Data Controls :: Check For Duplicates While Inserting Data From GridView To Database

Apr 27, 2014

How to check for duplicates before inserting in SQL Server inGridView in ASP.Net ....

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I am writing code to insert values from an xml file. I check for a duplicate before inserting and delete if there is a match. Is there a more effecient way to prevent duplicates before insert a record? my code: private void LoadFData() { SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); SqlCommand oCommand = new SqlCommand(); oCommand.Connection = oConn; oCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oConn.Open(); // Load committee master files string[] strFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("fff", "ffff.dta", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); for (int i=0; i

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Data Controls :: Ignore Empty GridView Cells When Inserting GridView Row To Database

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With reference to the following link: [URL] .....

I want to save data to a different table. My save is working fine but the challenge is that it saves empty cells as well.I will like to save only QTyDelivered cell with value. Any empty QTyDelivered cell should be ignored (which means the row of QTyDelivered cell that is empty will not be saved) .How can i achieve this?

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C# - Gridview Check Duplicates Not Using Sql?

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I have a code:


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Data Controls :: Check For Duplicate Records While Inserting Data Using Details View Control

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I have a detail view form consist of five fields my 1st field is jobnumber which is primary key i want to do that when user by mistake enter the duplicate jobnumber error occur that this is already used how can i do this ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Checking For Duplicate Records In Gridview Before Inserting To Database?

May 10, 2010

I need to check for duplicate records before inserting them into the SQL database.Thus I have the following codes:

For count = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count
If (GridView1.Rows(count).DataItem("Student Name").Equals(dtDataTable.Rows(count).Item("Student ID"))) Then
lblMsg.Text = "Records Existed"
End If

but there are error message. "Object variable or With block variable not set."

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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Row In A Gridview And Send The Row Values To Database Table

Apr 27, 2010

I want to insert Data Rows into Gridview from web page and I want to send the Inserted Row to Database table.

So I have 3 columns to insert the row.

I added itemtemplate & fotter template with textbox control for each column Inside Templatefield.

I added two buttons [Insert & Cancel buttons ] in fotter template to insert the row in Gridview.

After debugging the page I can't see gridview in my webpage. i can see only EdItdatatemplate items only.Why ?

Can you look at my code & me to insert the records in gridview..

.aspx page,




View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: (Grid View Union Gridview) - (Gridview Intersection Gridview) - Avoiding The Duplicates

Jul 19, 2010

I have two gridviews, say 'A' and 'B'...I want to add all the rows of 'A' to 'B' while avoiding the duplicates....For eg:

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Data Controls :: How To Check CheckBox In GridView Based On Database Value

May 7, 2015

My query is to access the true/false value of checkbox in gridview.

I bind data into gridview where i used a checkbox in itemtemplate and bind the value with database field with checkbox Checked Property.

here in below code active is field where i stored the checkbox value True/False.

<ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="cb_active" runat="server" Checked='<%# Eval("active")%>' /> </ItemTemplate>

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Control Getting Numbers From GridView, But Just Duplicates?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a gridview that I loop through to get the x and y values of the chart control, and upon the first execution of this code, it looks great. But when the page posts back and it "refreshes" data, the original points on the chart control are still there, as well as the new values.

Is there any way to "delete" all data in the chart control to ensure this doesn't happen?

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Forms Data Controls :: Check Duplicate While Inserting Record From Texbox?

Aug 25, 2010

On inserting record, I want to check that for example if a user enters a telephone number for any record is already in the database then it should validate that the number already exists in table and you cannot enter a duplicate value.

Then if user will provide some other telephone number then he allows to insert record.

For insertion of record I used ObjectdataSource.

User will enter telephone number in a simple textbox.

I may want to inform that I am working in asp.net2.0 and also not allowed to use any third party control or ajaxtoolkit.

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Forms Data Controls :: Check A Checkbox In Gridview Depending On Database Value?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a field "Active" which can contain either 1 or 0. In the aspx form, I am displaying it in a checkbox in gridview. If the database value is 1, I should have the checkbox as checked, otherwise it should be unchecked. How can this be done.

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Forms Data Controls :: Check Box In Gridview - Checkbox Are Checkd If Database Values Are Match

May 15, 2010

i got my checkbox control in each row.actually my problem is i bound checkbox in a gridviw and i need those checkbox are checkd if database values are match.i do it like below


but problem is only one checkbox is page_Load i bind gridviw in ROwDatabound event i check Duecode in another i need only matching checkbox should be checked.

