Data Controls :: Bind (Populate) Multiple TextBoxes From Database On DropDownList Change

May 7, 2015

I have a one combobox and 3 textboxes and one sql datasource.

When I select the name in the textbox I want to show the values in the relevant textboxes. For instance, in the combobox when i select the Name of the employee the relevant information about this employee is shown in the 3 textboxes, i.e. age, cell #, extension.

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Bind And Populate Multiple Select (MultiSelect) DropDownList With CheckBoxes From Database Using JQuery

May 7, 2015

I am refering below url:


how to select items in dropdownlist if i bind it from database.

Once i select some items and save in database , after that i want items selected when page reloads that items bind in dropdown.

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Data Controls :: Populate And Bind Dropdownlist Within FooterTemplate Of GridView

May 30, 2013

Way to enclose one Dropdownlist there for the Gridview?

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Data Controls :: Read Multiple ExcelSheet And Bind It To Multiple DropDownlist Using ClosedXml?

Feb 25, 2016

I am not able to find the projects related to working with excel sheets by using ClosedXML to refer. I have an excel book  which contains two sheets.

In sheet 01: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

Student name01       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name02       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name03       Student's phone number                        blabla

In sheet 02: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

course name01       computerscience              blabla

course name02       dhfsthshbstgs                  blabla

course name03       garsfghsefrgs                   blabla

now, I would like to see in two comboboxes (all the words/text presented in the column A) from two sheets, the student name and course name and then I want select any student name and course name of my choice. Afterwards, when I click on a button, my program should display the students phone number and the course name (from column B from both sheets) and related things present in the Column C D E.. of the selected things in combobox in a label or a in a textbox.

PS: I solved the following problem: I can select student name in one combobox and print the the corresponding data from the only one column B (but I worked only with one sheet). It is bit complicated for me to continue with two sheets.

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Data Controls :: Bind (Populate) CheckBoxList Based On DropDownList Selection Using JQuery AJAX

Jan 24, 2016

I have dynamically popute the data in Dropdownlist(Countries) and the On selected index event of Dropdownlist there is noeed to bind /populate the Checkbox list from database depending on the selections made from the Dropdownlist.

For example If I select Gujrata then all the cities of Gujrat should be visible and bounded to the check box list.

2) Once the checkbox list is bounded with data from the database, We need to select  the checkbox from the checkboxlist  and  pass tyhe selected  text of all the  selected checkboxes  fro the checkbox list  as comma seperated  values to database  and then I need to Display in the Grid.

Below is my code for Dynamically populated/Bind DropDown list and get the States:


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MachineCode.aspx.cs" Inherits="SampleApp.MachineCode" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Bind And Populate DataList Control Using Two (Multiple) Stored Procedures

Feb 25, 2013

I have 2 store procedures and I need to populate DataList using the two stored procedures

ALTER procedure [dbo].[ViewSreg]
@Mobile nvarchar(30)
select *
from S_register

[Code] ....

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Data Controls :: Populate Multiple Column Values In DropDownList Using Pivot

Jan 29, 2014

I have one database in which student enroll no with his sem is stored . I want that if i enter stud enroll no then in dropdown list all the sem related to that stud should come. My database 

Stud enroll no        sem1           sem2            sem3           sem4

        1                   July 2013     Jan 2014      July 2014     Jan 2015
        2                   Feb 2013     Aug 2014     Feb 2014     Aug 2015 
        3                  July 2012     Jan 2013     July 2013     Jan 2014

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Data Controls :: Populate (Bind) Data From Database In DetailsView Control?

May 7, 2015

product id,product name,price resp as label and textbox.

actually product details fetching from database based on product id .

my requirement is based on product id how to fetch data and fiill the details in textboxes . fetching one product at a time.

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Data Controls :: Bind Multiple Columns To DropDownList Control?

Aug 28, 2012

 I have one dropdownlist control in my web page.

I want to fill my dropdownlist with multiple columns.

How can i acheive my goal?

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Data Controls :: How To Dynamically Bind Data To DropDownList And Change Datasouce Value Of GridView

Oct 2, 2013

I have a problem ,i want to 2 dropdownlist box on a form and one will take loaded from data at the time of pageload and data of second dropdownlist box will change according to selected item in first dropdownlistbox ,and after that gridview will dynamicaly bind from some data according to choosen data of second dropdownlistbox .

I uses lots of code but  i am not able to dynamicaly bind dropdown and gridview

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Data Controls :: Bind Dropdownlist From Database?

May 26, 2013

I have dropdownlists in register.aspx page

1- ddlzoneE 2-DdlDistrictE

I bind them from database

and when I select item from ddlzoneE ,  ddlDistrictE's Item change below are code

protected void DDLzoneE_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void BindDistrictE()


untill now every thing is ok and when I select Item from ddlzoneE ,DdlDistrict's Item change but when I add below code in Page_load Event it didn't worked

ddlzoneE.Items.FindByText(_dr["zone"].ToString()).Selected = true;
DdlDistrictE.Items.FindByText(_dr["District"].ToString()).Selected = true;

I mean when I add above code when I select item from ddlzoneE , ddldistrict's Item didn't change.what should I do?

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Data Controls :: Bind And Display Multiple Column Values As DropDownList Text

May 7, 2015

How to bind two database field in single listbox in display field.

Is it possible ??

If yes then how can we implement it?

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Data Controls :: Splitting Comma Separated Values In Database And Assign To Multiple Textboxes

Apr 27, 2016

I have 5 textboxes in my webpage for entering address, i.e,

door no, village, city, district, pincode.

