destination page so I can run any code prior to the redirect. What I would like to do is attempt the redirect, but then display an error message if it doesn't happen in say 20 seconds.I already have code to check a link so I can check, then if available redirect, however I would prefer to redirect and catch an error.

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C# - Change The Requested Url Of WebResource.axd?

Apr 4, 2011

My web application [URL] is currently requesting the WebResource.axd file like this:

<script src="/WebResource.axd?d=xxx" type="text/javascript"></script>

As we're using urlrewiting in a Netscaler to forward all requests for the "/social" folder onto a seperate server farm containing this app, the "/" root path won't resolve correctly as it will be requesting the resource from the app.

Therefore I need to change the url of the requested script to either request it explicitly:

<script src="/social/WebResource.axd?d=xxx" type="text/javascript"></script>

or to request it using a relative path:

<script src="WebResource.axd?d=xxx" type="text/javascript"></script>

So far I've looked at overriding the render method, using a control adapter and various other things but haven't really got anywhere as of yet.

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Compiled Code Better Than Interpreted?

Oct 26, 2010

Why we say compiled code in ASP.NET using C# or VB.NET means high performance and in the other side the server controls make the website slower! so if we combine server controls + compiled code the result will be the same as other interpreted technologies, so where is the speed and performance in ASP.NET? From this point of viwe it seems to be the same as others technologies, right?

View 9 Replies - How A Compiled XSLT Works On IIS?

Feb 28, 2010

My XSLT was compiled via xsltc, the performance is hugely improved. However, I am wondering how the compiled XSLT works on IIS? Will there any cached of the compiled XSLT instance on the IIS after 1st JIT'ing. As I am seeing my page slightly slow in response from server, but if the page after being called once, subsequent access to the page will faster. So I am suspecting all the transformation processes was not cached for long time on server side.

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Requested Document Cannot Found On Server

Dec 11, 2010

The requested document was not found on this server.

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