Configuration :: Run Scripts In Enterprise Manager?
Mar 7, 2011
i am trying to deploy my database and my application on a server. the administration tool for domain is Plesk. i have to use ASP.NET Enterprise Manager to deploy my database. I tried to run sql scripts but it seems that it doesnt support several keywords. i created the tables using a script but now i can't create the sprocs using scripts. it doesnt allow me to create multiple sprocs at a time. i have about more than 200 sprocs. and its not possible to create one by to run scripts in enterprise manager,
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Similar Messages:
Aug 4, 2010
Im using enterprise Manager data access code block and have a table in sql server 2005 with a column type of 'bigint'
when querying against this table and adding in a parameter, there isnt a long datatype available, so is Int32 an equivalent ?
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Jun 1, 2010
We use the caching and logging application blocks from entlib 4.1. We want to keep the configuration of those two in seperate files. How can we achieve this?It looks like entlib is always using the selected Source as it configuration.I tried the following:
But this doesn't work because the application blocks always use the selected Source attribute value.
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a web service that I developed on my local machine using the Enterprise Library for database access and exception logging. This all works fine on my machine but not on my server. I get the following error and i do not know why. Tracing to LogSource 'General' failed. Processing for other sources will continue. See summary information below for more information. Should this problem persist, stop the service and check the configuration file(s) for possible error(s) in the configuration of the categories and sinks. I do not see any errors in the configuration. I can get it to log to a flat file but not to the event log or an email it is to send. This is on a Windows Server 2008. Is there any special permissions I need to set? I hope this is the correct place to post a message such as this, if not let me know where to post it to.
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Jan 2, 2011
I am using Enterprise Library 5.0 - for exception handling. I am logging the exceptions in trace log file.When I publish the webapplication and deploy from my development machine IIS it works fine. When I deploy the same build on Windows Server 2003 R2 Service pack 2 it causes logout.Earlier I was using website for same application (We coverted website to webapplication due to some reasons) and I faced same problem while placing code on server. But when I published and kept the (published) precompiled code on server, logout problem resolved. But now with webapplication after publishing the problem exists.
While debuging I found that during exception logging due to session time out it is logging out. But why session time out on server when same thing work better on developement system IIS. Please suggest if I have to do any setting on server or any other solution.
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Apr 7, 2010
I am not getting Configuration Manager option in my connectionclass .I have included
using System.Configuration;
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
Though I am getting ConfigurationException and ConfigurationSettingsbut not the configuration manager.
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Feb 28, 2011
I have VS 2008 and VS2010 on the same machine (OS:WINDOWS 7). Eariler both were working fine for ASP.NEt Webconfiguration manager. Now i amtrying to open ASP.Net Configuration Manager in VS 2010 , it showing Error. I had used this feature in both before this. WHat is the root problem.I am running VS2010 as RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.It showing Icon in tray, but unable to open in IE. http://localhost:2663/asp.netwebadminfiles/If i click on this link, it process for a while and then redirect to error page. http://localhost:2663/asp.netwebadminfiles/error.aspxand show this message: An error was encountered. Please return to the previous page and try again.
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Jun 1, 2010
i tried to set up a virtual dir within default web site. When I navi to property dialog, I could not see "ASP.NET" tab.
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Jan 5, 2011
After installing IIS 7 using Web Platform Installer 2.0, the .NET Authorization icon is missing from features view. Installed Recommended settings + ASP .NET + ASP + FTP Publishing + Administration Pack 1.0 + Basic Authentication + Windows Authentication + URL Authorization packages.
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May 7, 2015
[URL] .....
I have an error with this tutorial.
Line 13:
Line 14: Private Sub BindGrid()
Line 15: Dim constr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("constr").ConnectionString
Line 16: Using con As New SqlConnection(constr)
Line 17: Using cmd As New SqlCommand("Customers_CRUD")
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class tessatusatu
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
[Code] ......
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Jul 26, 2010
Im trying to build a deployment package out of VS2010 against a web project and want to include all IIS settings as configured in IIS Manager. However when i enable this i get the following error message
Object of type 'manifest' and path
Now this error makes very little sense as the specified application does exist in Default Web Site. I've checked the spelling. I've tried having ISV as a virtual directory and as an Application and tried with and without the ISV folder.
On the Web page i hae the Project URL set to [URL] On the Package/Publish tab IIS web site name is set to "Default Web Site/ISV/Web.Crm.Framework/"
Bing/Google search turn up very little on this and the documentation is not really detailed enough.
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Mar 4, 2011
I'm on Windows 7, x64, with Visual Studio 2010.I have an ASP.NET page with C#. The C# makes a call to PowerShell, it fails, and every post I can find via Google says the solution is simple --- set your Target Build to x86. Sounds awesome, except I can't. My only choice is "Any PC", and even if I add a new configuration and call it "x86", I can't apply it to my Project.
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Feb 25, 2011
My webpages is in 3.5 and i m using Ajax Toolkit 3.5 And i want to access these all page in share point master page but the problem is that the share point script manager and ajax script manger not supported to each other(Showing error).
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Jan 25, 2011
I am using Enterprise library for my data access. when I am running the application, at the CreateDatabase() statement I am getting this exception:
Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.BuildFailedException was unhandled by user code Message="The current build operation (build key Build Key[Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database, null]) failed: The value can not be null or an empty string. (Strategy type Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration.ObjectBuilder.ConfiguredObjectStrategy,index 2)" Source="Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2"
Now, I googled a bit and I found that I have to place
<dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="LocalSqlServer"/>
but I don't know where. Is it the right solution? Also, at the time of installing enterprise library I didn't see any connection string statement? So, I wonder how it will take the connection string from web.config file. In the connection string section of my web.config file I have:
<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=MSTR;Initial Catalog=USERDb;Integrated Security=true;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
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Aug 5, 2010
I wanted to get any feedback (put out a feeler) for how the enterprise library plays with linq-to-sql generated classes. I was considering using the validation handler to provide validation logic/display to the UI level. I am considering the caching handler, validation, and authorization handlers primarily.
