Configuration :: Iis 7 - How To Host The Website At The Root

Jul 9, 2010

I've followed this link [URL] to configure my application on iis7.

- I've published it

- create a folder in inetpubwwwrootMyApp

- I've created my virtual directory to point on MyApp

but then to log on it, I need to point on http:\localhostMyApp but i would like to point on http:\localhost

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Web Forms :: ScriptManager Uses Website - Root Instead Of Application Root Directory

Jan 27, 2010

I ran into the following issue when trying to run a test website on IIS 7.5 (Windows Server 2008 R2 DatacenterEdition). The web-app is configured to run with framework version 3.5 in a .Net 2.0 app pool. Also the framework 4.0 beta 2 is installed on the server. The application named 'TestPfade' is located under the website's root named 'Default'. It is not only a virtual directory but defined as an application. The folder structure looks like this: The markup of the sole document reads as follows:


When viewed in a browser the image gets shown because the given relative path is correctly resolved to 'images/Lighthouse.jpg' but the paths to the ajax-framework resources also include the application's root folder and therefor aren't found: 'src="/TestPfade/WebResource.axd?d=1bX...' Here is the complete html-source generated:


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Configuration :: Dot Net 4 Under A Dot Net 2 Root?

Jul 13, 2010

I have an odd scenario. I'm trying to run a 4.0 application under a 2.0 web site. If I have the 4.0 application as a level 1 sub folder on a different web site, it runs fine. However, if I have it running under wwwroot, it gives me an error. Why is it referencing the web config in the root even though this site has its own?

This works: site140webapp | This doesn't: wwwrootsite240webapp

The error I get is: Server Error in '/site2/40webapp' Application.
Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The entry 'EventLogProvider' has already been added.

Source Error: [Code]....

Source File: X:wwwrootweb.config Line:

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1

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How To Change Website Root

Jan 19, 2011

I am URL routing myself.

Main project only contain the URL routing code.

Different websites are placed on approot.

e.g: I have deployed VS2010 test-default-website at approot/webTest/.

I am trying to opening [URL] from browser.

For that URL request, I am serving page using PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance(), as follows:

In URL route request handler,

return PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance("webTest/Account/Login.aspx", HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("webTest/Account/Login.aspx"),

I am getting following exception:

The file '/Account/webTest/Account/Login.aspx' does not exist.

PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance is automatically appending '/Account' before the actual address, thus unable to find it.

How can I make it not to append '/Account' ?

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Running A Website From The Root?

Jan 9, 2010

I have an Website. the project' content is in a folder called MyWebSite. When I run my application from Visual Web developer 2008, the browser displays the following address in the address bar: http: // localhost/ MyWebSite /Default.aspx

I want to be able to run my Website from the following address:


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IIS 6 Website Root Vs Application?

Mar 8, 2011

ASP.NET 3.5 (C#.NET)

We are having an issue where the same set of files behave differently depending on if it is a root IIS website versus an application under an IIS website. The urls produced using ResolveUrl() are different - i.e.:

<a href="<%=ResolveUrl("~/contact.aspx") %>">Contact Us</a>

As the root website, it produces: http://contact.aspx

As an application under a website, it produces:

Both are utilizing the same files. The first example is its own website, the second is a virtual directory made into an application (titled DSC). Both also use the same application pool, and same configuration, document and security settings (I made sure all the settings were the same in IIS between both).

Everything that has been researched indicates ResolveUrl() does refer to the IIS application that the webpage is under. I have also read several places that even if the information isnt completed in IIS (in this case it is), a root website is considered an application. Therefore, it should produce the appropriate web address, but isnt.

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Web.Routing For The Website Root Or Homepage?

Apr 1, 2010

I am doing some work with Web.Routing, using it to have friendly urls and nice Rest like interfaces to a site that is essentially rendered by a single IHttpHandler. There are no webforms, the handler generates all the html/json and writes it as part of process request.

This works well for things like /Sites/Accounting for example, but I can't get it to work for the site root, i.e. '/'.

