ADO.NET :: Unable To Update The EntitySet Because It Has A DefiningQuery

Oct 28, 2010

Getting the following error and having trouble resolving it:

Unable to update the EntitySet 'ProfileSkill' because it has a DefiningQuery and no <InsertFunction> element exists in the <ModificationFunctionMapping> element to support the current operation. This is occurring when I try to save an entity... basic db structure is Profile table with a joining table ProfileSkill that connects to Skill. ProfileSkill has two foreign keys, one to each table it joins on, which together form a unique key for the table. The EF modeler displays this as a many to many relationship and obscures the ProfileSkill table.I remove the DefiningQuery section of the edmx files for ProfileSkill, so I did this:


That results in a different error:

Invalid object name 'SpaceModelStoreContainer.ProfileSkill'.

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Similar Messages:

ADO.NET :: Unable To Update EntitySet

Sep 29, 2010

I have tables Events and Visitors with relation many-to-many. I had such error: Unable to update the EntitySet 'Events_has_Visitors' because it has a DefiningQuery and no <InsertFunction> element exists in the <ModificationFunctionMapping> element to support the current operation.

I found similar problem at theWeblog of Ken Cox but it doesn't solve my problem. When I set primary key at Events_has_Visitors table and update Entity Model for some reason relation becomes 0..1 to *, but if I'll delete primary key - relation will become many-to-many again. But still doesn't work.

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Serialize EntitySet Through Net Remoting?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a shared object through net remoting. The problem is that this object has some EntitySet and EntityRef attributes. When I try to run the program I get an exception telling me that EntitySet is not marked as Serializable. If I mark it as Serializable everything seems to be ok, but when I try to access from outsied to the attribute represented by the EntitySet, I am not able to use it.

BTW, Does anyone know how change the default binary serialization of tcp channel?

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Create EntitySet From String Name?

Feb 7, 2010

How would I create a type while knowing just the name of the type in string form example...

My aspx contains this and some bindable control

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="EntityDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="name=MyEntities" DefaultContainerName="MyEntities"

Now from code I need to be able to create an instance of EntitySetName="MyData". Keep in mind I will not know these names until runtime tho. I can do EntityDataSource1.EntitySetName and this gives me the name in string form. But now I need to create and instance of it and get access to the members so I can manipulate the data. I have been trying Activator.CreateInstance and used various overloaded versions of it. Bottom line tho is I am not seeing how to do this. I keep running into trying to cast something into a type when all I have is the name of the type.

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MVC :: EntitySet Does Not Contain A Public Definition For GetEnumerator?

Sep 27, 2010

I've been having this problem since switching to MVC2. This isn't a new project, so not the usual wrong version type in the web.config file. Anyways, here is the scenario:

Two Tables:


I've created these two tables in a linq-2-sql class and I have a strongly typed view of projects. I can loop through the projects just fine, but I get an error when I try to loop through the tasks associated with the projects."foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet<Program.Models.Task>' because 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet<Program.Models.Task>' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'"


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Error: EntitySet 'Building' That Was Specified In Page Markup Does Not Exist On The Container?

Apr 4, 2011

I've setup an ItemTeplate like so in a GridView:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Building">


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The Type 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet`1' Is Defined In An Assembly That Is Not Referenced?

May 26, 2010

I created DBML file inside DLL. compiled it and added a reference to it into a website project.When try from webproject to use the DLL I get error.


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AJAX :: Unable To Update DetailsView?

Apr 8, 2010

I've been following the tutorial from (hxxp://, and trying to implement it in my web app.

I get details view showing up with right data and in edit mode, but when I try to update I get following error:

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Could not find a row that matches the given keys in the original values stored in ViewState. Ensure that the 'keys' dictionary contains unique key values that correspond to a row returned from the previous Select operation'Source File: http://localhost:60402/ScriptResource.axd?

Line: 1678

I am using LinqDataSource (in tutorial above, author is using ObjectDataSource).Here is aspx


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ADO.NET :: Unable To Update Records Using IN Clause?