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Sep 13, 2010
I have a question about validation. Basically how the MVC framework is setup it can use DataAnnotations. It calls TryValidate in a controller which does some other black magic, and poof, you have a ModelState with validation results. Now to extend this validation you can create a validator and then provide custom validation on both server and client side. Here is the problem... what if you dont want to hard code all of the validation in the classes? I would like to use what Microsoft has already provided in the Enterprise Library [URL]for validation. I will be using both DataAnnotations and configured rule sets. Of course I could just put the code in each action, but that is so 1999. As I see it the MVC framework falls short by not allowing us to use the config for such things. Why is the validation so specific for MVC? Why could it now have used the Enterprise Validation? I wrote my own abstract controller and put in Enterprise Library validation and it worked GREAT!!! So why am I here? Well, surly there must be a better way... do I really have to write my own controller abstract class to change the validation?
So if you think you know how to solve this problem, you must provide a solution that does this:
Uses DataAnnotations AND Configuration RulesCan validate the SAME in a console application (could really be any non-web app) and MVCI do see that MVC 3 adds a little more support for validation which was really needed. It supports IValidatableObject, which allows you to validate the whole Model... its nice, but now we have 3 ways to do that same thing... granted the former 2 (DataAnnotation on the class, and a Validator for the DataAnnotation) could not pass the error to the correct place in the view. Now if we could just support all of this validation in a place what any type of application could use it. In my use case I will run validation on the MVC app, perhaps some other apps, and on an ESB.
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Mar 20, 2010
I'm trying to learn the Enterprise Library. I found this useful code sample to get data from a SQL database. But I tried to send data via a parameter. I'm also using the UPDATE, DELETE, and SAVE methods. Can you give me a similar sample? I'm using Enterprise Library 4.0.
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Sep 4, 2010
Recently i have joined a new project that is to be build from scratch.(goal of the project is to reach the users across boundaries : windows, web & mobile)
I follow architecture having following layers:1.Presentation Layer 2. Logic Layer(BLL) 3. Business Objects 4. Data Access Layer.
But this time i wanted to use new technologies Microsoft have introduced like Entity Framework 4.0 , WCF services.
So i have thought of creating the layers like
1.Presentation 2. BLL 3.Services 4.Business Objects 5.DAL
but i am in confusing state how to use Entity Framework. in the above layered diagram.If there any flaws in the above layered diagram do guide me.I have heard of Microsoft Enterprise Library(MEL) 5.0. What exactly it is?
Will i get benefited with MEL 5.0.
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Aug 20, 2010
I'm designing an enterprise web application interface based on an old system, and i planned to migrate the old frames layout to master page, but i noticed that if i use masterpages, the application users will be able to see the querystring or route path, and it could be a security issue. What is the best way to avoid this? Using frames? Masterpages with iframes as content? Masterpages with all PartialViews loaded by jquery?
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Mar 18, 2010
Does MS have a sample enterprise application that demonstrates the use of different Enterprise library blocks (Logging, Dataaccess, Exception, Validation etc)? I am looking for something that uses best practices in using and integrating all these blocks in a single application.
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Jan 18, 2011
Is there a simple code to populate a dropdown box using Enterprise Library 5.0 DAAB? I've tried this, but it is not working:
cmbOffice.DataSource = _db.ExecuteDataSet(
"select office_id, office_name from office").Tables[0];
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Mar 9, 2011
Has any one used Microsoft's Enterprise Library, if so what parts of it did you use? I am using building a website (I guess the client app type is not important, it can be a Windows app as well) with all the architectural layer, and I am specifically interested in the exception handling, logging and caching blocks for now. Any one used these, what were the good and bads of your experience with, any alternatives that you rather decided to use? Performance is a thing that I am also interested in. I am looking for a decent exception handling framework which is how I came across the exception handling block. Anything other out there? Is it a wise idea to use the data access block with an MVC application seeing that everybody is the repository pattern with an ORM framework? I am still researching frameworks, so I would like to hear as many opinions.
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May 23, 2010
I found a great control with example here for mvc It fulfills all my requirement but the problem is that it uses a js tree dll. Should I go on and used that example in my application? Do you people refrain from using 3rd party free dll in applications? How will I tell that it will not expire or not cause problem later on Forgive me if this is inappropriate question but thx in advance for any appropiate reply on this topic. just trying to get the point of view of you people on this
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Aug 5, 2010
The CachingCallHandler included in Enterprise Library 4.1 was removed for Enterprise Library 5.0+. The documentation refers to using the Enterprise Contrib Library to get this functionality, if needed.My questions:Where is this functionality in the Enterprise Contrib Library?Does this work with Enterprise Library 5.0?This is the only functionality I have a definite need for from Enterprise Library but may want to use the validation, as well. I don't see any reason to start with 4.1 when newer versions already exist. But, I'm slightly confused about where to find this functionality.Of note, I don't see this method listed on their page.. still searchingI think this is the namespace, and I don't see the file in the latest download.
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Nov 30, 2010
Im in the process of building an Enterprise Application, I want to have the DAL & BLL in separate projects, one each. With a structure like this, what should i do with the Models folder in MVC'S Default Project?
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