Controls Inside The Accordion Taking Two Clicks?
May 10, 2010
I have been playing around with the ajax accordion. I have bound it to some data onload. There is a well known issue with it I am experiencing. Controls inside the accordion are taking two clicks. Eg If I post my reply button it is not invoking the BtnReply_Click event.The bug can be seen here: http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.c...rkItemId=11055
As I see it I have three options:
1. Download the patch they talk about. I can't see any info on how to install such a patch. It could be tricky.
2. Manually edit the accordion.vb file. How do you edit control classes?
3. Try and work around this in my code.
View 9 Replies
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Jan 13, 2010
I am making some application in 1.1 in that I am displaying data in datagrid from database. In data grid first column is of check box and radio button and in the last column we have text box now thing is that when i click on check box crosponding textbox we fill some figure and at the end we press calculate button to get total. After getting total we have to press continue button to go next step
But suppose if some body remove that check the we should press calculate button or chnage some figure in the text box then we should press calculate button again to recalculate. for that i kept autopost back on check box oncheckedchanged event and text box ontextchanged event and hide continue button so user will click calcutae button abd then continue button will re-apper
Problem it that it taking too much refresh and taking long time. So was lloking for some ajax method to use in my application.
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Oct 27, 2010
using 2005
I want to create an accordion inside a gridview with the following functionality:
The user will only see one field of the gridview initially, the ProductCategoryID. When the page loads it will only query the ProductCategoryID and this will be the only field displayed.
Next when the user clicks on the accordion to expand it inside the gridview I would like to query the database to get all Products that are part of the ProductCategory. I will query using the ProductCategoryID that is being displayed.
I need to do this for performance issues. The main thing I am looking for is how to query the database once the user expands a given ProductCategoryID.
but now I think of it one thing I need to know: when you bind an accordion to a dataset will it create one pane for each record returned? It might be better to put the gridview inside the accordion. I'm willing to do either, as long as it works
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Mar 3, 2010
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The details view contains dropdown list and few textboxes with an insert button. Everything gets displayed in the coolest way!
I would like to know how I would fetch the values of the controls on postback. I need the values of the dropdownlist and textboxes of the selected pane of the accordion in the click event of the button
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Apr 1, 2010
[Code]....and datalist works fine if its Stand Alone but not when used with Accordion...
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Apr 21, 2010
Using 2005 with Ajax.
After I add a new author I am displaying the author inside the gridview in an Accordian and I need to expand the accordian for this one record, in the btn_AddAuthor event I am trying this:
the problem that I am having is that nothing happens: , the accordian is not expanded but I need it to be expanded.
View 1 Replies
Nov 22, 2015
I have bootstrap accordion and it is inside repeater,
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" >
Employee Name: <ul><%# Eval("Name") %></ul>
There is one employee, so the first two accordions is working fine from toggle up and toggle down
There are 3 employees, for the first employee the first two accordions is working, but the rest are not.
So the problem here is when I click the accordion of second employee it does not toggle down but the first employee's accordion is going down.
What I want here is each employee can toggle down and toggle up their own accordions, even though that accordion don't have data.
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Sep 8, 2010
I'm trying to build a website for real estate listing. now the data would look like a datagrid. and while clicking on it, it should open under the clicked row the dynamic data related to the specific row. (like an AJAX accordion). this website for example ( ignore the language, couldnt find any better example [URL] Now, i've been told that this works by using "Dynamic Div Creation" which i have no idea how it should work this way. Is it possible to make it work by using an Accordion inside a datagrid? or what?
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I need Apply Acordion fot Multiple Divs With in the DataList ..
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Nov 29, 2010
i am trying to fill agrid view with its data inside an accordion in but the data doesn't appear in the grid
View 1 Replies
Mar 1, 2011
To make divs clickable I use this:
$(".clickable").click(function (event) {
window.location = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
I'm using an <asp:Repeater> in asp.NET to create several such <div>s.The problem is that all clicks in the div are picked up by this jQuery - I also have an <asp:Button> inside the div, for this I want to catch the click as normal and process it in the repeater_ItemCommand event - But this doesn't fire - the page just redirects to the href found in the hyperlink in the div.
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Mar 2, 2011
I already used the search, but without success.
I want to use a CascadingDropdown inside an Accordion.
The ParentControlID for the CascadingDropdown is in pane1 and the CascadingDropdown in pane2, but it won't work.
When I put them both into one pane it works. But separated into two panes it doesn't work.
