Configuration :: Unable To use Namespaces in Order To Run A Powershell Script?

Jun 29, 2010

I am not able to use the below namespaces in order to Run a powershell script:


I have installed Windows Powershell 2 and the framework is 2.0. I have added the referenece System.Management in the web.config file. Also i have browsed the above 2 namespaces and added to the project in add reference tab. Still i get the below message:

CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Automation' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Management' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

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Configuration :: How To Define Namespaces In Web.config

Aug 27, 2010

See the page [URL].

Defining namespaces in web.config works fine with VB.NET, but C# is not recognizing the namespaces.

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Configuration :: How To Call The NameSpaces Defined In Web.Config In C# Projects 4.0

Aug 30, 2010

I am working on a web project in Visual Studio 2010 with ASP.NET 4.0/C# 4.0.My requirement is to remove all the namespace referenced from codebehind in C# and put it in web.config.

As per the link, [URL], from MSDN I added the namspaces to web.config.

Now my web.config will look like this.


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SQL Server :: Unable To Show Customers With Their Order Totals?

Feb 10, 2011

ing to show customers and their order totals. There are a few joins involved since the order items quantity and price come from 2 different tables. Here is the query:

ordertotal = convert(money, (SUM(c.quantity) * d.Price))
from custOrders c
left join purchaseorders p on p.cust_code = c.cust_code and p.purchno = c.ponumber
left join purchasedetail

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Powershell From C#?

Aug 5, 2010

I am trying to write an asp program to automate some tasks in the office - namely creating a mail-enabled contact. The code is:

RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();PSSnapInException PSException = null;PSSnapInInfo info = RunspaceConfig.AddPSSnapIn("Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Admin", out PSException);Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runspaceConfig);runspace.Open();Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline();Command command = new Command("New-MailContact");command.Parameters.Add("Name", "TestName");command.Parameters.Add("ExternalEmailAddress", "");command.Parameters.Add("OrganizationalUnit",


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Configuration :: Windows Server 2008 R2 - Proceed In Order?

Sep 29, 2010

we are a company that owns more than 12 domains and we would like to have our own server in our office that we could put our websites, ms sql database in. we are thinking to get Windows Server 2008 R2 but we do not know how to proceed in order.

are we allowed to have our own server in our office to store our websites, sql servers?is it going to work fast if we have one or is it going to be slower than now ( we have dedicated server now)how do we pay? do we need to pay every year or we pay once and then it is all ours? I await for the replies.

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Call WebMethod Using PowerShell?

Mar 31, 2010

It seems like ASP.NET WebMethods are not "web servicey" enough to work with New-WebServiceProxy. Or maybe it is, and I haven't figured out how to initialize it?

So instead, I tried doing it manually, like so:

$wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
$url = ""
$postData = "{`"starting`":`"/Date(1254121200000)/`",`"ending`":`"/Date(1270018800000)/`"}"
$result = $wc.UploadString($url, $postData)

But this gives me "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." So I must be doing something slightly wrong.

how to call my PageMethod from PowerShell, and not get an error?

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WCF / ASMX :: PowerShell In Web Service For Ajax Requests?

Dec 9, 2010

A customer wants us to create an ajax-enabled web application that can be used to manage their IT environment (Active directory, mail, file security, ...). However, as the team that will support the web application does not know anything about these IT systems, they would like to split the coding so that all interfacing with the IT environment is done via PowerShell, which is known by the administrators of these systems. This would mean that if new functionality is required, the web team can just create an additional web page and interface and use PowerShell scripts that get created by technically skilled people in that specific topic (ie mail administrators). I don't see an issue using this approach for requests like adding a user where latency is not an issue, but I do wonder if this is feasible for interactive content with Ajax.

