C# - Gridview Check Duplicates Not Using Sql?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a code:


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Data Controls :: Check For Duplicates While Inserting Data From GridView To Database

Apr 27, 2014

How to check for duplicates before inserting in SQL Server inGridView in ASP.Net ....

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Forms Data Controls :: (Grid View Union Gridview) - (Gridview Intersection Gridview) - Avoiding The Duplicates

Jul 19, 2010

I have two gridviews, say 'A' and 'B'...I want to add all the rows of 'A' to 'B' while avoiding the duplicates....For eg:

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Control Getting Numbers From GridView, But Just Duplicates?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a gridview that I loop through to get the x and y values of the chart control, and upon the first execution of this code, it looks great. But when the page posts back and it "refreshes" data, the original points on the chart control are still there, as well as the new values.

Is there any way to "delete" all data in the chart control to ensure this doesn't happen?

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck And Check The Check Box Inside Gridview Using Button?

Nov 12, 2010

i have a UP and DOWN buttons ouside a gridview and a checkbox inside the templated field .I will check the checkbox to sleect a row , after that if i click on UP button the checkbox above the selected checkbox should be selected.

same with when i click on DOWN button the checkbox below the selected checkbox should be selected.

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck / Check A Check Box Inside The Gridview

Jan 6, 2010

I have a grid view with two columns...one column has a no. like (123) and a check box....which user can checked or unchecked......all I need to do is that I need to disable the man handling of that check box......rather I would like to see a seperate grid view with the same no. of rows as of the first and in this gridview I may allow to type in or scan the no. and if this scanned or typed number matches any no. in the first gridview number then the corresponding check box should be checked/unchecked.

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How To Check All Check Boxes Are Checked Or Not In A Gridview

Dec 3, 2010

finding all check boxes in asp.net grid view is checked or not.

Depending on this I have to grayed out a button...

I have to enable the button depending on all check boxes are checked..

how to do this and on which event i have to place my code.

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Removing Duplicates In List?

Dec 16, 2010

i have list<player> with duplicates.

i need to create another list<player> from the first list <player> with out any duplicates.

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C# - SQL - Returning Duplicates From Join?

Dec 17, 2010

My SQL query joins on multiple tables, and because of this it is displaying multiple results. I know about SELECT DISTINCT, but one of the fields ('Account.Name') is occasionally different, so it treats this record as a new row. Here is my SQL:


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How To Remove Duplicates From A List In C#

May 3, 2010

I want to remove duplicates from this list:

List<Dictionary<string, object>> val = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();

It does not work if I apply Distinct() in this way:

List<Dictionary<string, object>> result = val.Distinct().ToList<Dictionary<string, object>>()

Update: Problem is now solved. I used the MySQL union command to read table from the database.

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Can Avoid Duplicates From Array (in C#)

Feb 15, 2010

i want to avoid duplicate entries from array.....(in c#)

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Hit Insert Several Times And Got Duplicates?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a simple asp.net web forms page that does an insert to my sql server db. My server was running slow at the time and I pressed Insert button several times because I didn't think it took but it did all 3 times.So I have duplicates from that one interaction. How would I prevent this?

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DataSource Controls :: Getting The Duplicates In A Column?

Jan 1, 2010

I have a table named dups. There are 4 columns in the table.

id, name, path, hash

I want to return only the name, path, hash of each row where the hash field is the same. Example there are 100 rows but only two qualify the return would be.

file1 c: 10909
file4 d: 10909

For some reason this seems to be a more difficult task than I though it would be.

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SQL Server :: How To Union Two Queries Without Duplicates

Aug 27, 2010

I have a sql query that returns 4 columns CustName CustId CustZip CustPhone

I have a second sql query that returns the following 5 columns

CustName CustId CustZip CustEmail CustAddress

Both queries, query different data tables in the database, but return columns that are common to


How do I union the two queries(Assuming a union is needed)

Which will result in no duplicates and an end result being the following output:

CustName CustId CustZip CustPhone CustEmail CustAddress

As you can see we want to not have duplicate values on output. So something like the following
is not acceptable:

Jeff Stamper 2222234 81224 498-300-2222
Jeff Stamper 2222234 81224 498-300-2222 js@jj.com 122 Mars Blvd
Karen Bops 3322234 81666 498-300-2222
Karen Bops 3322234 81666 498-300-2222 kb@lpo.com 322 Jamer Road

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Doing Group Duplicates In Generic List

May 25, 2010

i have these values in my generic list:

Product Name ItemCount Additional Info
Brioche & Jam 2
Almond Croissant 4
Mixed Salad(v) 20 No Onions
Mixed Salad(v) 5

What i am trying to do is group the duplicates so now the list would look like this:

Product Name ItemCount Additional Info
Brioche & Jam 2
Almond Croissant 4
Mixed Salad(v) 25 No onions

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Finding Duplicates In String And Display?

