Custom Server Controls :: Create Html Row And Cell Dynamically In Dynamic Gridview?
Feb 11, 2011
I am trying to create a composite control - A textbox, gridview and a button. When I create the grid dynamically, I use my function GridViewDataBind() that will basically create the gridview at runtime and bind it with data. In this method, I add a blank column (first column for expand/collapse image), databound columns (using custom Itemtemplate), a placeholder, then a new html row/cell and a child gridview. I want to know how can I add these html rows/cols to my gridview. Here is the code:
Not sure if the approach is right and if I was able to explain my problem?
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Mar 5, 2010
Why custom Gridview control not render html properlies under <Columns> properly in Visual Studio 2005?
For example:
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Oct 12, 2010
I need to create a reusable custom control,which is like a form containing a listbox and some fields.The fields can be either textbox or combobox as needed for different applications,which can be selected on the property of the form onwhich page that i am using it,also i needed to specify the number of fields in that property.And also need place 3 buttons below for edit and delete the selected item in the listbox and a button to save.Data will be binded from the database as needed for different applications.
tell me with code how to create it using server control in C#.
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Jan 25, 2011
I'm new to .NET. I'm trying to create a button dynamically with event by original button. The original button's click event response creates a button. The new button has a click event attached with a test message.What I have to do is onclick change background color of dynamically created button and grab id value to delete when button delete is clicked. Unfortunately, when I click the dynamically attached button, nothing happens.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have been trying to implement an extended GridView that eventually will include a panel with a number of filter options outside of the grid iteself.
As a test I have added a dropdownlist and a linkbutton but when these are rendered to the page they are rendered as plain HTML with none of the javascript or ids that are generated for server controls as a consequence the postback event is not fired when a dropdownlist item changes and the linkbutton is rendered as plain text.
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Feb 24, 2010
My GridView rows have a field for a server timestamp when a person entered in a particular state(like idle). I want to show the time elapsed since the person has been in that particular state. That I want to show as a tooltip when mouse is hovered over the cell and time elapsed calculation I want to do on client side only without a roundtrip to the server. In RowDataBound event of the GridView I add functions to the show and hide the tooltip by following some examples on the web. In the JavaScipt function, I calculate the time elapsed. But it works first time but not after that somehow and I get a JScript error "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Function expected." on this line:
document.getElementById("td0").innerText = elapsedpretty(timeInState);
My GridView is inside a user control which is used as a ASP.NET web part and my web part zones are inside ASP.NET UpdatePanel. Could it cause a problem?
View 4 Replies
Aug 28, 2010
i think that the the subject can explain what i need, it's about adding a TextBox control with the code behind into a GridView, and also about how can i retrieve entered data after submitting, im using C#,
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Oct 23, 2010
How can I make the background color of a GridView cell dependent on the boolean value of field?
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Oct 18, 2010
I want to create custom control (let's name it DesignPanel) that will allow user to design his own webpage structure that would be stored in a sitemap file. This Design Panel will have child controls inside ( SiteElement). User will build page strcture by connect Site Elements, customize them ( like change name) and add new ones.
This last point is main issue for me. Should I add those Site Element controls dynamically like DesignPanel.Controls.Add(new SiteElement()) in UpdatePanel control or there is better approach ( adding them to DOM structure by javascript, something diffrent)?
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May 15, 2010
I know that how to create custom control and add custom property.
I want to create property like DataSource to my custom control.
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Mar 10, 2010
I am banging my head with gridview at the moment. There's a problem I just can't get my head around. I'd be very greatful for any advice given. I have a function that creates a DataTable with three columns and four rows. In each of the cells I set the text to a random number through RowDataBound event. I would like to just make the cell clickable and have a code-behind function that gets the position of the cell (column, row) and the value of the cell when the user clicks it.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a gridview each line has 4 linkbuttons - Edit , Update , Cancel , Delete and a few columns with data...For example TeamName and TeamEmail, and a hidden column that contains a validator (for ease of validating controls that are found on the same row , same naming container)
When Edit button is Clicked , the specific line goes into editing mode , Texboxes are created for TeamName and for TeamEmail .
I create dinamically (code behind ) a new textbox that reads the value from the TeamEmail textbox , i give it a new id (let's say "Email") , add that email to the controltovalidate property of my validator , and call the validate() method of the validator.
