Create EntitySet From String Name?

Feb 7, 2010

How would I create a type while knowing just the name of the type in string form example...

My aspx contains this and some bindable control

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="EntityDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="name=MyEntities" DefaultContainerName="MyEntities"

Now from code I need to be able to create an instance of EntitySetName="MyData". Keep in mind I will not know these names until runtime tho. I can do EntityDataSource1.EntitySetName and this gives me the name in string form. But now I need to create and instance of it and get access to the members so I can manipulate the data. I have been trying Activator.CreateInstance and used various overloaded versions of it. Bottom line tho is I am not seeing how to do this. I keep running into trying to cast something into a type when all I have is the name of the type.

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using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
var settings = new XmlWriterSettings


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String SelectWhere = "WHERE "; //This where is because I may receive all empty, so, the WHERE would make problems in the string.
If (TextClassroom.Text != "") {
SelectWhere += "(Classroom = " + Classroom.Text + ")";

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