Sep 15, 2010

I've a common function as shown below:



When I want to update records in a table, I usually invoke as shwon below:


This code works fine. But when I'm trying to update multiple records using IN clause, it does not work. Can any one tell me how to do it using IN clause?

I need to update all vendors available in lstVendorId to status 4. I tried below but it does not work.


The above code does not throw any error but it does not update any records either.

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AJAX :: Unable To Update Controltoolkit.dll?

Nov 24, 2010

How do I remove the following error meassege:Unable to update auto-refresh reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll' , warning message error reads:

Warning 1 Unable to update auto-refresh reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll'.
Cannot find assembly 'C:UsersadminAppDataLocalMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0ProjectAssembliespobyanwo01AjaxControlToolkit.dll'.I:.... ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll.refresh

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Update Datalist C#

Jan 8, 2011

i am not able bind data from edit item template to item template in datalist control on click of update command. I given my code below


I can't get value of patient to item template.above code is not working.

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SQL Server :: Unable To Update New Fields In Database?

Mar 14, 2011

I have taken over development of a 3.5, c#, MSSQL website, which I did not create.

There is a form on the website which adds all kinds of information into my SQL database. I have added two fields to the database, two corresponding extra form questions and added to the c# code behind so that these new fields are treated in exactly the same way as the existing ones.

I am therefore completely stumped as to why those two fields aren't populated in the database when I submit the form.

No page errors or anything, it's just the fields remain empty when the other pre-existing ones are populated just fine.

Is there something obvious I'm missing - for example is there a setting in the database I'm not enabling to allow the two new fields to be written to by my c# file?

I was not a programmer before this, I'm just picking it all up as I go along.

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VS 2010 - Unable To Update Label Text

Jul 25, 2014

I'm having problems getting my label to update, it is a asp:label known as LabelFMI - what I am doing is when the user changes the value of certain things update it by either taking away or adding the difference. I've managed to get this to work by having to refresh the page and moving it to out of the function I made for it and into default.aspx's Page_load sub.. However I was hoping to not have to refresh to have it update? is there anyway to achieve this?

Private Sub UpdateLabels(ByVal start As Date, ByVal [end] As Date, ByVal value As Double)
'Import the data for the table
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [event] WHERE NOT (([eventend] <= @start) OR ([eventstart] >= @end))", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("daypilot").ConnectionString)
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("start", start)


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Web Forms :: Unable To Set Control's Property After Update / PagePostBack

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to programmatically set the property of a control on my Form AFTER I've proccessed an update command using the FormView, but it's not working. In my example below, I have a basic FormView with only a TextBox and Label in its EditItemTemplate. The FormView uses an AccessDataSource. The TextBox is bound to the datasource, but the label is not. What I'm trying to do is update the value in the TextBox (as well as its associated data stored in the database), and then change the Text property of the Label. (*Note: that I using the label purely as an example. The point is I can't see to set any control's property after an update).

I initally thought it had something to do with the "Page.IsPostBack", but even after trying to adjust my code for that, its still not working. I've tried change the Text property during the Page.IsPostBack during Page_Load event. I've tried setting the Label's EnabledViewState property to True and to False. I've tried using the FormView's OnItemUpdating and OnItemUpdated events. I've tried using the DataSource's OnUpdating and OnUpdated events.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Update Gridview

Jan 20, 2010

I am unable to update the gridview because it is interfering with the footer textboxes. Can I know how to disable the footer when i click on edit button, so that it can update


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AJAX :: Unable To Run JavaScript Inside Update Panel?

Apr 26, 2010

i have an issue running JavaScript inside an updatepanel,

i'm using a script as follows:


and each time the update panel updates i load a new variables for the FlashFileName to display a different movie.

outside an update panel this works, but inside the script doesn't run, i have read on other posts that there is an issue with running javascript inside an updatepanel.

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ADO.NET :: Unable To Update Data To Databse From Grid View

Sep 22, 2010

I have two tables in my database

using "innerconnect" i have show table content in grid view as INV_NO INV_DT DN_NO DN_DT LR_NO LR_DT .

where LR_NO is null .