These are concatenated by comma (,) and stored into the database field address. at the time of retrieving, the concatenated address, should be separated and assign to each textboxes.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Dropdownlist Selection To Populate Textbox With Database Field

Feb 15, 2011

I would like the user to select an item from a drop down list. Next to the drop down is a textbox or label control. From the ddl selection I would like to populate the textbox or label from a database with a corresponding field from the database the dropdownlist was populated from. On selectindexchange event I can populate the textbox with the Unique id from the value, but I need to input a different field into the textbox. Can I use some sort of variable to assign the Textbox.Text = ?

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamically Populate Gridview With Dropdownlist And Textboxes?

Jul 3, 2012

Scenario is: I have multiple positions and multiple employees. 

Now in one of my forms I know how many positions are there and corresponding to each position i want to show Employee DropDownList(DDL) and Text Boxes (Start Time, EndTime) and some comments for each position. Employee DDL will be populated from DB and Position name will be displayed on labels and that too are getting form DB

say at one instance i have 5 positions and then i want DDL of EmployeeName for each position and similarly TextBoxes for each positions Where i can ask user to full the information for each Position and user can save the data.

And at another instance similar behaviour is required if Positions are 10 , 3 , 8.

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Data Controls :: How To Bind Multiple Database Fields In One Cell Of Gridview

Jul 4, 2013

How can we use multiple field of database in one cell of gridview.

Like we have name,age,salry,address

i want in personal cell,            in address cell

name=*****             address=*****
Age=*****                salary=*******

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Data Controls :: Bind Multiple Columns From Database To Single Column Of GridView

May 7, 2015

Select,tbl_midname.midname,tbl_last.lastname As name
From tbl_name
inner join tbl_midname on
inner join tbl_last on

name mid name last name
Pavan Kumar Roy

How to bind all 3 column data in on column.

I need this result

Pavan Kumar Roy

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Web Forms :: Populate Multiple Cascading DropDownList On Selection On Main DropDownList

Aug 12, 2012

i have 3 drop down list in my page


this is  ddlzone1 code

protected void DDLzone1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DDLstore1.Items.Add(new ListItem("select center", ""));
DDLstore1.AppendDataBoundItems = true;
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("selectcenter", _cn);


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Web Forms :: Populate A Series Of Textboxes From An SQL Database Query?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a page of several textboxes, which I would essentially like to populate from a single query. However, to begin with, I find myself unable to even populate one textbox from one query!

I have based the following on a query previously advised to me for use with drop-down lists (hence the use of DataTable). I have adapted this as follows:


<asp:TextBox ID="tbNewDataNum" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>


Partial Public Class AddData
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim CommonFunctions As New CommonFunctions
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


I would like the Page_Load event to populate the textbox with this query, so that the value is present as soon as the page is presented. Also, how would you advise populating many different textboxes in one go, with one query? Is this possible too?

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Data Controls :: Bind Multiple Database Fields As QueryString Parameter For HTML Anchor Hyperlink Inside GridView?

Sep 6, 2013

I have an anchor tag in gridview

<a href ='<%#"Edit_TidalData.aspx?Id="+DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"id") %>,'

where id is the datakeyname of the grid now i had a requirement to add another datakename as UserId. and i need to have DataBinder.Eval for UserId also.

How am going to use two values in this anchor tag using DataBinder.Eval?

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Data Controls :: Filter GridView With Multiple Columns Using Multiple TextBoxes

May 7, 2015

I want search with multiple names in Name coloumn. example I have pass the criteria to Name cloumn is 'Atul', 'Mayur', 'Suraj' this three names how to pass in a query. 

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Forms Data Controls :: Paste Multiple Cells Data Of Excel To Multiple Textboxes In Gridview?

Feb 1, 2011

I have gridview with 3 columns and one textbox in each column. My requirement is when i paste 3 cells of copied data from excel to textbox in first column of gridview automatically 2nd cell data has to be pasted in textbox of 2nd column and 3rd cell data to textbox of 3rd column of gridview. How can it be done and can anyone provide the best code.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Show Multiple Column Data In Dropdownlist From Database

Jun 3, 2010

I want to retrieve data from various column,which may some have blank value, so my problem is i want to retrieve only filled column(not any blank column) from multiple column.. I am doing this (given below) but it didn't return anything...

Column Name Value

Restaurant Restaurant

Spa Spa



Fitness_Center_Gym Fitness_Center_Gym

OleDbCommand cmd1 = new OleDbCommand("select nID Restaurant+''+Spa+''+Parking+''+Bar_Pub+''+Fitness_Center_Gym AS Facility from add_property where ncity='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + "'", con);
DropDownList2.DataValueField = "nID";
DropDownList2.DataTextField = "Facility";

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Web Forms :: Bind Dropdownlist Text Value To Dataset, But Populate The Value Based On Number Of Items

Mar 7, 2011

I need to bind my dropdownlist to my dataset that is returning application specific text values. But for purposes on that page, i need to assign the value to each one starting at 0 to the number of items returned from my dataset..

Example, if my dataset only returns 1 item, the value of that item needs to be 0


If my dataset returns 4 items, the value of those items needs to be 0 thru 3


Is it possible to assign values like that to a dropdownlist from the code behind?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Multiple Database Fields From A DropDownList In A GridView?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a GridView with a DropDownList in it bound to the [Applicants] table in SQL Server 2005.

The DropDownList Items Text and Value come from SqlDataSource3, "SELECT VoucherType, VoucherNumber FROM [Vouchers]"

I need to send the DDLs selected Text to [Applicants].[VoucherTypeIssued] and the Value to [Applicants]. VoucherNumber]

I already have a "dlVoucherTypeIssued_SelectedIndexChanged" event in the code behind to put "Voucher Issued" into [dbo].[Vouchers].[VoucherStatus]. I'm having trouble getting all three values written to the database at the same time.

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