I have tried registering a route with an empty string, with 'default.aspx' (which is the empty aspx file I keep in my root folder to play nice with cassini and iis). I set RouteExistingFiles to false explicitly, but whatever I do when hitting the root url it still opens default.axpx, which has no code it inherits from, and contains a simple h1 tag to show that I've hit it.

I don't want to change the default file to redirect to a desired route, I just want the equivalent of a 'default' route that is applied when no other routes are found, similar to MVC.

For reference, the previous version of the site didn't use Web.Routing, but had a handler referenced in the web.config that was perfectly capable of intercepting requests for the root or default.aspx.

Specs: ASP.NET 3.5sp1, C#, no webforms, MVC or openrasta. Plain old IHttpHandlers.

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Configuration :: Why Is The Directory Only Seen When Outside The Root Path

Dec 2, 2010

I'm trying to deploy my web project to my local IIS server (C:inetpubwwwrootlunchbox). By default the in is created inside the project directory - i.e lunchboxin. This setup, however, gives me the following error when I try to open the site:

When I move the in directory outside the project root (i.e C:inetpubwwwrootin), the site opens up just fine. I'm also able to test the web project from Visual Studio without any issues.

Can someone tell me why I have to move the in directory outside the project root to make the site work? What can I do to not have to do this?

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Configuration :: Application Root - Local IIS?

Oct 15, 2010

I recently got abused on these forums because I was testing with the cassini in my development environment. So now I use local iis via the settting in the properties --> web tab and then creating a virtual directory.

The problem now is that the url is:


The problem is that http://Localhost/ is still the root - so its gone and broke all my css and JQuery ajax calls.

I've tried playing with application root setting in the properties tab with no luck. I have been querying the interwebs and realise that I need to do something in IIS -

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C# - How To Select A Folder Relative To Root In Website

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to select all the files from a folder in my website and store them in a collection. The problem is that when I run the website it is not selecting the folder in my website:

This is the basic structure: [Root Folder] --> [FilesFolder]

Here is the code I am using:

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo("FilesFolder");

But it is showing this at runtime as the location of the folder:

C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedDevServer10.0FileUploads

Is there a way to select the folder relative to the root of the website?

I am using C# with ASP.NET 3.5

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Web Forms :: Find The Root Path Of Website?

Jan 3, 2010

I want to find the root path of my website.

Im using Request.PhysicalApplicationPath right now which looks like this:

F:CasperMy DropboxDotNetPortfolioV2 (Which is good)

But if I go to a folder it will be:

F:CasperMy DropboxDotNetPortfolioV2FolderName (Not good)

I just want the root.

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Configuration :: How To Secure Root Of Iis While Deploying Locally

Oct 1, 2010

I have deployed my application locally in my office server.

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C# - Saving Files In The Root Website Directory In Apache

Jul 16, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application running on Apache server with mod_mono. If I have a folder called "temp" located in the website's root directory and run the following code

System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("temp/test.txt");

it saves test.txt in C:Program FilesMono-2.6.4in emp on the server. If I add a slash to the directory name like this: System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("/temp/test.txt"); It saves it to C:/temp. Both do not do what I want. How do I get the code to save the file to the temp folder inside my website's root directory? Is this a mod_mono issue or something to do with Apache? I have tried adding this line to httpd.conf Alias /temp "C:/Path_to_root_folder/temp" without any luck. I shouldn't have to use alias if the temp folder is within the root directory, correct? In my development environment which uses XSP as the web server everything works as expected. It is only a problem when running on Apache.

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Addressing From The Root Directory Of Website In Action Script

Oct 30, 2010

I have a flash banner in my website and it has some navigation links on it. Because I have several different folders in my website I need address them from the root. At the moment i use getUrl like this: getURL("ArticleList/Default.aspx"); But it doesn't work .

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Web Forms :: No Default.aspx In The Root Of Website Project?

May 27, 2010

i have a website project. i have 2 folders within default.aspx. in the root i have no default.aspx.

How can i redirect users when they are in Role "Folder1" to the ../Folder1/default.aspx
and user in Role "Folder2" to the .../Folder2/default.aspx

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