Configuration :: Web App Not Working In Iis7.0?

Jun 5, 2010

i have develop an application (.net 2.0) and it's working fine in localhost (iis 6.0)

but it's not working when i uploaded to my web server (windows 2008, iis 7.0)

refer to [URL]

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Configuration :: Handlers Is Not Working With IIS7?

Mar 7, 2010

I have added two handlers in Web config under the System.Server for work to IIS7, but i got this error

<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
<clientCache httpExpires="Sun, 29 Mar 2020 00:00:00 GMT" cacheControlMode="UseExpires" />



500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

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Configuration :: Default Page Not Working On IIS7 With URL Rewrite Http Module

Jan 18, 2010

I have the following setting in my web.config to redirect to a default page:

<add value="default.aspx"/>

For example when a user enters they should be redirected to default.aspx (for operational reasons the user is then redirected to

Instead an error is caught in the Rewrite module (which should not be activated). I am using an http module to perform URL rewriting.

It appears as if the default document setup is not working correctly, and the requested page ~/ is being sent to the Rewrite module, causing an error (which is then caught by my error handler and the user is redirected to the home page).

Entering works correctly.

Can anyone tell me why the default document settings in the web.config do not appear to be working?

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Configuration :: Best Configuration Of Iis7 And Webconfig For Application

Feb 19, 2011

i have my own cloude server. with iis7(OS:window server 2008) . i want to deploy my webApplication on that can u tell me best configuration of iis7 and webconfig file for my application.

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AJAX :: .dll (used In 1.1) Is Not Working In IIS7.0?

May 19, 2010

Ajax.dll (used in .net1.1) is not working in IIS7.0

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C# - HttpModules Not Working On Iis7?

May 29, 2010

I have the following module

public class LowerCaseRequest : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(this.OnBeginRequest);


It works grate on my PC running XP and IIS 5.1

but on my webserver running IIS7 and WS 2008 dosn't works.

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Configuration :: How To Deploy A Mvc Website In Iis7

Jul 26, 2010

i try to used vs2010 build a mvc2 website, just as a testing. so, i include the jquery script file and some css files, it works well in the vs2010. how ever, when i deploy it to iis7/windows 2008 r2, i found all the css files ("/content/*.css") can run well, but the image files ("/img/*.gif") and script files ("/script/*.js") were absence. in fact, the website runs except the image files & script files.

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Configuration :: IIS7.5 For Use With URL Routing And Web Forms

Oct 19, 2010

i am running windows server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5 ( 4.0 - integrated pipeline mode) and a web forms application. now i want to work my site with the url routing feature.

i already defined some routes in the global.asax which work perfectly in my local environment with vs2010, but when i run the same things on my webserver i just get 404-errors from the browser.

here is my part of web.config:


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Configuration :: Deploy FTP Site In IIS7

Oct 20, 2010

We have the requirement to set up the Web site and FTP site on IIS7. We have registered a domain for hosting the application
[URL] If I need to set up the Web site and FTP site on same Web server with the same Domain name, how can I do that. My DNS has mapping for [URL]. Do I need to have the DNS record for FTP in the DNS server. This depends on if your customer wants people to FTP to [URL] or [URL]or [URL]. If they want [URL] then you'll need another entry in DNS. You just need to add a new alias record in DNS that resolves the same IP as www to ftp. Do I need to take any extra steps to configure same Domain name in IIS7 for Web site and FTP site. I would assume that as long as IIS is set to listen to all IP addresses you should be good to go. Can I configure the web site in IIS 7 as [URL] You want to force people who browse to the default name of [URL] to be redirected to [URL]? Setup two websites on IIS - one for [URL]and one for [URL] where the real content lives. On the [URL] use IIS7's redirect feature to force all requests to [URL] See: [URL]

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Configuration :: Css Doesn't Display With Iis7?

Jul 9, 2010

my website doesn't display css, i've saw this link :


telling to check "static content" I couldn't get this from features, maybe because my windows server is on 2007.

So I checked iis 7 and I check in the property of my website, compression, and static content was selected.. so I wonder, where is the issue?

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Configuration :: AutoCompleteExtender Issue - II6 -> IIS7?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an AutoCompleteExtender that was working fine on a server running W2K3 and IIS6, but since moving to W2K8 and IIS7 it just doesn't seem to do anything.Here is the code:


The service at Postcodes.asmx still works fine when testing through the browser, and the application was copied straight across. Does anyone know what could be causing this? Frustratingly, I don't get an error message at all.

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Configuration :: Configure A Website In IIS7?

Mar 9, 2010

How to configure a test website in iis7 (windows2007).please provide the step by step solution..I have configure like iis5 but it's not working in iis7,showing some server error 500.So tell me the complete solution.I have tried in this procedure but it's not working...Put your project in C:/inetpub/wwwroot1.inetmgr2.default website ->Add virtual directory3.put the alias name4.browse the physical directory5.okwhen i browse the default page or the virtul directory,i am facing some server error.

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Configuration :: AJAX Does Not Work On IIS7?

Feb 27, 2011

I get a website working perfectly in VS2008 but when I publish it on IIS7 ajax doesn't work at all.I guess it is a problem in my web.config but I don't know what. Here is the web.config file :


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Old .NET Form Code Not Working On IIS7 With Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5

Apr 25, 2010

I have some code that I tweaked for a contact form that I have been using for years with no trouble. I recently upgraded my hosting account to IIS7 and upgraded the Framework and now my code isn't working. I don't know how to fix my code so that it works. Could someone look at it and tell me what I need to fix? I know it's a lot of code and the person that originally wrote it for me many years ago was kind enough to comment everything so I knew what was going on but with the upgrade I have no idea what is incorrect. The error that I am getting when the form is filed out and submitted is...