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Jan 29, 2010
I have an AJAX accordion from the ajax control toolkit on a page with a datagrid inside on of the panels. I have a custom itemtemplate for the one column to create a multiline textbox when I click edit on the row. When I click update on the row, the original content of the textbox gets rendered into the textbox. It is supposed to update and go back to the literal not the textbox. When I put the DataBind() into a !IsPostBack, it doesnt get rendered when I click on the accordion pane.
View 1 Replies
Jan 18, 2010
how i can find this button inside accordion?
<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" AutoSize="Fill"
BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderWidth="1px" EnableTheming="True"
FadeTransitions="True" Font-Bold="True"
Font-Size="Small" Width="130px" Height="300px"
style="margin-right: 23px; margin-bottom: 217px;"
RequireOpenedPane="False" EnableViewState="False">
View 11 Replies
Nov 25, 2010
I'm using an accordion control with a textbox to get data that I'll use later to get values for a ObjectDataSource, that use the data of the textbox as ControlParameter.
my problem is that I'm getting a 'Not found control error...' because the textBox is inside the accordion how can I reffer the control into my ObjectDataSource?
Here is a reduce example of my code.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have an accordion which contains a dropdownlist. In my code behind I'm trying to get the value selected by the user. I've tried so many different ways but couldn't get it to work. The latest one I tried was: (accordion1.FindControl("ddlGender")).ToString or
if Request.Params.Item(ddlGender.UniqueID).Length <> 0 then
View 5 Replies
Mar 28, 2014
<ajax:Accordion ID="MyAccordion" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader"
HeaderSelectedCssClass="accordionHeaderSelected" ContentCssClass="accordionContent"
FadeTransitions="false" FramesPerSecond="30" TransitionDuration="150" AutoSize="None"
RequireOpenedPane="false" SuppressHeaderPostbacks="false"
how to assign text to label in inside accordion header from code behind.
I want to assign text to "lbl_type.text" from code behind
View 1 Replies
Nov 2, 2010
i am creating a menu which has the below structure. what i would like to do is use a jquery ui accordion control.
can i place an accordion in an accordion?... i.e. menu 1 expands out in an accordion and then the sub menus in menu 1 need to expand out in another accordion.
menu 1
sub menu of the menu 1
menu item
menu item
menu item
sub menu of the menu 1
sub menu of the menu 1
menu 2
sub menu of the menu 2
menu item
menu item
menu item
sub menu of the menu 2
sub menu of the menu 2
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Nov 23, 2010
I'm using and accordion Ajax control, and when one tab is clicked on, I want the iframe inside it to automatically refresh. I'm not sure how to do this.
Here is the pane that I'm referring to:
View 1 Replies
Jan 24, 2011
Create a new website based on master pages (ASP.NET Web Site template in VS2010 [File] - [New] - [Website]). Add an ajax control toolkit accordion control on a page using master pages (Default.aspx's "Main Content" asp:content block, for instance). Add styles for the accordion control in the site.css file. The accordion control completely ignores the styles, regardless of whether they are assigned as an id or a class, inline, etc. The header and content styles are used, but the accordion control itself ignores all styles. The accordion control also ignores the ajax animationextender when placed inside an asp:content block. I haven't investigated whether there are other controls that ignore styles when used with master pages, but this is a major blow to a project that has been designed with the use of master pages. If I find more controls that ignore css styles inside of master pages it will completely sabotage the entire project and use of Microsoft's technology.
View 2 Replies
Jun 17, 2010
I have the following problem: I have a web form which contains ajax accordion. Each accordion pane contains a usercontrol. Each usercontrol consists of several textboxes and 2 buttons. All the textboxes and 2 buttons (inside these usercontrols) are wrapped in the UpdatePanel. Following updatepanels is the UpdatePanelAnimationExtender for some animation whithin each usercontrol. Each UpdatePanelAnimationExtender has a different animation id from other usercontrols.
Basically when i only put one usercontrol in the accordion pane everythign works. I have my javascript to clear textboxes and the submit button does a postback to server. However, when i put 2 of these controls in 2 different panes only the last one works. Since the last one works i assume it is because it was last to be parsed on pageLoad. So how can i make it that when user clicks on the accordion pane, the usercontrol is ->?re-initialized?<- so that it could work.
Here is 1st UserControl: uctl1.ascx
Here is 2nd UserControl: uctl2.ascx
when i click on pane and fill up the information in textboxes i click on submit and usercontrol should postback to server for processing.
