Crystal Reports :: How To Format A String To Datetime
Mar 21, 2010
I inherited some project which uses crystal reports. The datasource for startdate is in string format but I would like to make it up so that the time does not get added. Should I change the sql query somehow or can I make from the object in crystal reports (IFieldObject) to something more manageable.
I have a field in my dataset with type nvarchar(1000). when I link it to crystal reports, it converts it to a field of type string with length set to 100. As a result of that, the string in that field is being truncated on the report. How can I increase the string length to 1000? (I already checked the "Can grow" option).
Is there anyway to use a connection string from web.config for Crystal Report? The problem I'm having is that I develop on two different computers and on each I use a different IP to connect to the SQL Server. And when I deploy to a web server I use "localhost". So each time I get prompted for changes from the Crystal Report...
When i run the application locally it works fine but when i publish it n access from it it gives the error asEither the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly.
I would like to ask is it possible to show crystal report in pdf format in web? I know how to export crystal report in pdf format, however, it is exported to client's computer.
I have a table in my SQL DB that is a DateTime table, what I want to do is take the numeric datetime it stores and convert it to a long date (i.e. 12/12/2012 conversts to December 12, 2012). Seaching the forums it looks like the string.format is the way to go and searching for info on that I found [URL] which lists all the different formats but they do not list a formating string to convert to the format I want to use. Does anyone know what format string I would use to convert a numeric date to a long date like I want? And can you show it in a code example because I am not 100% sure I understand the code examples shown on that site.
I have Cross Tab in a report In database I have time in minutes. I have created a formula which converts minutes to hours. But Summary is correct but it is not in correct format i.e, in time format for every 60 it should round to 1 but this summary is rounding 100 to 1.
i'm developing a website. i have a registration form where user can registered with this website. this have a birthdate field for store user's birthdate.that is a textbox. here is my code.
In a simple ASPX page, I have an SqlDataSource and a DataList control bound to it.It shows 3 columns; UserName, DateTimeStamp, and Comment.The database table has these defined as nvarchar(24), datetime, and nvarchar(80).The UserName and DateTimeStamp are shown in the ItemTemplate as Labels, while the Comment is a multiline TextBox.I have an event handler for the OnTextChanged for the Comment so that I can update the table as soon as the user tabs off the TextBox.I use the UserName and DateTimeStamp as the Primary Key, and pass all 3 to a stored procedure, where the parameters are declared the same types as the table.What I'm getting though is an "Input string was not in the correct format", which can only be the DateTime that I am passing.
I've tried different date/time formats, but so far come up empty as to the one that will actually work from the C# code.All the different formats I've tried work fine if I pass them to the SP directly via Management Studio, but all throw an error when I use
I have this example and it gives me exception "Conversion from string x to dateTime is invalid"
here is my method to validate Datetime.
Example Date string : "27/03/1985"
Public Function validateDateColumn(ByRef FieldName As String) As Boolean
Try If IsDate(FieldName) Then Dim actualDate As DateTime = CDate(FieldName) Dim DtLicExp As DateTime = CDate(actualDate.ToString("d", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture)) FieldName = DtLicExp.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") Return True End If Catch ex As Exception 'FieldName &= "Format must be MM/dd/yyyy" Return False End Try End Function
validate this date string formate to datetime.
I want to convert this date "27/03/1985" to datetime.
I've been googling for a while now and for the life of me can't seem to find a solution. I thought this would be easy but it's taking too long and am turning to stackoverflow.
I need to convert a string which contains a date and time to a DateTime variable. I've formatted the string in the exact format I want to store it in but when i convert it to a DateTime it keeps adding the seconds which I don't want. I want it stored as 01/01/2010 09:00AM. Here's the code I've been using so far:
The following information(fig -1) is displayed correctly in crystal reports viewer but when i export the report in to word or pdf, using the export feature in cr viewer, iam getting a differnt output (fig -2).
I have a crystal report as reportDoc. In reportDoc.ExportToDisk function it is asking only file name. So let me where should I mention path and how should store in my server folder. I want that file to be saved in particular folder in server in pdf format. Report is converting to pdf. I have no problems in converting. Please let me know how to save that pdf file into my project folder.
When I click on the export button and get the pop-up where you choose the export format....when I choose the Crystal Reports format and click ok,the contents of that pop-up window is now the same as the page where I clicked the export button along with an 'Access Denied' message above the tool bar.
If I choose any other export format,this does not happen and I get the expected dialog where I can choose to open or save the export file.It seems to be a permissions issue, but I can't figure out what CR is trying access that it doesn't have permissions for.
using 2005 and crystal rpts.I have an iFieldObject on a report that I am using to display a signature line which looks ok except for one thing: the signature line needs to appear at the bottom of the object, how to do this?
In our program, we are exporting crystal report (ExportToStream method) in html format and sendind via email body contents.
The email is showing correct format i.e same format as like format showing in crystal report viewer.
But when the user, farwarding the same email to any other person, the format is totally collapsed. All lines are moving up and text parts showing down with out proper alignment.