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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Data Into Database From Data Listview

Feb 24, 2011

i am having problem to insert data in database from data list view...I want that when i click on download hyperlink, the file that has been downloaded and all its other related information must get save in the database

Below I am providing my code. ..when i use the below code..all the files that are show in data list view get stored in the database along with the one that i have clicked...i am biniding data to data list view of other database/table and i want to store the file info that i have downloaded into another database/table..CODE IS...

public void DataList1_ItemBound(Object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)

if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) [code]....

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Data Controls :: Data Not Inserting In Service Based Database In Win Form?

Apr 27, 2016

i am working on window application with local (service based database ) database. but while i am inserting with this than no data insert into nor showing any error . but when connect with external sql server its working well. 

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("insert student (Id,Name,mobile,city) values (@Id,@Name,@mobile,@city)", con)) {
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Id", 126262);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", "manebde");
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mobile", 33333);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@city", "ss");
MessageBox.Show("data saved");

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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Grid Data Into SQL Database?

Jan 20, 2011

On BtnClick, I am inserting all data from my RADGRID into my SQL database. But it was just inserting 'zeros' for all records. what i am missing in the code. My code is below.


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DataSource Controls :: Data Is Not Inserting Into The Database?

Apr 25, 2010

Whenever I run the following code to insert a record into database:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data To Database?

Apr 11, 2010

I have this code and not sure what is wrong.

csconnection = New OleDbConnection (Stringconnection)
cscommand = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO Login ([Username], [Password], [Name], [DOB], [Gender], [Nationality]) VALUES (@Username, @Password, @Name, @Dob, @Gender, @Nationality);") [code]...

it just says errorat bottom of page and is there a way to tell the webpage to show me the error.

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck And Check The Check Box Inside Gridview Using Button?

Nov 12, 2010

i have a UP and DOWN buttons ouside a gridview and a checkbox inside the templated field .I will check the checkbox to sleect a row , after that if i click on UP button the checkbox above the selected checkbox should be selected.

same with when i click on DOWN button the checkbox below the selected checkbox should be selected.

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck / Check A Check Box Inside The Gridview

Jan 6, 2010

I have a grid view with two column has a no. like (123) and a check box....which user can checked or unchecked......all I need to do is that I need to disable the man handling of that check box......rather I would like to see a seperate grid view with the same no. of rows as of the first and in this gridview I may allow to type in or scan the no. and if this scanned or typed number matches any no. in the first gridview number then the corresponding check box should be checked/unchecked.

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data From TextBox To Database?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a textbox which the user writes a word into. They then press a button to add that word to a list which is stored in the database.

What is the code to do add their word to the database? Do I need code on the main aspx file or only on the code behind?

What I tried doing up until this point is that once the button is pressed, in the codebehind the following happens:


I get errors telling me that the column name Program is invalid (I have a table named Program with one column named ProgramName)

I looked at a bunch of tutorials but nothing is straight forward and simple, it keeps confusing me. I need the simple step by step instruction to do this. I'm using a SQL database and coding in VB

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data Into Database Table With Dataset Using C#?

Apr 1, 2010

Im Inserting data into database table with the help of datasets but its not inserting to table and even its not showing errors.

this is my code....


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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting/updating To Database Via Checkboxlist?

Jun 16, 2010

I've the user creation form where a user will be created by entering username. Below that is checkboxlist for UserGroup which is binded with the dataset with the all the usergroup. Hence up on entering the username and checkbox selected(as the user can belong to multiple UserGroups).At database end, there are basically 3 tables-


So when i click create new user, the UserId along with GroupID(whichever checked) is saved into UserToGroup table.Im relative to this kind of process and hence facing setbacks. Can somebody help in end to end process. From front to DB SP.

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DataSource Controls :: Display A Pop Up Message Box On Inserting The Data Into The Database?

Apr 24, 2010

i am trying to display a pop up message box on inserting the data into the database. The code i am using is as follows..


The problem is even on inserting the data and the data getting inserted into the database, the pop up mwindow does not get displayed. On debugging, it shows the value of i as 0.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Avoid Duplicates On A Data Grid

Jul 19, 2010

I am developing web application using Csharp on Visual studio 2008.How can I avoid duplicates on a data grid? I am using one form with datagrid. When I run it while it is in one of the folders AB it is running without any problems and data grid is displaying correct records. However, when I get the same and put it on a different Folder AB1 on the same machine and web server (IIS) it is displaying duplicated records?

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