Custom Server Controls :: Trying To Create A Button Dynamically With Event By Original Button?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm new to .NET. I'm trying to create a button dynamically with event by original button. The original button's click event response creates a button. The new button has a click event attached with a test message.What I have to do is onclick change background color of dynamically created button and grab id value to delete when button delete is clicked. Unfortunately, when I click the dynamically attached button, nothing happens.


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Custom Server Controls :: Button Triggering An Event In A Custom Webcontrol?

Nov 16, 2010

I built a webcontrol showing a complex user interface with a lot of javascript. Basically my webcontrol is similar to : [URL]

Now that most the user interface is working properly, I'm stuck with the following issue: I want to add a button (html button tag) which has to trigger an event. I have been able to declare the event, the event args, the delegate,etc. The page using my control may assign a handler and that handler is called correctly when I explicitely call OnServerControlClick (The name I gave to the event). I cannot make the link between the button in the user interface and the event in the webcontrol source code. When the button is clicked, I get an error message saying a dangerous Request.Form value has been detected.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Textbox Dynamically In GridView And Retrieve The Value In Button Click Event?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a dropdownlist("ddlTemplate") control and a gridview("gvPlanning") control with 1 BoundField column, 1 TemplateField column and remaining columns will be generated dynamically from database.In TemplateFiled Column i have 3 image buttons viz: Edit, update and cancel.Gridview will be populated based on the selecteditem of dropdownlist.

if i click on edit imagebutton, i need to add textboxes dynamically in all the columns of that row except first 2 column. And if i click on Update imagebutton i need to retrieve the textbox values.we can add template field column for textboxes also, but why i am sticking to this method is.. the number of columns changes depending on the selecteditem from the dropdownlist. Eg: If i select india from dropdownlist the number of columns in the gridview would be 4 and if i select UK from dropdownlist the number of columns would be 9 likewise.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Create An Event For Button For Aspx Pages

Mar 8, 2011

I have 1 UserControl and 3 aspx pages.3 aspx pages are using this same UserControl.UserControl have button hen i clicked the button of usercontrol i want to save individual aspx form data. that should be dynamic

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Access The Remove Button Event Of The Collection Editor Dialogue Box

Mar 25, 2010

how we can access the Remove button event of the Collection Editor dialogue box?

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Sql Server - Create A Custom Button In A DetailsView?

Apr 14, 2010

I am a newbie in ASP.NET. I just want to ask if it is possible to create a button or hyperlink in a DetailsView. I know that there are Edit, Delete, etc. in a DetailsView, but I want to create another button or hyperlink for my own function.

Actual Scenario: I have a DetailsView connected in a temporary sql server table via ObjectDataSource. What I need to do is to check/view each data in that table through the DetailsView and if I think the data is correct, I must click a certain button/hyperlink to transfer that data (row) to another table in that DB.

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Button Click Event Still Firing Even Through Custom Server-side Validation Fails?

May 27, 2010

I am having a problem where my button click event is still firing even though my custom server-side validation is set to args.IsValid = false. I am debugging through the code and the validation is definitely being fired before the button click, and args.IsValid is definitely being set to false once the custom validation takes place, but it always makes its way to the button click event afterwards.

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Radio Button Loses State After Postback?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a custom radiobutton and it renders fine but loses state after postback.

How can it be modified?


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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Gridview / Insert The Custom Dropdown Button Using Server Control For Each Column?

Aug 18, 2010

i've created a webform with one gridview having connected with the database using datasource. i.e password database with three colomn .

now want to insert the custom dropdown button using server control for each column.

when i select the dropdown list the list should display the value as required.

e.g if i click the uname dropdownlist then it should show the list of names.

if i click on pwd dropdownlist then it should show the list of numbers.

if i select any one of the value in the dropdown list then it should insert into the


can i get code on this type of question...?

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Custom Server Controls :: Event Not Bubbling For Dynamically Created WebControl From The Db?

Apr 6, 2010

For test purposes I have created a simple button control that extends CompositeControl. I am able to place it on the page with a <asp:Content... and the Click event Bubbles without problem from the Control.

Now, here is the problem I am facing Due to design requirement I need to read the assembly and the classname from a table and dynamically create the control and add it to the <asp:Content. And when I do that the click event will not fire! Where am I going wrong.

Here is the code in the ButtonControl.cs
namespace Reports.Web.ServerControls {
[ToolboxData("<{0}:ButtonControl runat=server></{0}:ButtonControl>")]
public class ButtonControl : CompositeControl {
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
Button btn = new Button();


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Command Button In Repeater Dynamically

Aug 5, 2010

I am using Repeater control. In DataBound event I am preparing output of item and everything works ok. But now I need to add a command button to item. I cannot add button to item template in designer (some project specifications do not allow it). I create new button at DataBound, set unique ID, command name and argument and bind it to command event and, thenm place it to Item controls container. It is not working as command button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Link Button Dynamically In Gridview?

