Converting Number To French?

Jul 17, 2010

In using VB, how can I Convert a number e.g 4.5 to french (4,5). And a quick question, when storing this in database, will It store as 4.5 or 45?

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Similar Messages: Converting An Exponent Number To A Whole Number?

Dec 7, 2010

How can I convert a number with exponent value (such as 4.775900000000000e+004 ) to return a whole number, such as 47,759 using .net2.0 framework?

FYI, this is a weight category, not currency.

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Converting A Dropdown Selection To A Two Digit Number?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a dropdown list which has items bound to it using sql datasource.

In the database i have the numeric values corresponding to each item.

Now there are many such dropdown list's and on selection of each item i want to form a 14 digit numeric code,which i need to use further for some more functionality.

How can i convert a selected item from a dropdownlist to a numeric digit??or how can i bind the items in the dropdownlist to a database having numeric value for each item?

E.g if i select 'WT' from dropdown list the corresponding value for it in the database table is 39 so on form submit i want '39' to be formed in codebehind. likewise on selection of all items from different dropdown list the digit formed using codebehind should be '15487523568955'

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Converting Number To Its String (alphabetical) Representation In C#.NET?

Feb 10, 2011

as part of a project I am working on, I need to output the alphabetical 'name' of the number. This is better illustrated with an example.960Nine Hundred and SixtySo it'd convert '960' to 'Nine Hundred and Sixty'. Is there an easy way to do this in C#.NET? Also, if so, how easy would it be to apply the same function to a decimal number? I'm assuming if I can figure out how to convert a integer as above, I can just split the decimal number... so I'd have something like this 960.23 Nine Hundred and Sixty (units) andTwenty Three (units)

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Web Forms :: Converting A String To A Number / How To Delete All Chars, Instead Of All Chars That Are Normal In A Decimal

Feb 10, 2011

I want to convert a string to a number.

But some strings have a normal char in it like:


How can delete all chars, instead of all chars that are normal in a decimal ?

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Converting A Named Entity To An Entity Number?

Jan 21, 2011

Does ASP.NET provide any built in functionality for converting a named entity into its corresponding entity number? For example, I want to convert to , " to " and so on.

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Translate Login Button To French?

Apr 13, 2010

I tried some online transtation sites as well but I get different results that makes me unsure which one I should use. spell for me a text of Login button in French (for a User Name/Password page with the Login button).

View 3 Replies -filtering The TextBox For Only The French Currency?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a currency textbox , where the currency is in french language (using ',' instead of ',' and vice versa)I added MaskedEditExtender but automatically it translated the '.' into a space!
[code]... please inform me if there is another solution for filtering the TextBox for only the french currency?

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Writing French Accent Characters In Textbox

Sep 12, 2010

How to write French accent characters such as - é - in ASP/HTML text box? I can copy and paste it in the text box like I did now - so there is nothing wrong with the encoding - but the problem is how to type it (write it!). I also know that é in HTML mean é but cant know how this may help.

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How To Store French Decimal Values In Database

Jul 18, 2010

I have my form set in french as well, and it automatically changes the text format to use ','. However When I try to insert my values into the database it says cannot convert nvarchar to decimal? Worst case, Is there a way I can disable the numbers from changing to use ',' and just use '.' always regardless what language it is?

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C# - English To French Resource File Translation?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a resouce language file in english and I have to translate that resource file into french. how can this be achieved? There are lot of values on the resource file that needs to be translated.

is there any sample available on how this can be done by using google language translation or something?

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Globalization Project To Convert Website Into French?

Jul 23, 2010

I am working with globalization project to convert website into french.In ProductData.cs page I have function called GetProductDetails as below.

public static Product GetProductDetails(int productId)
Product product = null; [code]...

All this work fine when CountryCode is 'US' and language culture is 'en-US'.But when I change to language culture to 'fr-FR' through internet explorer it shows error in ProductDetails.cs page that ''object instance not set to reference"

DataAccess.cs used in above code is as follow.

public static product GetProducgDetails(int productId)
Product product = ProductData.GetProductDetails(productId);
return product;

.How can I remove error I am getting in Productdetails.cs page

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C# - How To Let The User Input Text In German / French For A Website

Jul 19, 2010

Is there a way that I can let the end user type text in German / French in a text box for a c# website.

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Charset Encoding For (Polish, French, Germany, Russia)?

Feb 10, 2011

While exporting data from DataTable to CSV file 'characters' from Poland, France, Germany and Russia are being replaced with funny characters. To get rid of the problem, ISO-8859-1, IS0-8859-2 has been used with no resolution.


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AJAX :: Calendar Extender French - First Letter Of The Month?

Mar 11, 2010

I used the calendar extender for the french version. However, the first letter of the month is in lowercase. Is there a way to make it a capital letter?