Aug 4, 2010

Let say I have a string like this

Dim Mystring as String = "Dogs;cats;Dogs;apple;cars;dogs;cats"

I want to only find the values that is in the string more then once....and then create a new string

like Result Dim NEWstring as String = "Dogs;cats"

View 9 Replies

SQL Server :: Insert Date And No Duplicates

Oct 8, 2010

I am importing images names from a file into a database by using the code below. When I import the image names, I aslo want to add a date of "June 12, 2009" in the DATE column. Finally, I do not want to import any duplicates. Is there something I can change in this code to make that happen?

declare @cmd varchar(1000)
set @cmd = 'dir "D:imagesREVIVE" /b'
if (object_id('ImageTable..tblimages') is not null)
insert into tblimages (imgname)
execute xp_cmdshell @cmd
delete e
from tblimages e
where ISNULL(e.imgname, '') = ''
select *
from tblimages
create table tblimages ([id] int identity(1,1), imgname varchar(1000))
insert into tblimages (imgname)
execute xp_cmdshell @cmd
delete e
from tblimages e
where ISNULL(e.imgname, '') = ''
select *
from tblimages

View 7 Replies

.net - CssClass Duplicates On An UpdatePanel Update?

Apr 20, 2010

I've got a simple user control in my ASP.NET Webforms project which inherits from the LinkButton. It's got a property to change the size, which just adds some predefined CSS classes to the control.

Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
Dim SizeClass As String = String.Empty
If Size = SizeEnum.Large Then
SizeClass = "large"


So when it renders the class property is something like class="button small".

When this control is placed inside an update panel along with some other things, when the update panel updates the class property for every one of these controls becomes class=" button small button small button small button small button small button small button small button small button small button small button small button small button small"

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Web Forms :: Remove Duplicates From List Method?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a Method that returns 4 records like this.

Name: Test1
Year: 2010
Value: $1000

Name: Test2
Year: 2010
Value: $1000

Name: Test3
Year: 2011
Value: $2000

Name: Test4
Year: 2011
Value: $1000

I need a way to get the unique years just ( 2010, 2011) rather than all 4 years, rest of the data could be duplicates.

Here is the method:

public List<TestCosts> GetTestvalues(string testid)
List<TestCosts> testlist = Testscores.List(testid);
return testlist;

Most of the examples of removing duplicates I saw have a list of one item only but in my case I have 3 items per record and I need to loop through each record, find the duplicate years, remove them and then return the distinct list of years along with the other data.

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Web Forms :: How To Avoid Data Class Duplicates

Jan 7, 2010

I have several LINQ-auto-created data classes which are created using dragging and dropping database tables into the Visual Studio LINQ design pane. Also, in my project I have to manually create WCF data-contract classes. Each WCF contract class is for one LINQ-auto-created data classes; one to one. Is there some better way to reduce the efforts to this problem? e.g. inheritance or something else to create WCF datacontract class from existing LINQ-data class.



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Building An Import Process That Checks For Duplicates?

Dec 1, 2010

Using ASP.NET, I'm building an admin tool that requires a function to import a list of email addresses. Upon uploading the file, I want to check for existing records for any of the email addresses supplied. For non-existing email addresses, I would create them using my DAO.

Basically I want to:

Receive list of emails
Retrieve data for existing emails
Create data for new emails in db
Return full data for all emails in list.

Since I want to know which of the emails exist up front, my first thought was to query the table for all records WHERE Email IN ('Email001FromFile', 'Email002FromFile', 'etc...') but the list could potentially contain thousands of email addresses, and I'm not certain supplying that many email addresses to the IN operator would be a good idea.

I also thought about looping through the list and checking for a record for each email, but that would potentially generate far too many queries.

My next thought was to generate a temp table to hold the list and modify the IN clause to use the temp table, rather than an explicit list of items, but that would require I execute SQL or a stored procedure directly, which I'm not inclined to do since I'm using NHibernate to access my DB.

Though I am using ASP.NET (C#) and NHibernate

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Web Forms :: Uploading Files In Button Click But Getting Duplicates?

Aug 7, 2010

In a button click event, I am uploading files to my server but getting duplicates in the loop.

So if a user uploads 3 i end up with 6 and if i refresh it loops again

Am I missing some code so that just 1 file of is processed.


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Select Multiple Items From DropDownList Into TextBox - No Duplicates

Dec 7, 2010

i used the following technique to Select multiple items from DropDownList into TextBox with No duplicates, however i dont think it is the most proper way, any ideas. pressing again with same value selected choose another value from DDL and press button

Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If TextBox2.Text.Contains(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text) Then
Dim m As New Label
m.Text = "duplicate !"
Exit Sub
End If
If TextBox2.Text = "" Then
TextBox2.Text = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + " , " + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text
End If
End Sub

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Web Forms :: Use Multiple AdRotator Controls On One Webpage - No Duplicates?

Nov 4, 2010

Is there a way to use two adrotators controls on one page and stop the same advert appearing at the same time in both controls?

I have the following but it doesn't work:

protected void AdRotator1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (AdRotator1 == AdRotator)

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DataSource Controls :: Can Pull A Top Record And Avoid Duplicates

Feb 3, 2010

I have location #s, date, time, the sales amount, and tax in a excel file. The system pulls sales numbers throughout the day from each store location and places the total sales and tax numbers along with the polling date into a file.

So the most current date/time has the most upto date sales numbers at the time for that location number, but it also lists the older entries so mgmt can see how sales went during the day, and this is where my issue is, I don't need to see the old numbers from this generated file (atleast at this part of the program).

What I would like to do is write a query that only selects the most recent sales numbers for each location. I will output this to a table in ASP.NET. The query I tried using the TOP 1 clause only gave me the very first row listed below.


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