Data Controls :: Bind And Display Multiple Column Values As DropDownList Text
May 7, 2015How to bind two database field in single listbox in display field.
Is it possible ??
If yes then how can we implement it?
How to bind two database field in single listbox in display field.
Is it possible ??
If yes then how can we implement it?
How to show in dropdownlist text arabic and english in ....
View 1 RepliesI have one database in which student enroll no with his sem is stored . I want that if i enter stud enroll no then in dropdown list all the sem related to that stud should come. My databaseÂ
Stud enroll no     sem1      sem2       sem3      sem4
    1          July 2013   Jan 2014    July 2014   Jan 2015
    2          Feb 2013   Aug 2014    Feb 2014   Aug 2015Â
     3         July 2012   Jan 2013   July 2013   Jan 2014
Newbie here, I'm trying to setup a webpage using the following tutorial posted on this website: problem is when i try to add the fields on 2 columns on my table and then populate a dropdown list with the concatenated columnie. my table has the columns ID and Name. I want to display it as:"ID - Name" in my dropdownlist in stead of just Name. eg: "AB - Treatment Centre"I've been googling and so far the only solution i've come across is to generate a TableAdapter with the following query:
View 3 RepliesI have a table and 7 column name.
I bind the 7 column name in one dropdownlist.
Now the problem is,how do I extract the data value in a dropdownlist?
For example,
Dropdownlist contain 7 column name
when I click the subject_name,I want it to appear in a gridview
Below is my current codes which I have a problem.
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source= EN\SQLEXPRESS;" + "Initial Catalog=ms;Integrated Security=SSPI");
SqlDataAdapter adapSel;
string mySQL = "SELECT '" + dd_list.SelectedValue+ "' FROM examtimetable ";
adapSel = new SqlDataAdapter(mySQL, conn);
DataSet dsSel = new DataSet();
GridView1.DataSource = dsSel;
Previously I have bind 7 column name in my dropdownlist
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source= EN\SQLEXPRESS;" + "Initial Catalog=ms;Integrated Security=SSPI");
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='examtimetable' and COLUMN_NAME not like '%ID'", conn);
SqlDataReader ds;
ds = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
dd_list.DataSource = ds;
dd_list.DataTextField = "Column_Name";
dd_list.DataValueField = "Column_Name";
dd_list.Items.Insert(0, "Select Option");
How do I bind data from an Excel file named Book1.xlsx in Column A to a dropdownlist? I've tried like this:
cmdExcel.CommandText = "SELECT distinct BCName From [Sheet1$] where BCName <> '' and ProjectName like 'Total%';"
oda.SelectCommand = cmdExcel
dropdown1.DataSource = dt2
But the dropdown is filled with "System.Data.DataRowView" for all the 5 lines in the dropdown. How do I get the values shown instead of this? It must be some formatting of dt2 I think.
Using dropdown in gridview and bind the values in dropdown then based on dropdown display the value in another column.
View 1 RepliesI am not able to find the projects related to working with excel sheets by using ClosedXML to refer. I have an excel book  which contains two sheets.
In sheet 01: In column A: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In B: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In C:
Student name01      Student's phone number                       blabla
Student name02      Student's phone number                       blabla
Student name03      Student's phone number                       blabla
In sheet 02: In column A: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In B: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In C:
course name01      computerscience             blabla
course name02      dhfsthshbstgs                 blabla
course name03      garsfghsefrgs                  blabla
now, I would like to see in two comboboxes (all the words/text presented in the column A) from two sheets, the student name and course name and then I want select any student name and course name of my choice. Afterwards, when I click on a button, my program should display the students phone number and the course name (from column B from both sheets) and related things present in the Column C D E.. of the selected things in combobox in a label or a in a textbox.
PS: I solved the following problem: I can select student name in one combobox and print the the corresponding data from the only one column B (but I worked only with one sheet). It is bit complicated for me to continue with two sheets.
I have a gridview with 3 columns. In second column I want to display some text in 2 rows and then a gridview.
Here is my code:
The problem is my third row is displayed as a row under first column. How do I make it a separate column in my girdview. Not sure what is going wrong.
I am hoping this is not a silly question but I have been struggling to find an answer. I have created a web application to insert data into SQL database using T_SQL and stored procedures as I needed to update several tables at the same time. The design of a particular page is using text boxes and dropdown list's and not the default gridviews or details view as I wanted the page structure set out in a particular way. Anyways I now want to create an update page which I will get redirected to from a search page.My question is how do I assign the column values to text boxes or Dropdown lists from my Select statement. I was thinking of having a event in the page load method. Sort of like this 'Select InvoiceID, Invoicetype, Notes FROM TblInvoice Where Invoicenumber = @Invoicenumber " the parameter value @Invoicenumber will be assigned via the search page so I will also need to pull that in on the page load event. So my page would look something like this if say the:-
Textbox1 = InvoiceID(Value)
DropDownnlist1 = Invoicetype(Value)
Textbox2 = Notes(Value)
how to write this in a code behind page. I would then click a button to update the values if I changed them and write my update statement for the button click event which I know how to do .
 I have one dropdownlist control in my web page.
I want to fill my dropdownlist with multiple columns.
How can i acheive my goal?
I have a question in gridview, I want to combine my two or more records into a single cell with two rowsfor Example i have a ID, Name, Year Start, and Year End for Column name in database and i want call it into my gridview that the Year Start and Year End will combine to Year like:
In Database
ID Name Year Start Year End
1 Yourname 2010 2015
In Gridview:
ID Name Year
1 Yourname 2010 2015
in a year column i want it to two row..
