Custom Server Controls :: Adding A CssClass Property To Web User Control?

Apr 26, 2010

The built in Asp.Net Controls (label, Textbox, etc.) all have a CssClass property that can be set, what do I need to do to implement that for a Web User Control?

I know how to add a property and pass thru the get & set to the corresponding Asp.Net control (example if I have a label I know how to create a LabelCssClass property that provides a get & set, but the control itself how do I set a CssClass or ClassName property.

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Similar Messages:

Custom Server Controls :: Web User Control Doesn't Accept It's Property

May 22, 2010


When i add this control to a page i set it's address with Address property. But it never sets it's address property like this :


When i try it like above, it always set address null. So it never goes to webpage that i want. It's result in the address bar always like this :

http://localhost:4533/TarihKoruma/?Date=12.05.2010 but i want it like this :

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Custom Server Controls :: Category Attribute Of User Control Property Does Not Work Correctly In Categories Tab

Aug 19, 2010

I have a User Control (ascx) and a property which a want to display in my categories tab in Visual Studio in the category named "Styles".


And here is the problem: Actually I do not need a get, because I only have to set the property (write only property). But when I omit the get, the property is displayed in the "Misc" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio. Only when I code the get as well, then the property is displayed correctly in the "Styles" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio.

Does anybody know why? How can I display the category correctly only with set?

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Custom Server Controls :: Adding Inline Code Model User Control To Visual Studio ToolBox?

Mar 2, 2010

I have developed a User Control in inline code model and convert this into dll and try to add it into Visual Studio ToolBox. It shows error "There is no component found in the object.". It is showing actually because i have not added ToolBoxData attribute just before the class declaration, because there is no class declaration in the inline code model. I don't know where i have to add ToolBoxData attribute.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Add A Dropdownlist Of Available Values For A Custom Server Control Property

Sep 13, 2010

How would I add a (dropdown) list of available values for a custom server control property?

(Just like 'Visible' property of most controls has valid values of 'True/False' and nothing else can be entered or selected)

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Checkbox Control 'checked' Property Is Not Working?

Sep 3, 2010

Iam developing a custom checkbox control deriving from the 'compositecontrol' which i need to use it for a composite control purpose.

TngCheckBox :

i have written the required properties which are working fine except the "checked" property. here is my code for 'checked' property. i tried both the below ways (commented one and not commneted) . the problem is the 'checked' value is not setting the value at the get set part of the property.its assigning the value at the design time , but when i check and uncheck its not updating the property value.which is resulting me wrong .


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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Checkbox Control 'checked' Property Is Not Working ?

Oct 15, 2010

Iam developing a custom checkbox control deriving from the 'compositecontrol' which i need to use it for a composite control purpose.

TngCheckBox :

i have written the required properties which are working fine except the "checked" property. here is my code for 'checked' property. i tried both the below ways (commented one and not commneted) . the problem is the 'checked' value is not setting the value at the get set part of the property.its assigning the value at the design time , but when i check and uncheck its not updating the property value.which is resulting me wrong .


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Custom Server Controls :: List Property Of A Custom Control Is Not Persisted?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a custom control, inherited from Button. This is the class definition for the control and 2 properties:


I show you 2 properties, only to illustrate the problem.

as you see Aplicacion property is of a custom type Sistema, and Roles property is of type List<UserRol>.

The Aplicacion property is rendered well, this way:


The problem I have is with List<UserRol>. I couldn't get it to be rendered. I expeect to be rendered this way:


Finally, this is the TypeConverter and Editor definitions for the list:


The UserRol class is a typical class, without any special attributes.

I have discovered that when I use the custom editor for Roles property, the collection is not persisted. When I use the default editor for the collection, the collection is persisted.

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Custom Server Controls :: Need Custom Text Box Control With DataSource,TableName,ColumnName Property?

Nov 26, 2010

I need to create one custom text box control which should be bind with data base.

I am referring following link...

I used DataBoundControl to create my control but i am not able to do it properly.

public class SimpleTextBoxControl : DataBoundControl
private TextBox nameTextBox;
public string DataTextField
object o = ViewState["DataTextField"];
return ((o == null) ? string.Empty : (string)o);
ViewState["DataTextField"] = value;
Description("The text to display on the link."),
public virtual string DataTexValue
string s = (string)ViewState["Text"];
return (s == null) ? String.Empty : s;
ViewState["Text"] = value;
protected override void PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable retrievedData)
if (retrievedData == null)
nameTextBox = new TextBox { ID = "nameTextBox" };
foreach (object dataItem in retrievedData)
if (DataTextField.Length > 0)
nameTextBox.Text = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(dataItem, DataTextField, null);
DataTexValue = nameTextBox.Text;

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control's Constructor / User To Set That variable In The Properties Window After They Drag The Control Onto A Form?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a custom control which inherit from the Table class and in the constructor, it takes a an integer as an argument. There is no empty constructor.

Is there a way for the user to set that variable in the properties window after they drag the control onto a form.

I know some .NET controls, you can set the source for the parameter to different things like another control's property, QueryString using just the properties window.

Right now, I have to create the control dynamically. I read the query string and then created the object.

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Custom Server Controls :: Unable To Convert User Control To Custom Control

Oct 27, 2010

I have created a user control and am ready to convert it into a custom control. I am trying to follow:

[URL] the steps mentioned in the link.

I am not seeing Build / Publish Web Site option.

