Data Controls :: Read Multiple ExcelSheet And Bind It To Multiple DropDownlist Using ClosedXml?

Feb 25, 2016

I am not able to find the projects related to working with excel sheets by using ClosedXML to refer. I have an excel book  which contains two sheets.

In sheet 01: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

Student name01       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name02       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name03       Student's phone number                        blabla

In sheet 02: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

course name01       computerscience              blabla

course name02       dhfsthshbstgs                  blabla

course name03       garsfghsefrgs                   blabla

now, I would like to see in two comboboxes (all the words/text presented in the column A) from two sheets, the student name and course name and then I want select any student name and course name of my choice. Afterwards, when I click on a button, my program should display the students phone number and the course name (from column B from both sheets) and related things present in the Column C D E.. of the selected things in combobox in a label or a in a textbox.

PS: I solved the following problem: I can select student name in one combobox and print the the corresponding data from the only one column B (but I worked only with one sheet). It is bit complicated for me to continue with two sheets.

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<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCookies" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save Cookie" OnClick="btnSave_Click" />
</div> <div >
<asp:Label ID="lblCookies" runat="server"></asp:Label>


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</HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr height="30px">
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} else {
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Select,tbl_midname.midname,tbl_last.lastname As name
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inner join tbl_midname on
inner join tbl_last on

name mid name last name
Pavan Kumar Roy

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Pavan Kumar Roy

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<div id="ulmenu">
<ul class="sf-menu">
<li class="current"><a href="#a">FURNITURE</a>
<asp:Repeater ID="rptMenu" runat="server">
<li><a href='#<%#Eval("name") %>'><%#Eval("name") %></a> </li>

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Jan 11, 2011

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<asp:DropDownList ID="ddllocation" runat="server" Width="80px">

How can i add tat option.

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