A Problem prevented your request from being accepted: The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="utf-8" %>

'The first thing we must do is declare or "Dimension" the variables we will use. We will declare variables for each form field,and we will insert those variables into the text of the email message.

Dim strName as String = txtName.Text 'This will assign the text of the "Name" textbox to this variable
Dim strEmail as String = txtEmail.Text 'This will assign the text of the "Email" textbox to this variable
Dim strCity as String = txtCity.Text 'This will assign the text of the "City" textbox to this variable

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Security :: DefaultCredentials Working On IIS6 But Not IIS7?

Dec 14, 2010

We are migrating an existing application from Windows Server 2003 with IIS6 to windows server 2008 with IIS7.

we use System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials to pass the user credential to a web service. It is working fine with the old environment but with the new one we got "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized." error.

How can I fix this problem with IIS7?

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Configuration :: Let Each Page Handle It's Own 404 Error IIs7?

Nov 17, 2010

want my pages to handle their own 404 errors because they can suggest better alternatives for the user. Eg, a category page which produces a 404 error can suggest alternative categories etc.In iis6 this was trivial as I was able to declare statuscode 404 and everything worked out well, but in iis7 I was getting the IIs' 404 error page.Adding this:


I get a different 404 error page but still produced by iis7 itself ("The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.").

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Configuration :: Deploying A .net 4.0 Website In IIS7 404 Error?

Dec 9, 2010

so I have a fully functioning DynamicData website, and all works fine when debugging in VS2010But when I moved the site to a webserver (server 2008, IIS7) the default paeg comes up, but any links or pages after that are all sending 404 errors http://{IP address}/{table}/{action}.aspxdoes not work when on the server, but works fine in VS.What configuration am i missing from IIS7 to make this url work?

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Configuration :: Get Mime Type For Web.config, Iis7?

Feb 4, 2011

I need to get the mime types in an IIS7 environment. They should be in:


As I understand it, in IIS7 if I can get to it I should see both custom additions in my web.config as well as the mime types defined in the IIS manager at the machine level.

I don't understand how to get to this data. I have messed with the configurationmanager but I am not getting anywhere. I can get a section names system.webServer but I don't see any of the actual data as colleciton of properties or as xml.

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Configuration :: Adding New MIME Types To IIS7?

Sep 10, 2010

I added a could of new MIME types to IIS7 per the instructions. I also modified an existing one.

On my browser, I still see the 'old' MIME type of the modified one.

Tried iisreset, app pool recycling, etc.

COuld there be some .config file somewhere affecting this?

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Configuration :: Web.Config Rewrite URL On IIS7.5 Server

Nov 20, 2010

I am using a project that rewrites URL. I am not familiar with this code, but it works fine on IIS 6 and with VS2010. Problem begins when I need to deploy into IIS7.5 server. Seems like the rewrite doesn't work and the page doesn't fount after rewriting page.


I am trying to use this web.config code, but then I could see this:


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Configuration :: Mapping Pages W/Out Extension To IIS7?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm still trying to resolve a problem with relative links on a page that uses URL routing. The relative links work find when running from Visual Studio, but fail when deployed to a shared hosting account.I'm told that the difference is that Development Server handles all requests through ASP.NET handler but IIS7 doesn't. The result is that URLs with no extension are considered folders on my test machine, and filenames on the shared hosting account. That breaks the relative links.

It was suggested that I do wildcard mapping to IIS7. But I can't make random changes to the shared server machine. I also have concerns about routing everything through IIS, graphics files, style sheets, javascript files, etc. In addition, I also tried adding a <base> tag, which fixed this issue but broke other links on the page.

So I'm left with two questions.

1. If IIS isn't processing files without an extension, then how does my routed page display as an ASP.NET page?

2. What I'd really like to do is specify in my web.config that all files with no extension be handled the way they're handled when running from Visual Studio. I don't suppose that's possible.

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Configuration :: IIS7: 404 Resource Not Found (URLRewrite)?

Sep 27, 2010

There is a strange behaviour with my web app which resides on the deployment server. This problem does not appears on the production enviroment (using the VS build-in development web server)

I am using URLRewriter and forms authentication on my web app. URL rewriting is performed by an http module on AuthorizeRequest. Also, runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests is enabled.

When I am trying to access some specific pages (NOT ALL OF THEM) with a rewriten url, IIS 7 returns me an 404 error.

Here are some of the rewriting rules:

Can be accessed BOTH rewritten and original url:
<rewrite url="^/home.aspx" to="/ASPX_FILES/home.aspx" processing="stop" />
<rewrite url="^/product/(.*).aspx" to="/ASPX_FILES/item_details.aspx?id=$1" processing="stop" />


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AJAX :: Controltool Kits And UpdatePanel Not Working On IIS7

Feb 15, 2010

I have been trying to read through a lot of suggestions from many forum about ASP.NET AJAX and IIS 7. I thought it was probably problem with my web.config. So, I created a brand new site to test the UpdatePanel and Ajax Control Tool Kits. Just one page which has oneTextBox + CalenderExtender and UpdatePanel with a Lable and a Button. It worked so well on the development server Cassini but when I published it to the II7 , it's not working at all.

So, What should I configure in the IIS 7 or should I do to my web site project / web.config ?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: .ashx File Is Not Working In Iis7

Jan 16, 2011

.ashx file is working perfectly in visual studio iis but when hosted it is not working

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Configuration :: How To Use IIS7 To Host Precompiled Website For Testing

May 11, 2010

I have a simple website developed on vwd2008express edition .

I have precompiled the site and have all compiled files in a folder.

how to go abt deploying these files on iis.

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