Create Multiple Text Boxes Dynamically?

Jul 23, 2010

I hope this is in the right sections....if not please feel free to move it. Does anyone here have examples of how to create multiple text boxes dynamically based on a search result? For example A table has 5 rows. how do I output to the screen 5 text boxes? and then get their details later? (so in a week if there are 15 rows in the table , then 15 text boxes are output) also what would be a good search term on Google for this so I can try and find other examples as the search terms i was using returned zip

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Create Text Boxes Dynamically Want To Bind Autosuggest With The New Created Text Boxes?

Feb 3, 2011

i can use auto-suggest with the text box txtCode like this...

as_jsonReportingTo = new bsn.AutoSuggest('<%= txtCode.ClientID %>', optionsRe);

Now I will create text boxes dynamically, i want to bind autosuggest with the new created text boxes. What should I do?

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Web Forms :: Get Text From Dynamically Created Number Of Text Boxes?

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to get the text value from each textbox on a page that has a dynamically created number of text boxes. I need to store that value in a database row. I guess what i need is to be able to store the text box values in a collection or arrary of some sort and then be able to use textbox(i).value or something of that nature. Not really sure where to begin.

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Forms Data Controls :: Space In Text Boxes & Drop Down Lists / Text Boxes Gets A One Tab Spacing?

Jan 20, 2011

Using C# and SQL as the database.I have a page with a gridview and some text boxes and drop down list boxes. A user selects a record from the grid view I query the database and fill the text boxes and drop down list boxes.

Some fields get updated periodincally thus there is no data in those fields in the database until some time.

A strange thing happens.When filling data some text boxes gets a one tab spacing .

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Web Forms :: Getting IDs Of Dynamically Rendered Text Boxes

Feb 20, 2010

I have a page that allows users to upload photos and when they click the upload button it renders a few textboxes used to change the photo's information and also the displays the photo. After they are done upload photos, they can then insert all the information in each of the textboxes. Then users click the Upload button and it takes all the information and places it in the database. The problem is that when I say "get the text from these textboxes" using the textbox IDs, it tells me that those textbox IDs are not in the current context.

Here is my code...


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Web Forms :: Validate The Text Boxes Which Are Created Dynamically?

Mar 10, 2010


validate the text boxes which are created dynamically?

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Multiple Text Boxes Used For Filtering/searching In MVC C#?

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to create a form in MVC C# that will allow a user to input a Last Name, First Name, Department, Year and click a Search button that will bring back a list of employees based off the inputted search criteria.My problem is allowing multiple search textbox criteria into one search button. I am able to hardcode values into an html actionlink like below and it works but unable to grab the values from the textboxes.

<%= Html.ActionLink("Results", "Results", new { lastName = "Smith",
firstName = "", dept = "", year = "2008" } )%>

I would really just like to have four textboxes and a search button to bring the list back from the database.

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Web Forms :: Validate Multiple Text Boxes In GridView?

May 27, 2010

I have an ASP.NET gridview where I allow the user to edit a record. I need to validate multiple fields as one. I need to require that the user either enter a first and last name OR a company name. All three cannot be blank. Most of the sample code I am finding does not address the text boxes only being visible while the gridview is in edit mode. When not in edit mode, the text boxes do not exist so
document.getElementById('<%= editFirstName.ClientID %>') throws an error upon page load.

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Web Forms :: Conditional Statement For Multiple Text Boxes?

Nov 7, 2010

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C# - Code For Capturing Data From Dynamically Created Text Boxes In Javascript

Aug 7, 2010

Let's say I have some HTML and Javascript which adds text fields dynamically to a form:


What might the ASP.NET code for capturing the data from these dynamically created text boxes look like?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Added Text Boxes Disappears After Page Refresh?

Sep 24, 2010

Dim objDatabase As New database
Dim objAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim objDataset As New DataSet
Dim objAdapter1 As SqlDataAdapter
Dim objDataset1 As New DataSet
Dim objAdapter2 As SqlDataAdapter
Dim objDataset2 As New DataSet

i am using above code to generate dynamicaly textbox into grid view. I have 3 fix coloumns from database which i fetch at start of code.

Then i assigned it to datatable. in datatable according to Listbox item count i added more coloumn as per listbox items count.

then that datatable i i gave as datasourse to gridview. Now i inserted dynamicaly textbox to gridview in respective coloumn.

But after refreshing page all textboxes disappears....

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Jan 4, 2010

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Create Text Boxes In Form And Retrieve Their Values

Dec 5, 2010

i crate 5 textbox dinamically in the form with this code :


but when i try to find textbox values it dosent work where is my problem?

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Web Forms :: Allow Users To Click Button To Insert HTML Code In Multiple Text Boxes?

Jan 25, 2010

I have several text boxes on a page that need to be filled out. When users fill out those boxes they need the ability to enter in bold, italics, superscripts, and trademarks. It has been recommended to use a WYSIWYG. The problem with a WYSIWYG is that it is all tied to 1 large text box. I just need a panel on the side that can hold Bold, Italics buttons to transform whatever text the user has selected to be Bolded/Italicized and then I need to be able to add in predetermined Superscripts and Trademarks where the cursor is as defined by the user. Now this would work with a WYSIWYG but I need this to apply to several (sometimes up to 10 fields on a page) text boxes on a page.