Everything works fine when i modify the value in a worng format , the validator err message appears , when i modify the TeamEmail value to a good email format , the validator property isvalid becomes true , and the update is running , but my textbox is empty :( updating the TeamEmail value to null.
This is some bad code but hope you understand what i meant :
This is my html coed of my gridview
This is the code that manages the validation:
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Mar 31, 2010
So I have a gridview control and I am binding it's datasource dynamically base on a dropdownlist. The gridview contains autogenerated columns with auto generated edit buttons. The datasource binded to the gridview is IQueryable<T> where T will be different for different datasource.
My detail problem is below:
A GridView binded to datasource dynamically with all autogenerated columns. When user click edit link, it will display value in autogenerated textboxes.
When user click update link, I am able to capture the user entered value in the textboxes in RowUpdating event, then pass those values to Linq update function to update the database. Now, the problem begin when I try to dynamically add validation controls to each editing row. In RowDataBound event, I am checking the editrowindex then adding validation control to gridview cell and pointing to cell.controls[0] which is the textbox control when the row is in edit mode, I am dynamically setting the textbox control id so that the validation control can set controltovalidate property. The validation control works, but the updating function is setting everything on the grid to empty string.
I am check the textbox text value in the loop, which returns "" for all cells except the id column. It was returning the correct value before I add the validation control. I guess since I added the validation control on rowdatabound event, will it rerender it's own autogenerated textbox in edit mode so that the text value of textbox no longer available in rowupdating event?
Is there a better or correct way to get the cell textbox value? I am using ((TextBox)dc.Controls[0]).Text where dc is DataControlFieldCell in rowupdating event.
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Feb 9, 2011
I'm trying to implement a custom GridView to find a cell by its name. Here is my class:
how I can implement the SET part of property?
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Feb 24, 2011
I have currently on multiple pages a modal popup that displays the information below, we are getting to the point where we need to call this popup from multiple locations, currently i have duplicate setups on each page that i want to use it on, but its becoming a mess to manage when a change is needed.. so im looking to see if what i have within the modal popup can be turned into a control that i can call anywhere thru out the site and have just 1 setup to maintain going forward..If its possible to create a control that can then be placed within the modal popup and server the same purpose that would be great any links here is what i have within the modal popup that i have on atleast 3 pages currently..
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May 7, 2015
I copy in a DataTable a GridView to display this GridView in a another page. It works but the gridview's content is not encoded in UTF-8.
This is the code which copy the gridview in a DataTable :
protected void ButtonDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// On copie dans un DataTable toute GridView filtré
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Columns.Count; i++)
[CODE] ...
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Aug 4, 2010
how do i get the values of the textboxes of my dynamicly created user controls. I have somthing similar to the code below which adds many instance of the same user control to a panel but with diffrent properties value :
and here is the code-behind for the control
and this is the .ascx
And here is what the controls look like when thay are created
I know that i have to recreate the controls on each postback but i need to know how to get the values of the entered text for each textbox
View 9 Replies
Jan 6, 2010
I have a scenario where I've created a custom control that connects to a database and gets records from the last X number of months where X is any desired number. I use a "MinDate" parameter to determine how far back to look.
When I add my control to my page, how can I set the "MinDate" parameter to something like "DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-3)"? I've tried:
MinDate="<%= DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-3) %>"
View 4 Replies
Aug 3, 2010
I generate dynamic grids based on a count value returned from some DB tables. the code for it goes like this : I give and Id to each grid that is generated.
if (myDataList1.Count >= 1)
for (int i = 0; i < myDataList1.Count; i++)
//retrieving the exact i count from pageload
ViewState.Add("newCount", i);
//creating the dynamic grid with its corresponding gridview properties.