Ie I would like to implement a google suggest like search for AD users. This would mean that ie for every x keystrokes (or x seconds whatever approach I implement) an Ajax request will be made and the web application or web service will than use PowerShell to get the data. Taken into account that up to about 75 users can use this feature, is this something that would work? Not only performace-wise but also the number of connections (I read about the Powershell 5 remote session limit but also that it could be put to a higher number)? The example above is probably the most resource heavy Ajax requests (and can be optimized by caching), so taken into account they don't want this nice feature, are basic PowerShell scripts in ajax request really an option. My gut feeling is telling me this is a no-go, but I don't want to exclude the option just because it's not something I usually would do.

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Developed .NET MVC Web Application To Execute PowerShell Scripts?

Apr 16, 2010

I have developed an ASP.NET MVC Web Application to execute PowerShell scripts.I am using the VS web server and can execute scripts fine. However, a requirement is that users are able to execute scripts against AD to perform actions that their own user accounts are not allowed to do.Therefore I am using impersonation to switch the identity before creating the PowerShell runspace:

Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(config);
var currentuser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
if (runspace.RunspaceStateInfo.State == RunspaceState.BeforeOpen) {

I have tested using a domain admin account and I get the following exception when calling runspace.Open():

Security Exception
Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.
Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.

The web application is running in full trust and I have explicitly added the account I am using for impersonation to the local administrators group of the machine (even though the domain admins group was already there).I'm using advapi32.dll LogonUser call to perform the impersonation in a similar way to this post (

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Hosting Powershell In .net Mvc Running In Iis To Provide CLI For Custom Tasks?

Aug 22, 2010

I need CLI for our mvc application to perform maintenance tasks and some status tasks.

I think powershell is designed to provide CLI. But i do not know anything about it other than name.

How can i host powershell in mvc running in iis to provide CLI for custom tasks?

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Execute Powershell Commands On Windows 2008 Server From Application?

Nov 26, 2010

I want to execute some powershell commands on a remote windows 2008 machine. Right now i am using psexec to run the powershell from c# application. I would like to know is there any way to execute powershell commands without using a third party tool like psexec?

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Web Forms :: Rearranging Texbox Order - Maintain Order In Insert / Update Cases

Jan 23, 2010

I have 5 hard corded texboxes in a page in a sequence with sequence Number . Now i want to add re-order /re-arraning functionaly .. but i can't use ajax reorder list because i have 5 hard corded texbox. how can i maintain the order in Insert/Update cases. And also suggest me control that i can use, another than ajax re-order list. coz i not using any list items i have hard corded items on the page.

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JQuery :: Reorder List - Change Order Of Divs And Upload New Order To Database

Feb 7, 2011

The AjaxToolkit has a ReorderList. I'm searching for a jQuery solution that does the same and found this page. I would like to change the order of divs (vertically) and upload the new order to the database (ajax).

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Forms Data Controls :: Datacontrol For Order And Order Detail - How To Fetch Record Based On Paging

Oct 22, 2010

I have two table Order and Order Detail.

What i need is i need to bind last 10 Order in Gridview/details view with paging, and the same order detail also fetch from database and shown in another gridview.. if user click any oderNo in first Gridview/DetailView then i need to show Respective order detail in anther gridview..

without postback coz we already fetch 10 order with orderdetails from the database..and if user click next 10 orderNo using paging then again we need to load 10 orderNo with respective orderdeatils from database like this going well as let me know how to take print of particular oder and order detail....?

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.net - Cannot Disable Or Enable An Exchange Mailbox Running A Powershell Command Inside C#?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a couple of powershell command that are very simple.

disable-mailbox dadelgad -confirm:$false
enable-mailbox -identity 'dadelgad' -database 'NET5014DB10' -Alias 'dadelgad'

The first command is to disable an exchange mailbox and the second enables the mailbox. I am logged in as a user who is in the Organization Management group which has full admin priviledges to Exchange but is not a domain admin. If I run these commands directly in Powershell, they work fine but they do not work when called from C#.

