Convert String To Date?

Feb 27, 2010

I have a string date like this:

"3/28/2008 12:05:45 pm"

i want to convert it into date and display the out put

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Jul 19, 2010

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Localization :: Convert Date String To Hindi / Marathi Date?

Mar 7, 2011

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How To Convert String Into Date

Apr 29, 2010

I am getting DateString in JavaScript from the TextBox like,

var dateString = document.getElementById('<%= txtEffDate.ClientID %>').value;
dateString value may be in following format.
en-US -> "4/29/2010"
fr-FR -> "29/04/2010"
de-DE -> "29.04.2010"
it-IT -> "29/04/2010"
es-ES -> "29/04/2010"
zh-CN -> "2010/4/29"
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And converting this to Date Object as follows,

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though its giving me the wrong result like for fr-FR "29/04/2010" ==> "Fri May 4 00:00:00 UTC+0530 2012"

Which is completely irrelevant, How should I get the correct Date ?

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View 2 Replies - Convert String To Date?

Mar 3, 2011

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Convert String Date To Datetime

Jul 22, 2010

i know that we can do this e.g.

dim str as String = textbox1.text ' when date is in this format dd/MM/yyyy
dim date_time as Datetime = Date.ParseExact( str , "dd/MM/yyyy" , nothing)

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Jan 17, 2011

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DateTime.TryParse(dateTime, out dt);

But I am alwayws getting dt as {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM} , Can you tell me why ? and how can I convert that string to date.


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Jan 16, 2010

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Feb 10, 2011

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Dim script = "<script language = javascript>" & _
"window.setTimeout('ShowTime(true, [?????])', 1000);</script>"
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, "iniciar", script)

I must write a dateTime parameter in string format, but I'm not achieving the goal. I've tryed various time formats (Eg. 2011/02/10 17:05:00), without success. Ps: I know... when I try with only the date, its ok. But I need the time too.

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'This acceses the virtual directory web.config file for connection strings
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Dim rootWebConfig As System.Configuration.Configuration
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One of the requirement is to convert it to string.format style.

It is very long and tedious job, where I would not like to break earlier working code due to any human error might happen while converting it.

I would like to if any Macro or VS command which I can create to handle it. Just like we mark block of code and do Extract function in Re-factor options.

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Exception Details:

Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'AsDecimal'

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decimal PriceHT = 0;

var PriceRequest= "SELECT * FROM Price_" + HttpContext.Current.Session["PriceTableId"] ;
foreach (var Price in Database.OpenFile("Base.sdf").Query(PriceRequest)){
PriceHT = PrixceHT + (Price.PT).AsDecimal(); //Price.PT returns a string

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