Creating Image Object From External Image URL?

Jun 27, 2010

I want to crop an image at the server side (I am using 'JCrop' and 'ASP.NET 3.5').

There is a case when the user can add an image from external site to an article.I want to anable the user to create a thumbnail from that image and store the result on the server.

In this case code like


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Stream fileStream = new FileStream("[URL]", FileMode.Open);
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I Used AsyncFileUpload(one of Ajac Control Toolkit Controls) to Uploading User's Image. this works well. But i want to change the image url of an image contorl to uploaded image url. how can i perform that? I put Image control in a Update Panel:


in C# code I wrote these:


But it does not work. Image is like Previous. Note that ImageOperations.ResizeFromStream() method resizes and saves the image to a specefic folder. actually I should trigger a Postback to Update the Update Panel but How to do that. I usedUpdatePanelNew.Update(); but it does not work!

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I know how to display an image in gridview from image path in database. Now, I want to display an image in an image control from image path in database. Can anyone point me to a tutorial? I haven't been able to find one that explains how to do it when I don't know what the image path will be. The images are in the root folder.

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Dynamically Generate Image On Image Map Or Image Button?

Sep 30, 2010

Here is this thing which to me looks possible, but when I searched over the net I couldnt find anything.

I want to create a page where I can upload an image using any upload function and then display it. Now after diplaying it I want to select the hotspots for an image map. The coordinates of image map values are stored in a database.

Basically I want that to create image maps and hotspots I dont use any offline software, this work is successfully completed and working perfectly, but i want generate one identification where i click the hot spots position in image or CSS file Generate for user identifications, So how can i solve this problem.

I hope You are clear in that what I am looking for.

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Oct 12, 2012

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Image saved in Folder called Images and image Name , Description saved in Database Table Images.

On Deafault.aspx

Thubnail images should display with out any change in Quality i.e by DataList Control

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Feb 17, 2010

I want to create an Image to show the used space of each user. I explain it in details. Each user can login and can upload its document on the web. I want to calculate that space and want to show the space used i form of Image like attached. I have calculated the space for logged in user but unable to create Image on basis of this calculated space.

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Creating A Web Server Control That Has An Image Button On It?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm creating a web server control that has an image button on it.The html for the control is done in the RenderControls of the code, the control devrives from WebControl, IScriptControl, INamingContainer.The button is coded as follow in the RenderControls:

System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton img = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton();
img.ImageUrl = "Url of the image";
img.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(img_Click);
img.ID = this.ClientID + "_img";
img.CausesValidation = false;

The button apreas in the browser but when i click on it, the page postsback but the event handler for the button doesn't get fired, from what i can figure out, since the control goes throught RenderControls eachtime the page is posted back, the button gets redrawn and the event handling disapears.

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Web Forms :: Creating A Blank New Image Album?

Sep 21, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to get fresh photo album. I am able to upload pictures to the database and display them(using handler & listview), but when I go to create a new album it shows the previously uploaded pictures of the first one. In the database it shows a new ImageAlbumID so it is creating a new album, but just shows the old pictures of previously created albums. I want just a blank page with the AjaxUploader. the code:

Page Title=""


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Jul 7, 2010

I'm making a html document by using a StringBuilder, the document is used at a messageBody for a email.

I want to add a Image to the document. Bu no matter how I'm doing it the image dosen't show up in the email.

The image is available from the site, I've tried pasting the address in the browser and the image shows up fine.


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Web Forms :: Creating Image Dynamically From Data In Tabular Format

Nov 9, 2010

We have to generate images from data in a tabular format (like an application form). e.g. Name Age Address Value of Name Value of age Address Value Sex Value etc. How to achieve this. We are using C# - ASP.NET.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Files From Image Datatype Records?

Mar 29, 2010

I've inherited a SQL Server 2005 table where there are several colums of the image datatype. I'd like to extract all of those images and save them as files to a folder. How can I do this using VB.NET?

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C# - Creating And Save An Image From A Byte[] Causes Parameter Is Not Valid Exception?

Nov 18, 2010

I have implemented the following functionality that connects to webservice and downloads a favicon from a given site and saves it to a byte[] which I store in our database. I now want to set it up so that it saves the icon to the disk. However I am getting a "Parameter is not valid" when I try and create the image from the byte[].My code is as follows..

stream.Write(imageByteArray, 0, imageByteArray.Length);
Image i = Image.FromStream(stream); // EXCEPTION HAPPENS HERE.
i.Save(@"C: mp" + filename + ".ico");

The exception occurs on the middle line. This code works perfectly 9 times out of ten, but for some favicons, even thought the icon is a valid image (or at least it appears to be and it shows in the browser when point at it) I get this exception. Does anyone have any ideas? I am pulling my hair out here!

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