I am using VS 2008. I only see Publish User Control but it doesn't give all the settings mentioned below. When I do publish user control, it just copies the ascx file to the desired location. how can I convert the user control to custom control.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Show All Property Of Gridview Of Control

Jul 14, 2010

i have created a new user control who contains a gridview so, my prolem now is that i want show all the property of the gridview included in the control, but i want not write like this:"Usercontrol1.GridView1.Datasource=...." but i want write "Usercontrol1.DataSource=..." and this also for other controls how can i do this?

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Custom Server Controls :: User Template Control Or Custom Server Control?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to develop control (template or user) which must have subtags with some items.

For example :

<SomeControl runat="server" id="scTest">

This control may contain some other web server controls such as GridView.I need explanation of experienced developers, how to do that - take me to the right way

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Set Default Height/Width Property Value Of Composite Control

Nov 3, 2010

How to set default Height/Width property value of Composite control


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Custom Server Controls :: Custom User Control That Fills Itself?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm new to all of this, so go easy on me. This should be an easy one. I have created a custom SmartContentBlock user control for a CMS.The control works, but only if I invoke the Fill() function in the Page_init event in the codebehind of the ASPX page. My goal is to modify the class file so that the Fill() in the codebehind is no longer neccesary. So, for reference, here's the gist of the current situtation.Controls.cs




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Custom Server Controls :: Unable To Use A Web User Control Inside Another Web User Control

Mar 10, 2011

I have a web user control that represents a simple message box. It is used to display simple messages like "Item has been deleted", or "The item was saved successfully".

On the other hand, I have another web user control that represents the item in the form of an editable form (I made this a user control because this is used in two different pages). I want to embed an instance of the message box user control inside the editable form. I am writing this right after the @Control directive:


Instead of using @Register directives, I register the user controls in web.config and so far this has worked just fine.

With the above markup, the project compiles, but whenever I try to navigate to a page that contains this construct, I get an HttpParseException exception. Furthermore, Visual Studio states that the tack w7rc9:MessageBox doesn't represent a known control.

What am I doing wrong?

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Setting A Property For A User Custom Control?

Jan 25, 2010

I have created a user custom control, and what I would like to do is to pass it the text value from a label where I can carry out some other processing.

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Databind A Property On A Custom User Control?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a custom user control UserProfileLink on which I have two basic string properties, UID and UserFullName which I would like to use in a template column in a DataGrid like this:

<td:UserProfileLink ID="uplUser" runat="server" UID="<%#Eval("UserUID") %>" UserFullName="<%#Eval("UserFullName") %>" />

I get an error saying "The server tag is not well formed" which leads me to believe this type of binding isn't possible. Is there a way to do this, or is it impossible?

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Custom Server Controls :: Use Custom Control/user Control?

Oct 12, 2010

I have 3 pages in each page there is a portion of page where it is common in all these three pages.Thought of making the common stuff as a separate control either User control/Custom control.Any suggestions on which one should i use custom/user control

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Add Custom Property To Custom Server Control?

Jan 11, 2011

I have created an custom control and now want to pass some values to it from the page which will use the control.Is there any way i can add my own property to the control (like Text property is present for a Label control)?

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Custom Server Controls :: Property Collections Not Persisted When Control Inside Update Panel And Content Placeholder

Apr 13, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET Control which has a property collection for Columns which the user can edit in the Property Collection Editor..

In most circumstances this works fine, the collection can be edited in the designer and the appropriate tags are added inside the control in the ASPX file.

It works fine when

My control is added to the form


My control is added inside an Update Panel



However, if My control is inside a Content Placeholder which is inside an Update Panel, it fails to work as it should. In this scenario, when the Columns collection is edited in the designer, if you then switch back to Source view, the Columns collection is emptied. I have to save the aspx page before switching back to Source view for the changes to be kept.


how to get around this problem? Is there something I may have missed?

Here's the code for the Control


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Custom Server Controls :: Save User's Input In User Control?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a user control (ascx file) that contains an interface for users to change the data retrieved from the db. So, I am displaying data and most of this data can be edited by the user. When the user enters text into a textbox, and clicks "Save Changes", the value they typed in is lost and not persisted to the database. I realize now this is because the SaveChanges button does a postback, and the user control gets reloaded with its original valuesbefore the code within my SaveChanges button gets executed. I'm not sure if there are properties I need to set to save the input data, or if I need to write my own code to do it. What is the generally accepted method to do this? (Also, all of the controls in the ascx file are wrapped in an Update Panel.)

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Custom Server Controls :: Binding UserControl Property To Page Property?

Sep 15, 2010

So what I'm trying to accomplish is this


The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.

For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.

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C# - Dynamically Adding A Custom User Control To A Page?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a usercontrol (ascx) that I want to dynamically add to a page.

Neither the control nor the page has a namespace (thanks crappy vendor).

When I use the following, it tells me it cant find the "type or namespace"

StayTunedControl = (UserControler_StayTuned)LoadControl("~/UserControler/StayTuned.ascx");
StayTunedControl.StayTunedID = Convert.ToInt32(IncludesStayTunedMeta.Value);

After some tweaking to the namespaces, etc, I am now at a point where the 3rd line above generates the following error:

'System.Web.UI.UserControl' does not contain a definition for 'StayTunedID'

I was hoping that casting StayTunedControl as type (UserControler_StayTuned) would fix this.

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Web Forms :: How To Expose User Control Custom Property At Its Code Behind File

Mar 10, 2010

I created a simple gridview user control with a custom property ProfileType which should load different records depending on the ProfileType value when attaching to a web page.

This is my web page:


how I can expose user control custom property at its code-behind file.

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