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Name Or Number Search In Textbox While Entering The First Letter Or Number Charactor Or Number?

Feb 2, 2010

I am using the and framework 2.0 with Ajax enable web.i have a text box and when user will enter "a" or number in this will search the name started from "a" character or number if he or she enter the number basically we can say live-search.

Employee search: Textbox.In this text box she/he will enter the first character of name or first number of employeeno and according to the a character name will search in list.

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CompareValidator Currency Check Does Not Work With French Formatted Numbers?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a salary TextBox and an associated CompareValidator, which is setup as follows:

<asp:CompareValidator ... Operator="DataTypeCheck" Type="Currency" />

I fill the TextBox with a formatted string out of the database:

txtSalary.Text = myObject.Salary.ToString("N2")

When a user accesses the page using a French culture (such as fr-ca), the ToString method will put 80 000,00 in the textbox, which is fine.However, any number with a space in it causes the validator to fail, which is not fine. Is there any way to make the CompareValidator work properly with non-US formatted numbers?

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Control, Date Formating In French?

Dec 1, 2010

I using the new control Chart and on my X axix I show the date stored in my SQL database. In my database I use the datatype Date. But I do not find how to show my date in French on my chart.

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Localization :: How To Develope Website Which Support Multi Language Like French / English / German

Apr 15, 2010

i want to develope an website which support multi language like french ,english, german how to do this with out any hard code also user must not b aware of how the site is changing it language he just click on country flag and the site language change to that country national language

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Localization :: SEO For Multilanguage Site,only The English Text Is Referenced And No French Text?

Jun 7, 2010

site that is multilingual.I am using a database to store the text I have a translation object that loads the correct language using session variables.I recently found that on for example,only the english text is referenced and no french text at all.

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C# - MS "VCard" French Specials Chars?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm trying to create VCard on the fly for a site. I simply open a "real" VCard once create with Outlook with Notepad++ and saw what I need into it to create one on the fly. Everything works fine and I'm able to add anything I need, where I need. Instead one point :

All french caracters such as É, À, Ê, Ç, etc showing like : Simon Dugré.

I've add everything suggested by the Outlook created one who's proposing to add : "CHARSET=Windows-1252:" in front of my string entry (also tryied ISO-8859-1, UTF8, UTF7, UTF-8, UTF-7) and none of those are working.

EDIT (After Alexandre C.'s answer)
Here is the VCard source. Please note that the source shows it correctly, but when I open it with Outlook, I still have the accent problem :

ORG;CHARSET=utf-8:CompanyNameéà êâç

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C# - Dynamically Append Number To PDF Or Make Submit Button Change Its URL Based On That Number?

May 4, 2010

I'm serving up PDFs from a SQL db and presenting them in the browser. I'm trying to figure out a way to embed a number in the PDF dynamically so that the recordID for that PDFs SQL record is available to me when the user submits the XML form data. The user hits the submit button on the form and the form submits its XML data to my submission page. If there is some way of changing the submission URL on the fly then I could do a query string to pass my self the recordID. I'm not generating the PDF in code, its being created by hand and then uploaded to my site.EditUser is given a link they go there and that pages pulls a PDF from the DB and displays it. This pulls up acrobat in browser full size so my aspx page isn't in control of submitting the completed form, Acrobat is. The user fills out the form and hits the submit button in the form. This submit button was set up at form design time to point to another page The submit button posts the XML data to that page and I can process it. I need the recordID in the query string for the page. To do this I would need to modify the PDF to either add the recordID and query string to the submit button's submit URL, or embed it in the PDF else ware. The big question is how do I modify the PDF just before I display it via to do either of these two options.

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Data Controls :: View Limited Number Of Item From Large Number In Datalist?

Apr 15, 2013

 i want datalist to show only 6-8items ,as these datalist is connected to datasource which has more than 20 items..

like in facebook,we have lots of friends but in friend box only 6 friends is shown and when we click that we go to next page which display all list of friends...

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Forms Data Controls :: When Casting From A Number The Value Must Be A Number Less Than Infinity

Mar 10, 2011

I get this message when i go to update formview.

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Forms Data Controls :: When Casting From A Number, The Value Must Be A Number Less Than Infinity

Sep 30, 2010

The following code gives error: "When casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity."

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="DATE" SortExpression="date1">
<asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server"
SelectedDate='<%# Bind("date1") %>' VisibleDate='<%# Eval("date1") %>'>
<asp:TextBox ID="Date1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("date1") %>'></asp:TextBox>

The error occurs at the line <asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1"...>

It errors because there are records with null value for date1 when the records are returned from the database.

Is there a way to specify in the .aspx file telling it to ignore null or display null/blank?

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