grvDynamic = new GridView();
grvDynamic.ID = "GridView" + (i+3);
grvDynamic.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
grvDynamic.RowCreated += GridViewRowCreated;
grvDynamic.RowDataBound += grvDynamic_RowDataBound;
//adding bound field columns to retrieve data from stored proc
BoundField metric = new BoundField();
metric.HeaderText = "Goal ";
metric.DataField = "metric";
BoundField mtd = new BoundField();
mtd.HeaderText = "MTD";
mtd.DataField = "value_MTD";
BoundField goal = new BoundField();
goal.HeaderText = "Tier Level Achieved";
goal.DataField = "value_goal";
goal.HeaderStyle.Width = Unit.Percentage(10);
BoundField you1 = new BoundField();
you1.HeaderText = "Month End";
you1.DataField = "firstLevel_you";
BoundField you2 = new BoundField();
you2.HeaderText = "Month End";
you2.DataField = "secondLevel_you";
ButtonField singleClick = new ButtonField();
singleClick.CommandName = "clickHyperlink";
singleClick.Visible = false;
BoundField metricId = new BoundField();
metricId.HeaderText = "Metric Id";
metricId.DataField = "metricID";
metricId.Visible = true;
//binding the gridview to data.
grvDynamic.DataSource = data;
grvDynamic.Columns[5].Visible = false;
protected void grvDynamic_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
//this basically gets the metric Id's of rows with the ishyperlink flag set to 'Y'. I need to make these particular cells clickable var isClickable = (from md in myDataList3 where md.IsHyperLinkFlag == 'Y' &&
md.value_MTD != null select md.metricID).ToList();
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
// Get reference to button field in the gridview.
LinkButton _singleClickButton = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[5].Controls[0];
if (isClickable.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[6].Text)))
e.Row.Cells[1].Style["cursor"] = "hand";
e.Row.Cells[1].Style["color"] = "blue";
e.Row.Cells[1].Style["textdecoration"] = "Underline";
e.Row.Cells[1].Attributes.Add("onClick", "window.location ='../HeaderPages/page2.aspx' ");
This code works perfectly fine , depending on the ishyperlink flag in the database...specific cells in the grid are made clickable and then redirected to page2.aspx My Issue: I need to capture which specific cell in which specific grid the user has clicked. store some information in sessions based on the cell clicked and use that information in page2.aspx.
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Oct 26, 2010
I want to create a custom Toolbox in which will contain all custom control that i have made. Now the user will drag these controls from custom toolbox at run time and create form. I tried but did not succeeded.
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Feb 15, 2010
I am trying to create a web custom control but I am unable to find the templete that should be in my projects window. I am using Visual Studio Pro and it should be there. Doc's say standard version doesn't have it but thats all I can find.
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Apr 15, 2010
I want to created a Custom Server Control (Inherited from GridView).
On the page, the GridView is DataBound to a DataSet, so I do not know at design time what columns will be present in my GridView.
Now, what I want to do is, to add a textbox in every Cell for the GridView Header row, and those textboxes will control column filtering.
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Sep 17, 2010
I have a griview which is bounded to a sqldatasource and changed dynamically. How do I change the background cell color based on the value? e.g., 0-0.5 green, 0.5-1 red, sth like that.
<asp:GridView ID="grid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
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Jul 29, 2010
Alright, so I have a Gridview which is bound to a stored procedure. The stored procedure uses cross tab functionality to count customer data / types, and then display it like this ...
Now this is where I'm stumped ... each data cell (or cell that displays the count of data for that column / row), need to be a link, and upon clicking that link, a pop up or something will bring up another gridview or list listing all those clients or customers. For example, if you click on row 2, cell 2 (519), then it will open a gridview or list of all 519 of those clients. This basically means each cell will have to represent a different query, unless I use dynamic sql somehow... Does anyone have any idea how I might be able to accomplish this.
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Sep 30, 2010
I have a server control which consists of a gridview with custom navigation&information capabilities and with javascript functions to highlight the selected grid items or highlight when mouse over event occurs.. (full tested outside asp:wizard)I'm trying to use that server control inside a template wizard step, when I drop such server control in the first step of the wizard everything goes ok.
When I insert even a blank step previous to the step which contains the server control, the javasript code of the server control is not rendered at all, the page doesn't fail during load but until I go with mouse over an item of the grid for instance.When I check the rendered HTML I can see no HTML, nor javascript events of this server control where rendered, neither the implementation nor calls to javascript, but even rarer what is there visible in the grid for ie, even the other components of the server control, are not in the "view source code" content. I seems it was sent to the client, even showed, but truncated in some phase..
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