I want to update it from grid view.

here DN_NO and INV_NO are primary keys


when i have fill the null values through grid view and click on button1 it shows data saved but it not saves to my data base tables

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AJAX :: Unable To Write Anything When Update Progress Close?

Sep 1, 2010

Acctually I have done lots of coding on Page_Load of a page which comming from other page. So for that i tried to use ModalPopupExtender. but problem is that its working fine for button but how can i use it for Page_Load.

My scenario is:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Lots of code and queries;


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Forms Data Controls :: RowUpdating Event - Unable To Update Row

Dec 13, 2010

I am using a gridview and want to update the row.. but i am unable to do it.... pls help me out where i am going wrong.... here is the code for the gridview nd rowupdating event.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Width="514px" AllowPaging="True"

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AJAX :: How To Update Listbox Based On Dropdown Value / Unable To Use Cascadingdropdown

Mar 15, 2010

i have a religion dropdown1 , on this selectedindexchange i have to populate castes into the listbox(not dropdownlist).

i am unable to use cascadingdropdown as it is tightly binded with dropdowns.

please guide me how do i update listbox items based on the dropdown selected value using ajax.

i tried with pagemethods getting the dictionary object using JS function and thought of binding it.

but i am unable to bind the list.

//html code
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlReligion_RS" runat="server" TabIndex="6" onchange="GetCastes_RS(this.value);">
<br />
<asp:ListBox SelectionMode="Multiple" ID="lstBxCst_RS" runat="server">
//js function
function GetCastes_RS(relgnID)
function (resp)
var ddlCaste= document.getElementById("<%=lstBxCaste_RS.ClientID%>");
var castesList = resp;
alert (resp);
if(castesList.keys.length >0)
for(var i=0 ;i< castesList.keys.length;i++)
ddlCaste.options[ddlCaste.length]=new Option(castesList.values[i],op);

i could call the webmethod, but i am getting this error in javascript.

Type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]' is not supported for serialization/deserialization of a dictionary, keys must be strings or objects.

when gone thru few links i have seen few examples supporting dictionary object , why not in my case?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Unable To Update The Text In A Row

Jan 7, 2011

i'm unable to update a row in a gridview, Actually everything is fine but when i'm entering some new text in the textbox and if i press update control, it still shows me the previous text, it is not updating and it doesn't write into XML either.

Here is my design:


Here is my Code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TextBox1.Text != "")..........

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AJAX :: Unable To Update Gridview Date From Database In Updatepanel

Jun 21, 2010

My problem is that I have tried to update my gridview which is inside my updatepanel but the data in the gridview does not update or change when I change the data in my database.

I have used the basic method of using timer to change the label like this Label1.Text = DateTime and with trigger <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Timer1" EventName="Tick" />. Timer is <asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Interval="1000" Enabled="true" OnTick="Timer1_Tick"> .


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Add Update And Delete Functionality?

Mar 16, 2011

Unable to add update and delete functionality to any data control using MS Visual Web developer Express and SQL server 2008. The advanced options in the data connection wizard remain disabled. I can display data OK.

I am however able to connect to an Access 2007 DB through the same page and get this functionality to work.

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Web Forms :: Unable To Set Focus In TextBox Inside Update Panel

Aug 27, 2012

I have some text boxes in my form.

In all text boxs autopostback=true

and i will do some calculation in textbox1_TextChanged

then I will use textbox2.Focus() for focus.

With out update panel its work fine

But with in update panel it does not focus...

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Register Javascript - Unable To Get Working In Usercontrol Inside Update Panel

Jan 27, 2011

i have a javascript color picker i can get it working fine in a aspx page, but i am unable to get it working in a usercontrol inside a update panel. I have tried using the following but i still cannot get it to workm the js file can be viewed at [URL]

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this, this.GetType(), "colorpicker_1", "/_template/js/colorpicker/jscolor.js");

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