I created a very simple windows forms app that has a couple of buttons that invokes these commands from C# code. Running the app as the user with full Exchange right, most commands work with no problem such as get-mailbox -identity 'dadelgad'. I can set flags in Exchange, add alias emails and do most functions but I cannot disable or enable an account.Do I need to be a domain admin to do these functions. It almost seems like a permission issue but the user has full rights to Exchange and can perform both of these commands directly in Powershell.

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Access :: UpdateParameters - Form Order - UpdateCommand Order?

Apr 24, 2010

From my testing, it appears that the order of parameters for the UpdateParameters must match both the order of the bound fields on the form (asp:Formview), and the order of the parameters in the UpdateCommand. Is that correct? If so, why do the parameters have names if all that matters is the order? I tried both asp:ControlParameter and asp:Parameter. Maybe the more relevant question is why aren't the names used instead of the order, particularly for the form order?

So, given I display the Identity field (CID), and need that for the update, I cannot get the update to work without including it in the UpdateCommand. Of course, since it is an autonumber field in Access, I cannot actually set it. So, I had to add another field to the db (lngUpdateCID) that I could set. That can't be how it has to be done, but I could not figure out another way to do this.

The relevant code is below:


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Using Namespaces Once In The Master?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm using nested master pages for my site, is there a way I can use the namespaces once in the master?Currently I have to add the namespaces to whichever page I need them in.

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Web.config Namespaces Not Being Read?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a web site that was done in 2.0 along with visual studio 2005. I've recently upgraded to VS 2008 and I'm haveing an issue with the namespaces in the web.config file not registering. Specifically, references to system.web and microsoft.visualbasic.

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MVC :: Using Namespaces In Razor Views?

Jan 18, 2011

I've recently switched over to using the Razor view engine, and I want to specify a namespace to use in a view. I've tried adding an entry to the Web.config file, ie:


But none of my views recognise any of the classes inside that namespace, so I have to declare the namespace in every view that needs it. why the Web.config approach isn't working?

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Need Reference About Namespaces And Classes?

Mar 27, 2010

what are the namespaces that should be well known by a fresher to initiate learning, what is the main use of a namespace. what is the use of 'args'

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MVC :: What Is MapRoute Namespaces Parameter

May 19, 2010

ASP.NET MVC's MapRoute method has a parameter named namespaces. From looking in the code, I see that this parameter is saved in the Route object

in DataTokens["Namespaces"].

It seems to me that it has some meaning... anyone knows what is it for?

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C# - How To Add Default Namespaces To Web Config

Jul 13, 2010

I read an article here to find the solution to my problem. But I found that it is not working for me. Whenever I tries to use any function I have to add same namespace on every page. by doing using System.Web.UI . Can I also use it for namespace that is being created along with an application. i.e. Library is an another namespace that lies in App_Code folder not as an assembly.


Is there any way to get them available at Code Behind Page

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Folders Without Namespaces C#, .Net, VS 2008?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET webapp using the MVP pattern, and as I'm organizing my files I'm wondering - are there conventions on folders within projects and how they relate to namespaces?

I have a bunch of controls and a bunch of pages, and I was going to throw them into Controls and Pages folders with subfolders, but I didn't know if it was bad form to do this if I wasn't also going to seperate them out into namespaces.

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C# - Matching .NET References To Namespaces?

Apr 8, 2010

im creating a class library, and adding all the necessary references for the source files contained in it.

Now, off the bat, there were over 300 compiler errors complaining about missing namespaces.
The library will now compile after i just added all of the System.* references, however this is obviously not the best way.

I.e. if a classes needs using System.Web.Script;, there is no System.Web.Script reference, how would i find out which one of these references contained it? System.Web didnt.

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C# - Adding .NET Namespaces Automatically?

May 26, 2010

I need to add this namespace to my c# file:

using System.Data;

Is there a way to automatically add this to newly created pages in

I don't want to add this namespace to new pages.

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