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Web Forms :: Custom Validator Validates Three Text Boxes And Give Errorto Fill The Boxes

Apr 20, 2010

I have a custom validator which validates three text boxes. my code is,


I fill in all the three still gives me the error message to fill in all the boxes and does not submit the page even when all the three boxes are filled.

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Web Forms :: Create Multiple Masterpages And Create A Handler To Dynamically Set The Correct Master Page?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm currently in the process of creating a webshop. This webshop supports theming, but I also want customers to choose a lay-out. I can create multiple masterpages and create a handler to dynamically set the correct master page. But some components, like the shopping cart, are controls which have to be present in the master page and are also used in the aspx pages. The shopping cart control for instance, has an Update method which is called whenever the user adds a product to their cart. So the question is: can I somehow create a default masterpage which has all the components on it, but still be able to create multiple lay-outs. And how should I reference that master page from the aspx pages? I also thought of creating an Interface class which defines the masterpage and it's public components, but I don't know if I can reference an interface from aspx pages.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Sum Multiple Text Box?

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C# - Dynamically Create Multiple ListBoxes

Dec 13, 2010

I have a table in SQL Server which gives me a list of products (PRODUCT), and the products category (CAT). Right now I am putting all the products in the same ListBox:

foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["ProductsTbl"].Rows)
string str = string.Format("{0}", row["PRODUCT"]);
ListBox1.Items.Add(new ListItem(str));

But I need to create as many listboxes as there are categories, and distribute those products according to the category. Categories might be added or removed so I need to create them dynamically. So lets say the table has 5 products in category 1, 4 products in category 2 and 7 products in category 3, I would need 3 Listboxes created. The first with 5 items, the second with 4 and the last one with 7 items

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Web Forms :: Reading Data From Text File And Displaying It In Corresponding Text Boxes

Jun 17, 2010

I have written the following ocde to save the data in to textfile.

using(TextWriter tw=new StreamWriter(file))
string refcode = txtReftypecode.Text;
string priorcode = txtPrioritycode.Text;
tw.Write(priorcode.PadLeft(2, '0'));
string date=txtFilecreatdate.Text.Replace("/","");
string time1=txtFilecreattime.Text.Replace(":","");
tw.Write(txtImmeddestname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtImmedorgname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtRefcode.Text.PadRight(8,' '));

Now i would like to represent the data in to the corresponding to text boxes when i open that text file.

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C# - To Create Listview And Multiple Dynamically Created Controls?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a listview that displays a list of textboxes that get created on a button click. I would also like a label to be created next to each txtbox that would increment what is says from step x: to step x+1:

Do I need to create another listview control for this, or is there a much easier way (which I hope)?

Here is the current web code for my listview:

<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<asp:ListView ID="lvDynamicTextboxes" runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceholder" onitemdatabound="lvDynamicTextboxes_ItemDataBound">[code]....
And here is the code-behind

protected void btnAddNewStep_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
this.IncrementTextboxCount(); [code]....

EDIT::Since there seems to be a bit of confusion, I'll try to clarify:As of now, I have a textbox in a listview with a button underneath.

| txtbox |

When you click a button, it generates another text box, so clicking it twice results in this:

| txtbox |
| txtbox |
| txtbox |

These textboxes are to create steps in a process, so all I would like to do is add a generated label next to each generated textbox to say which step it is. So I want it to look like this:

["Step 1"] | txtbox |
["Step 2"] | txtbox |
["Step 3"] | txtbox |

And if they click the button again, then another label is generated with the text "Step 4"

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C# - Dynamically Create A Row Of Text Box And Label While Click On Add Button

Feb 8, 2011

In my Table in Every row I had label and text page load I show 3 text boxes and 3 labels.But When I click Add more button Every click we need create one label and One text box Dynamically...By Using ,

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Dynamically Create Heyperlink Control On The Page According To Number Of Hyperlink Tag In The Text?

Dec 10, 2010

i had create a webpage by to show article that placed in Database . the article text contain link of other webpage i had written this link by hyperlink tag in the database like some forum when post new article.

this my text in DB (you can visit us by <asp:HyperLink ID="go" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/WebForm1.aspx" Text="GO">CLICKING ME</asp:HyperLink>)

i want to know how can i let dynamically create heyperlink control on the page according to number of hyperlink tag in the text if (1-one hyperlink,2- two hyperlink,... so on)

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AJAX :: Dynamically Generate A Calenderextender For One Of The Boxes?

May 20, 2010

In a webform i am building, i need to generate several Textbox and validation controls, that is already done.

However, i also need to generate a calenderextender for one of the this at all possible?

i've done a bit of research and have had no luck so far...

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C# - Multiple Search Boxes?

Apr 8, 2010

I have 6 text boxes on an asp page and one search button. Users can search by entering text in any of the search boxes. I am using Linq to query to my sql server database and I can write the queries. but the problem is since there are so many text boxes I will have to write lot of queries. for ex: user can search by entering data in all 6 text boxes or 5 text boxes or 4 or 3 or 2 or 1. You can see how many queries I have to write. Is there any way to code this kind of problem or should I just code all possible combinations.

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Add To A Database With Text Boxes?

Apr 12, 2010

can anyone give me a step step guide of how add data to a data base( access 2003 with oledb connection) use vb 2005 aspx pages via text boxes with a button to submit

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