View 2 Replies
Nov 12, 2010
How can I get the value of the TextBox (txtFirstName) client side using Javascript.
The Accordion control is databound.
The following is the code
<ajaxToolkit:Accordion id="accSingleData" runat="server" fadetransitions="True" selectedindex="0" Width = "500px"
View 7 Replies
Feb 21, 2010
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Imports System.EventArgs
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim div1, divana
New HtmlGenericControl("div")
Dim lbl
New Label
Dim imgbt
New ImageButton
Dim acp
New AjaxControlToolkit.CollapsiblePanelExtender
Dim aacc
New AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion
Dim aap, aap2
New AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane
Dim cnt
New ContentPlaceHolder
Dim pnl
New Panel
Dim pnlana
New Panel
Dim cssUrl
Dim cssLink
New HtmlLink()
Dim i,n,k,p
Dim bag
New OleDbConnection
Dim s
'stylesheet add
cssUrl = Server.MapPath("daban.ccs")
cssLink.Href = cssUrl
'---------- find content
cnt = DirectCast(Me.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1"),
divana.ID = "Divana"
divana.Attributes("Style") =
'---- 1. group
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divduyana"
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"padding-bottom:20px;color:#5377A9;font-family:Arial, Sans-Serif;font-weight:bold;font-ize:1.5em;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lblana"
lbl.Text ="DUYURULAR..."
'-----1 group end
n=3 ' normally it is getting from database
For i = 1
To n
'---- 2 group start
pnl = New Panel
pnl.ID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
pnl.Width = 600
pnl.Height = 30
pnl.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divimg" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left; vertical-align: middle;"
imgbt = New ImageButton
imgbt.ID = "imgbt" + i.ToString()
imgbt.ImageUrl = "~/image/expand_blue.jpg"
imgbt.AlternateText = "Detaylari Goster..."
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divlblduy" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lblduy" + i.ToString()
lbl.Text = "lbl_text balabala"
lbl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
' label detay goster
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divlbldet" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: rigth;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lbldet" + i.ToString()
lbl.Text = "(Detaylari Goster...)"
lbl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Gray
'----- 2 group end
'----- 3 group start
pnl = New Panel
pnl.ID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
pnl.Width = 600
' accordino
aacc = New AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion
aacc.ID = "Acc" + i.ToString()
k=2 ' normally coming from database
For t = 1
aap = New AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane
aap.ID = "Apane" + i.ToString() +
"_" + t.ToString()
aap.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("anyname"))
aap.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("anycontent"))
aacc.HeaderCssClass = "accordionHeader"
aacc.ContentCssClass = "accordionContent"
acp = New AjaxControlToolkit.CollapsiblePanelExtender
acp.ID = "acp" + i.ToString()
acp.TargetControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.ExpandControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.CollapseControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.Collapsed = True
acp.TextLabelID = "lbldet" + i.ToString()
acp.ImageControlID = "imgbt" + i.ToString()
acp.ExpandedText = "(Detaylari Gizle...)"
acp.CollapsedText = "(Detaylari Goster...)"
acp.ExpandedImage ="~/image/collapse_blue.jpg"
acp.CollapsedImage = "~/image/expand_blue.jpg"
acp.SuppressPostBack = True
'acp.SkinID = "CollapsiblePanelDemo"
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div") ' this is just i add
div1.ID = "divara" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left;"
'----3 group end...
<ASPX code is>
title="Untitled Page" %>
tagprefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
there is no error...
code is working on mozzila firefox, like what i want
- collespand 1
-----accordion 1
-------acc pane 1
-------acc pane 2
- collespand 2
-----accordion 2
-------acc pane 3
-------acc pane 4
- collespand 3
-----accordion 3
-------acc pane 5
-------acc pane 6
but when i run this code inside internet explorer any version ...
result became
- collespan1
---acc 1
------ accpane1
all going inside collespan1? what is the problem? why firefox is working ok, internet explorer not. it is a bug or i write something wrong
View 6 Replies
May 7, 2015
How add Registration form in Ajax Accordion control in Ajaxtoolkit.
View 1 Replies
Jan 7, 2010
I'm building an application, my client wants me to create new control using AJAX. This control should look like thisThis control includes price(dolars and cents) and when user clicks on specific price(suppose 95 dolars and 33 cents) this price should jump inside to textboxs(one for dolars and one for cents)Does anybody have a clue how to implement this control creation??
View 4 Replies