Oct 6, 2010

I am trying to add/insert linkbutton dynamically inside gridview row, below is the code


Problem I facing is that the data table is getting created fine with teh linkbutton as well but the gridview is not showing the linkbutton. upon executing I am only the column which is of string type.

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Custom Server Controls :: Button In Custom Server Control?

Oct 20, 2010

i can add buttons in my custom server control but i can't handle button click event. how can i do this

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Loaded Usercontrol Won't Fire Button Click Event

Dec 24, 2010

I have a dynamically loaded usercontrol

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ucEditPanel.ascx.cs"

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Change Text Of Button Control In GridView RowDataBound Event

Feb 17, 2014

According to my columns value True / False I want to change the button Text which is on my GridView

I wrote the below code for it but it is not working :

while (Global.reader.Read())
if (Global.reader["Click"].Equals(true))
Button btnSold = (Button)e.Row.Cells[9].Controls[0];

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Create GridView With X Rows And Y Columns On Button Click

Oct 21, 2015


by using above thread its working great..

i want below rows and columns pattern

Rows 3, Columns 4 in my query..

     1   2   3   4 -- Header

A    1   2   3  4

B    1   2   3  4

C     1   2   3  4

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Custom Radio Button Column In The CS File?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a grid view that works great but I need to add a new column in the behind code. I know you can do it in the aspx page but i want to manual populate in the CS file. How do I add a radio button column that will past the ID to a new page? This is what my code looks like so far:


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Custom Server Controls :: Create Html Row And Cell Dynamically In Dynamic Gridview?

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to create a composite control - A textbox, gridview and a button. When I create the grid dynamically, I use my function GridViewDataBind() that will basically create the gridview at runtime and bind it with data. In this method, I add a blank column (first column for expand/collapse image), databound columns (using custom Itemtemplate), a placeholder, then a new html row/cell and a child gridview. I want to know how can I add these html rows/cols to my gridview. Here is the code:


Not sure if the approach is right and if I was able to explain my problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Database Updates But Gridview Doesn't After Custom Button Click Event?

Feb 8, 2010

So I followed Scot Mitchell's tutorial from on adding a checkbox column to be able to select multiple entries and delete them with the click of a button. When I make my selection and click the button it works on the database end, as the desired entries are deleted. However, the entries remain on the page after it reloads. if I refresh the page it's updated properly but I'd like it to automatically update after the button is clicked.

Also, I tried his method for adding check/uncheck all buttons to the top of the gridview and they don't seem to be working either.

Here's the code behinf from the gridview page:


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Forms Data Controls :: Create Button Event In The Gridview To Open A New Web Form?

Jan 22, 2010

create button in the first column of the gridview with event to open a new window of web form with passing gridview row items parameters.

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Custom Server Controls :: Original GridView Templates Are Not Visible When Extended?

Jan 5, 2010

I extended gridview control to add some new features and it is working fine. However, when i come to page and add the control declaratively, the templates of the parent control that is GridView are not visible.

I declare like following and then i cannot see all templates provided by GridVeiw itself such Columns, HeaderTemplate etc .


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Custom Server Controls :: Extend Existing Button?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to know if it is possible to extend the properties of a button and possibly override the render() method?I know how to create a custom server control and that is not what I want to do.I have a lot of web application that need to inject some java script on the button render event based on a new properties value.So what I want to do is extend the properties and hook into the Render method of the button control that ships with .net, I want to do it this way then I can still use the default button control but am able to effect all of the buttons in all of the web applications by simply re-publishing them.Inheriting from the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button class enables me to add the property but then I have to register the "new" control and I have to go and change all of the buttons in all of the web applications.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create Event Handlers For Composite Controls

Nov 12, 2010

How to create event handlers for Composite Controls. I have created a composite control with label, textbox and button. Like this


Now how to write the code once a event fires like text changed or click.

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Custom Server Controls :: Setting Image On Button Both Side?

Jul 7, 2010

I am creating new custom command button control derived from command button. In my custom control I want to set two images (i.e. one from left and one from right). In center command text will come. I tried background image property using css. But I won't work out for me. The image is coming left but the actual command button style is lost and the second problem is I could not able to set image on right side.

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Web Forms :: Add Event Handler To Dynamically Created Button?

Oct 5, 2010

Does anyone have a good vb example of adding an "onClick" event to a button that is dynamically added into a templatefield of a gridview. MSDN just says to use the addhandler statement with no other good info for a 'dynamic' scenario:


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