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
I have two dropdownlist , now in one dropdownlist i want to bind only weather status nodes , and in other dropdownlist i want to bind only project classification node.
I want to bind three column with one row in gridview in with c#,
i want like this,Â
Name | Info
name | lastname
    | phone number
    | address
I get this by default
name | last name | phone number | addressÂ
sample SQL data:
eid ename
1 vijay
2 shankar
table 2:
id eid sal
1 1 4000
2 1 3000
3 2 2000
i want to bind the below data format in repeater.
Select,tbl_midname.midname,tbl_last.lastname As name
From tbl_name
inner join tbl_midname on
inner join tbl_last on
name mid name last name
Pavan Kumar Roy
How to bind all 3 column data in on column.
I need this result
Pavan Kumar Roy
I'm modifying an existing application. I need to be able to bind the Text property of an asp:DropDownList control to one of two fields when the page is rendered. The existing code is like this:
I've tried to use conditional logic on the .aspx page when setting the Text property, but everything I've tried results in an error. I've also tried using code-behind to set the Tetxt property in the Page_Load event. This doesn't generate an error, but it doesn't set the property either.
I have a one combobox and 3 textboxes and one sql datasource.
When I select the name in the textbox I want to show the values in the relevant textboxes. For instance, in the combobox when i select the Name of the employee the relevant information about this employee is shown in the 3 textboxes, i.e. age, cell #, extension.
I have a GridView control that has a SQLDataSource.
The GridView provides me with a list of musical artists (from the tblArtists)
In the Grid, I have a field, FKGenreID, that is a Foreign Key value for music Genres.
(An example of the data in that field would be "7", which upon lookup would mean Classical in the
tblGenreList table.)
What I'd like to do is add a DropDownList control that looks up the tblGenreList table and populates the DropDownList with the ID and Description from the tblGenreList Lookup table.
Now the tricky part is that if the GridView field (FKGenreID) has a value, then I'd like the corresponding Genre Description to be displayed in the DropDownList
Alternately, if there is no value for FKGenreID in the GridView, then I'd like the DropDownList to show that nothing was selected, but have the list of Genres available.
Most importantly here, when the user makes a selection, I'd like the GenreID (from the DropDownList) to be entered into the FKGenreID field in the GridView field.
My thought is that a gridview record may or may not have a value in the FKGenreID field. Either way, the DropDownList is bound to that field. The DropDownList would display a list ofGenre Descriptions for the user to select from. Upon selection, the GenreID column of the DropDownList becomes the value in for the FKGenreID field in the GridView.
Is this possible?
In case it matters, I'm using ASP.NET 4, Visual Studio 2010, and coding in VB
I am refering below url:
how to select items in dropdownlist if i bind it from database.
Once i select some items and save in database , after that i want items selected when page reloads that items bind in dropdown.
I want to retrieve data from various column,which may some have blank value, so my problem is i want to retrieve only filled column(not any blank column) from multiple column.. I am doing this (given below) but it didn't return anything...
Column Name Value
Restaurant Restaurant
Spa Spa
Fitness_Center_Gym Fitness_Center_Gym
OleDbCommand cmd1 = new OleDbCommand("select nID Restaurant+''+Spa+''+Parking+''+Bar_Pub+''+Fitness_Center_Gym AS Facility from add_property where ncity='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + "'", con);
DropDownList2.DataValueField = "nID";
DropDownList2.DataTextField = "Facility";
how to display the sum of the grid values (column).
I have 2 datagrids and i want to show the total of the values in a particular grid column.
in a column, each row has vaules E.g. 4 , 6, 7 etc .
I want to show them in a label as the total of the above ie, 17
Multiple DropDownList in GridView populated with unique values in ASP.Net
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to display two column values from a SQL database in to one DDL? I have been trying to write a SQL query, where in I select two fields to be displayed in the DDL but when I run the application it only displays one. Not sure why. Here is my code below:
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList8" runat="server"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Inventory_DBConnectionString %>"
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="SWITCH_ID" QueryStringField="ddl1"
Type="String" />
My database has 4 colums;
Singles and suppers are money fields for the price of same item. A bit like the price of a Small, Medium or Large item. What I would like to do is display the 'Singles' price and 'Suppers' price in seperate listitems so the user can choose 1 of them.
Traditional Name__________Size
Price of Single is: £1.50
Price of Supper is: £2.50
My page loads up with the correct items in TraditionalName colum but the DropDownList is completely empty. I'm aware I don't have anything in for DataValueField and DataTextField but I have tried putting things in these attributes, like Suppers and Singles, but nothing works, so I have taken them out below.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="TraditionalID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<asp:BoundField DataField="TraditionalID" HeaderText="TraditionalID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="TraditionalID" Visible="False" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="TraditionalName" HeaderText="Meal" SortExpression="TraditionalName" />
<asp:templateField HeaderText="Size">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2">
<asp:HiddenField ID="RowTraditionalName" runat="server" Visible="false" Value='<%# Eval("TraditionalName") %>' />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:The CodfatherConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT Suppers AS Suppers, Singles AS Singles FROM [Traditional] WHERE TraditionalName = @TraditionalName">
ControlParameter Name="TraditionalName" Type="String" ControlID="RowTraditionalName" PropertyName="Value" />